First emperor of the human race

Chapter 359 One Sword Destroys Thousands of Heroes

Chapter 359 One Sword Destroys Millions of Heroes
The city wall of Sun City is still being repaired because of Su Chen's stunning sword, but due to limited manpower, the speed of repair is very slow.

When Su Chen and Zhao Yun fell onto the city wall from the sky, outside the Sun City, countless dense trees were slowly walking towards this side.

The ground seemed to be trembling slightly, and the treants that struck like a torrent looked very spectacular, and the number was immeasurable.

"It came so fast."

Looking at these treants, Su Chen's eyes also turned cold. When he released the messenger bird to notify the Quartet, Su Chen expected that there would be an army of foreign races coming to attack.

It's just that they didn't expect that the other party would come so fast. War is not a child's play. From Su Chen's decision to conquer the Eastern Wilderness to the departure of the army, even with Daxia's high efficiency, it took half a year preparation time.

But it's been less than a month since he released the messenger bird for these tree people to arrive here, right?

"Emperor, the minister is guilty, and he only found out when he let the soldiers of the foreign race come to the city. Please also ask the emperor to give the minister a chance to forgive the sin, and let the minister lead the troops to defeat the enemy."

Chen Qingzhi knelt down on one knee and said with a face of shame.

However, when Su Chen heard Chen Qingzhi's words, he also frowned slightly. Chen Qingzhi was cautious by nature, don't look at what he said now, but Su Chen believed that the white-robed army's warning scouts had been sent out at least five hundred miles away.

But he couldn't find the enemy approaching, so there might be another mystery behind it.

"Get up and talk first, I ask you, did the scouts send back the information on time?"

With the improvement of Su Chen's realm, not to mention one treasure of the level of mother and son dish, it is standard equipment in the elite army of Great Xia.

With the existence of a mother and son dish, communication within a thousand miles can be said to be unimpeded, and the existence of scouts who need to transmit important information, they have a son dish, every hour, they need to send a message back to determine whether it is safe.

"Just a quarter of an hour ago, the scouts in charge of guarding the perimeter sent back news that everything was fine. In my opinion, they may have been controlled by the other party, or else..."

Chen Qingzhi didn't continue, but he looked at the treant below with a solemn expression, his eyes full of fighting intent.

"Otherwise, they are already nearby here, so the security scouts five hundred miles away failed to discover and report that everything is normal."

Su Chen calmly looked at the treants below who were still approaching and said.

"The emperor is wise, I have inquired about it, and there is a race called iron tree people in the eastern part of the Eastern Wasteland. They have treasures called war horns in their hands, which can call the surrounding trees to fight for them. As I expected, these tree people It is the supernatural power of the war horn."

Chen Qingzhi said with a cold look in his eyes: "This is a god. With such power, it can summon millions of troops to join the battlefield anytime and anywhere, and there is no need to worry about the casualties of our own soldiers."

It can arouse the trees in the world to turn into treants to fight for it. Such a treasure must at least be an acquired treasure, and its power is very terrifying.

Of course, they might just be Lingbao-level things, but a single supernatural power has been strengthened.

For this, Su Chen is more inclined to the latter. After all, the Eight Desolation Continent is suppressed by the Dao of Heaven, and things of the acquired Lingbao level are extremely rare. Even Li Ji only has a purple gold cloud bowl.

Su Chen looked into the distance, and he could feel that although there were many trees in this group, their strength was generally not strong, and their individual strength was very weak.

After all, these are all made of trees that can be seen everywhere in the Eastern Wasteland. Even if an ordinary tree contains a little spiritual energy, it will not be very powerful.

"There is no reason not to fight when the enemy comes, but the battle of defending the city is not suitable for your cavalry, so let me lead this battle."

Su Chen thought for a while, and his eyes were full of killing intent. This was his first battle to conquer the Eastern Wasteland and save the human race.

Su Chen wanted to let the alien races in Donghuang know that the Great Xia Dynasty was much stronger than they imagined. At the same time, he also wanted to send a message to the human race in Donghuang, that is, Su Chen had the capital to protect the human race in Donghuang.

