First emperor of the human race

Chapter 370 Spirit Clan and Medicine Clan

Chapter 370 Spirit Clan and Medicine Clan

Su Chen didn't bring anyone with him this time, even Nezha was ordered by him to go to the front line to help out.

Today's Eight Desolation is no longer the world of Legendary Realm. Although there are not many real fairylands, there are still people who are constantly breaking through.

The Daxia army does not lack powerful combat power, but if the opponent is from the real fairyland, you will have to pay a heavy price if you want to kill it. Sit on the front line.

Of course, in ordinary wars, Su Chen does not allow Daji and other women to take action, but if the other party dares to come, then Su Chen will let them see what kind of foundation Daxia has.

Comparing the number of monks in the real fairyland, there is no one in the Eastern Wilderness that is as powerful as the Great Xia Dynasty.

The city was bustling with foreigners, and Su Chen didn't do anything to cover up, so whenever a foreigner passed by him, he would inevitably look at him with strange eyes.

But looking at it is nothing more than looking at it. After all, this is the territory of the Hundred Worlds Monk Clan, and it is also an important place to obtain resources, so no one has ever come up to trouble him.

"Hey, have you received the news? Wugou, the arrogant of the human race, is about to be auctioned off. This is a rare opportunity. Wugou's body, hehe, if it is used for alchemy, it can be refined into Wugou Holy Pill Yes."

Beside Su Chen, several foreigners were talking. Hearing what they said, Su Chen frowned slightly.

He came here on this trip, firstly to find out how the power integration of the Hundred Generations Monk Clan is going, and secondly, he came here for Wugou.

Chen Wugou, the most outstanding human youth on the Eastern Desolate Great Road, was only a hundred years old and already possessed the strength of the peak Nirvana Realm.

Don't think that this level of strength is not good for Su Chen and the people around him, but you must know that this is in the Eastern Wilderness, where the status of the human race is low, not to mention the cultivation resources, and there is not even some slightly complete cultivation inheritance.

And this Chen Wugou was able to cultivate to the peak of Nirvana under such conditions, it was due to his extraordinary talent.

As for where Su Chen got to know about Chen Wugou, it's a coincidence that he and Linglong and the others belong to the same tribe. successfully escaped.

That human race was completely wiped out by the alien race. If Linglong hadn't been lucky enough to activate the Tianzun pendant and be able to teleport away, she might have been captured and auctioned off by the alien race just like her four younger sisters.

Not long ago, after the Great Xia army settled in the eastern part of the Eastern Desolation, Linglong accidentally heard the news about Chen Wugou from some foreign races, and then she told Su Chen the news.

First, she wanted to ask Su Chen to save Chen Wugou's life. Second, no matter whether Su Chen saved him or not, Linglong herself could feel at ease. After all, she had lost everything because of Chen Wugou. She didn't owe Chen Wugou anything. Dirt what.

After Su Chen heard the words of these foreigners, he also walked towards the "market" these people called with great interest.

"Come here, take a look, the freshly baked Spirit Gathering Pill, and it was refined by people from the Medicine Clan, don't miss it when you pass by."

If you don't look at the person and just listen to his voice, no one would have thought that such a shouting person would be of a foreign race.

Hearing his words, Su Chen also stopped in his tracks. Of course, he didn't like the so-called Gathering Spirit Pill anymore. Even if he gave Su Chen that kind of thing, he didn't like it.

The reason why Su Chen stopped was because he heard this person talking about the Yao clan.

Yao clan, this is probably the alien that Su Chen dislikes the least among the ten thousand clans.

The other alien races in the Eastern Wilderness are more or less happy to bully the human race. Even if there are a few who do not bully, they will not intersect with the human race on an equal footing.

But the Yao family is different, they are peaceful in nature, no matter who they are, regardless of high or low, they all deal with each other with an equal attitude.

Even in the previous life, when Su Chen was Emperor Su, these members of the medicine clan did not have the slightest flattery, and therefore, Su Chen had a very good sense of the medicine clan.

If the peace of the elves is the peace of high coldness, then the medicine family is the peace of all rivers. This is a special race.

"Brother, do you want two? Just ten middle-grade spirit stones are all you need."

The foreigner who yelled and sold medicine hurriedly said after seeing someone coming, but to Su Chen's surprise, after seeing that Su Chen was a human race, he was only startled for a moment, and then continued to sell to Su Chen or his own elixir.

"Are you a member of the Spirit Race?"

Hearing the other party's words, Su Chen also took a look at this foreigner, but he didn't know what to do if he didn't look at him. He was startled when he looked at him. This foreigner who was shouting hard here turned out to be a rare spirit tribe.

The Spirit Race, this is one of the most powerful races in the Eight Desolation. Compared with the Golden Crow, the Spirit Race may have a higher status among the Eight Desolation and Ten Thousand Races.

"who are you?"

Hearing that Su Chen revealed his identity in a single mouthful, the person of the Spirit Race immediately became vigilant. Seeing the faint light in his hand, Su Chen was also stunned. For a long time, this guy was actually hiding his identity of the Spirit Race.

But also, what the Spirit Race is best at is the method of controlling spirits, and their own strength is very weak. If there are no spirits around them, they are just some stronger alien races.

"You don't have to worry about who I am, I ask you, do you know the people from the medicine clan who made this spirit-gathering pill?"

Su Chen nonchalantly picked up the two spirit-gathering pills in front of him and asked, with his eyesight, he could see that these two pills were indeed made by the medicine family.

"What do you want to do?"

Hearing Su Chen's words, this spirit clan member became even more vigilant.

Like other Spirit Races, the Medicine Races themselves do not have strong combat power. What they are good at is nothing more than alchemy and medicine. If there were not many powerful races to attach to, they would have been extinct long ago.

Seeing the other party's performance, Su Chen frowned even more. This seemed to be a little different from what he thought. Since the other party sells the elixir refined by the medicine family, why is it that they are afraid of being discovered by others? look?

"I got the elixir from a secret place when I was young. As for the person who made it, I have never seen it before. There are only two elixirs. If you want to sell ten middle-grade spirit stones, if it is for the person who made the elixir idea, then I think you are thinking too much."

The man of the Spirit Race said with a vigilant face, and Su Chen looked at him, this guy seemed to be planning to run away.

"Hehe, since that's the case, forget it, I want these two spirit-gathering pills."

Su Chen smiled, and then he took out ten middle-grade spirit stones and put them in front of the Spirit Race man, then picked up the two spirit-gathering pills and left without looking back.

After seeing the back of Su Chen leaving, the man of the Spirit Race was also suspicious, but when Su Chen's back disappeared into the crowd, he also left here quickly.

Feeling the medicinal power of the elixir in his hand, Su Chen can conclude that the person from the Spirit Race is lying. Although these two spirit-gathering pills were not refined on the spot, the refining time will never exceed three days.

"Forget it, after I go to see what kind of arrogance this Chen Wugou is, I will look for you again."

Just now, when Su Chen put down the spirit stone, he had already left a mark on the spirit man's body. With the strength of this spirit man, as long as he is still in the Eastern Wilderness, no matter where he goes, Su Chen will go can be found.

(End of this chapter)

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