Chapter 364 A farce

When Su Chen, Xiang Yu and Gao Shun were discussing secretly in Sun City to defend the Iron Tree people.

In the iron tree man's base camp, several haggard iron tree men were watching the information about Daxia coming from below.

And the things written in the information are really the detailed process of the million tree people being wiped out by Su Chen with a sword.

"This human race is very strong, I am afraid it is already a strong man in the late stage of the real fairyland?"

An iron tree man looked at the information in his hand with hazy eyes and said.

"Well, although those tree people are very low-level, they can kill millions with a single sword. This is also a great thing. How are the people below preparing? These human races cannot be kept, and must be killed as soon as possible. "

Another tree man spoke slowly.

"It's almost ready. If you don't count my iron tree people, the army of other races will be in the millions. If you count my iron tree people, I don't believe that these human races can be defeated by just one Sun City." is our opponent."

Another tree man said.

"Then send an order and let them start attacking the city. For some reason, I always feel that something is going to happen these days. These human races are very extraordinary. It's a pity that they appeared in my eastern region. If they came from On the site of the hundred monks, how good is it to change?"

The tree man who spoke first was full of regret.


After the iron tree people's army followed the orders of the prophets in the clan, they all began to encircle Sun City one after another.

On the city wall of Sun City, Zhao Yun looked serious, and the guards under him were the same. As no one made a sound, a heavy aura enveloped almost everyone.

Black clouds are overwhelming the city and want to destroy it...

The outside world, following Zhao Yun's first glance, is densely packed with aliens, but these are different from the Central Desolation Wing Human Alliance Army, these aliens are not an organized army, but a group of mobs that seem to be chaotic.

"How does Zilong see it?"

When Zhao Yun said that he was staring down with a very serious expression, beside him, Chen Qingzhi also asked with a serious expression.

"It's hard to say, these alien races have been very active since an hour ago, but now an hour has passed, and they still don't look like they are going to attack the city at all. I'm afraid they are waiting for something."

Zhao Yun thought for a while, although defending the city was not his strong point, but as the military chief of the town guard cavalry, his understanding of war could be said to have reached an extremely high level.

"How are the preparations for the west city wall? Although the city wall there has been repaired a lot, it is still the weakest of the four walls. I guess they will use the west city wall as a breakthrough."

Zhao Yun said with some worry.

"It's okay, don't look at the western city wall that seems to be weak. If there is a trap camp and General Xiang Yu's defense, then it is impenetrable, and the emperor has already personally guarded it. If these aliens really dare to choose the western city wall as the main direction of attack... ..."

Chen Qingzhi didn't finish his sentence, but Zhao Yun, who had heard his words, had completely let go of his worries. If he didn't say anything else, just saying that the emperor had personally sat on the west city wall, then everything would be safe.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

While Zhao Yun and the others were still paying close attention to the alien army outside the city, with the tremors of the ground, in the distance outside the city, dozens of treants who were so huge that they were hundreds of meters tall and comparable to the city wall of Sun City came over.

Seeing the acquaintance in front of him who was so huge that he didn't look like it, whether it was Zhao Yun or Chen Qingzhi, both of them immediately widened their eyes.


The two looked at each other, their eyes filled with shock.

In Zhonghuang, the largest creature is the siege monster, but even if they are adults, they are only close to seventy battles.

But if the tree people in front of you are counted as the top of the crown, they are probably no less than a hundred feet old, right?

Su Chen squinted his eyes slightly. The appearance of these giant treants was indeed somewhat beyond his imagination, but that was all. In the universe, some huge creatures were thousands of miles in size. He had seen them with his own eyes before. The head is that of a strong alien with huge stars.

The reason why Su Chen was surprised was because they didn't expect that the Iron Tree clan would have such a trump card. Considering their size, even the walls covered with defensive runes would not be able to withstand a few attacks from them.

Fear will spread, and as these huge treants get closer and closer to Sun City, the soldiers on the city wall inevitably tremble slightly.

And as far as this is concerned, although they are trembling, they have not lost their fighting spirit.

"Don't panic, they are just some big trees that have evolved over the years, stick to their posts, I am with you."

Seeing the emotions of the soldiers on the city wall, Su Chen flew directly to the sky and shouted loudly.

Hearing Su Chen's words, those who saw Su Chen, the fear in the hearts of the soldiers on the city wall finally decreased a lot. After all, they had seen the power of Su Chen's sword with their own eyes.

Compared to that shocking sword, what are these treants?
Seeing that the morale of the soldiers had been boosted again, Chen Qingzhi and Zhao Yun also flew up slowly. Although Su Chen said it was easy, the strength of these dozens of huge trees was indeed extraordinary.

It's no wonder that the Iron Tree clan can dominate the east. These dozens of giant treants with legendary strength alone are enough to conquer the former Central Desolate Continent.

Just when Zhao Yun and Chen Qingzhi were going to attack these giant treants first, bursts of roars suddenly came from behind these treants.


"Boom boom boom!"

Heavy footsteps were trampling the ground, and in the slightly wrinkled eyes of Zhao Yun and Chen Qingzhi, two black "giant apes" were just soaring into the sky.

And seeing these two giant apes, whether it was Chen Qingzhi, Zhao Yun, or even Su Chen, their expressions were shocked.

The Behemoth Behemoth has arrived. After following Su Chen from the Behemoth tribe to Daxia to rescue Shuguang City, Su Chen has never let them go to the battlefield.

At that time, there were only two of them left, although under Su Chen's means, a new Behemoth was successfully bred with the blood of the two behemoths.

But Su Chen thought he was pitiful, and he cared deeply for the two of them.

Behemoths are originally war artifacts, and they are fearless on the battlefield with the flesh of a real fairyland.

Seeing the two behemoths leaping towards the two giant treants respectively, Su Chen knew that today's battle is no longer a worry, and not only that, since the appearance of these two behemoths, the Eastern Wilderness can be said to be Completely belongs to Daxia.

"The Beamon tribe under the command of the Great Xia human emperor has arrived, who dares to fight my Beamon tribe?"

Su Chen could tell that it was the voice of the priest of the Behemoth Tribe, and as his voice fell, there was the sound of fighting from behind the trees.


Arrows rained across the sky, and countless arrows covered the aliens outside the Sun City like a torrential rain. At the same time, a voice shouted: "The night elves join the battle under the banner of the Great Xia human emperor."

However, just as the rain of arrows stopped and the shouts were still echoing, another voice rang out from another direction: "Under the banner of Emperor Daxia of the Human race, the orc army joins the battle, and the iron tree people are killed!"

Behemoth tribe, night elves tribe, orc army, with the addition of these three powerful armies, the siege battle of the iron tree tribe ended before even approaching the city wall, and everything seemed like a farce.

Seeing all this, the people in the city changed from worrying to being joyful and cheering now. At this moment, in addition to the shouts of killing from the outside world, there was a voice echoing in the entire sky, that is...

"Long live the human race, long live the emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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