"The emperor can't, let the minister wait."

Hearing Su Chen's words, Chen Qingzhi and Zhao Yun were shocked, and they knelt down and said, "You can't risk yourself!"

Their perception is not as terrifying as Su Chen's. Shuqiong's tree people stir up the aura of heaven and earth. They still don't know how powerful the tree people below are, but their number may be in the millions.

The city wall of Sun City was hundreds of feet high, but it was full of treants as far as the eye could see. Facing such a terrifying number, it might be difficult to defend.

Even if Su Chen is in the real fairyland, he might be exhausted.

If something happened to Su Chen, then the two of them would really die.

"I have made up my mind. In this battle, I will fight out my great Xia power."

After Su Chen finished speaking lightly, his clothes fluttered, and when he turned his right hand, the clear and sharp Nine Emperor Sword appeared in his hand.

This battle is only allowed to win, not to lose!
In an instant, the killing intent soared to the sky, and the spiritual power shook all directions. The spiritual power of the Nine Emperor Sword was infused like a vast ocean, and the mountains and rivers turned around, and the sun and the moon collapsed.


The ground was trembling, Su Chen was slowly floating in the air, countless golden dragons appeared and disappeared around his body, and the black gilt fur robe on his body rose up without wind.

As Su Chen flew to the outside of Sun City, the dense tree people around had already raided not far outside the city.

On the shoulders of one of the tall treants, a treant who was only about the size of a human race slowly stood up, and said in a jerky common language of the human race: "You are the Great Xia Emperor, right?"

Hearing the other party's question, Su Chen glanced at him with interest, because the other party's appearance was similar, at first Su Chen and others did not see the existence of this tree man.

"not talking?"

"Or, are you just a mute?"

"Forget it, those are not important anymore. The prophet of my family asked me to tell you that now you have a chance to survive, and that is to submit to the great iron tree man."

"Only in this way can you lowly human race survive. In addition, sending those few people with the fragrance physique is a small compensation for your mistakes."

"Of course, the city you are in must also be handed over. After all, to you, this is just a lonely city. It is useless for you to stay. It is better to leave it to us."

The tree man said loudly, his tone was extremely disdainful towards Su Chen, and from the beginning to the end, he didn't even say his own name.

Although the tree man's human language was not fluent, it still had a sense of superiority, as if everything was under control, as if he could come here to give Su Chen the greatest importance and gift.

Zhao Yun, who was paying attention to Su Chen on the city wall, almost couldn't hold back and gave him the "Dragon Dan" combat skill directly with that lofty appearance and words.

The tree man raised his head, but he was not looking at Su Chen, but simply felt that only in this way could he show his contempt for the human race.

The noble treant, one of the overlords of the Eastern Desolation Continent, can be violated and resisted by a mere human race?

With a sharp sword cry, Su Chen didn't speak, and started directly!

So what if you have millions of heroes?What if I only have an isolated city?

A city, I also fight.

One sword is enough to stop your army from millions!

With the sound of the sword, the heavens and the earth were shocked, and the aura bloomed wildly. The sword light was about a hundred feet wide, and the length of the sword pierced the sky and went straight to the tree man army.

Under the huge gathering of spiritual energy, shocking visions continued to erupt.

The mountains and rivers are subverting, the sun and the moon are reversing, everything is invincible, and the mountains are unstoppable. The spiritual power alone is enough to crush the mountains, and the sharpness of the sword can shatter the world.


With the loud sound that shook the sky, the huge sword glow rushed to the front of the treant army, swept across countless treants, and the sword glow ruthlessly tore and cut the hard bodies of the treants.

Many human soldiers standing on the city wall opened their mouths one after another. With a single sword attack by Su Chen, all the soldiers of the Shu people were wiped out!

Looking at the air that was still flashing with thunder and the bottomless gully in the distance, Chen Qingzhi was shocked, and then said with a wry smile: "Hey, the city wall has not been repaired, and the emperor's sword will go down." , there is no road outside, what should I do.”

(End of this chapter)

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