First emperor of the human race

Chapter 375 The Battle of Dragon Slaying

Chapter 375 The Battle of Dragon Slaying
Where the dragon belongs, the world is respected. Although the dragon has not come in person, the glorious dragon power is no longer something ordinary people can bear.

"dong dong"

The huge sharp claws scratched out several potholes on the ground, and the wings covering the sky made Su Chen narrow his eyes slightly.

The real dragon will not come from across the star field, Su Chen has already confirmed this point, but to Su Chen's surprise, the strong man of the century-old monk family actually took the dragon soul into his body, which made Su Chen a little surprised .

"hold head high!"

A dragon chant shook the world, this may be the first time a dragon has descended on the Eight Wilderness Continent since the Heavenly Dao suppressed it.

Under the dragon's chant, the surrounding mountains and rivers were shattered, and the sky became surging because of the dragon's chant.

As the saying goes, the cloud follows the dragon, the wind follows the tiger, but the wind has no form, and the cloud has no form. The image of the dragon in front of you is also a precedent for the Eight Wastes Continent.


With the ear-piercing sound of Jin Ming, the Nine Emperor Sword has also been unsheathed. Although the opponent is not a complete real dragon descending, it cannot be underestimated.

"I am the dragon of the storm, Ao Feng, who are you?"

The cyan scales, the thick four claws, the spread wings on the back even cover the sky and the sun, and the emerald green dragon eyes are full of supreme majesty. Compared with the traditional image of the earth's oriental dragon, this one is the evil western dragon. The image of the dragon.

"Clouds have no phase, and there are hundreds of species of dragons, all of which are different, but I heard that you call yourself Ao Feng, with such an image, you are probably a bastard, right?"

Su Chen waved the Nine Emperor Sword in his hand casually, then looked at Ao Feng in front of him calmly and said.

The universe is so big, various powerful races will inevitably leave behind various legends, among which Su Chen has two images of dragons on the earth.

One is the eastern dragon like a long snake, and the other is a western dragon like a lizard.

Although both are dragons, the difference in image is not so big, and the supernatural powers of the two sides are also different. The one in the east belongs to water or wood, and is good at changing. Appear in the world in form.

And the Dragon of the West belongs to fire or gold, good at hand-to-hand combat, can spit out the flames of the world, and it is also spread as a sinful image among the images passed down by the world.

The two sides can be described as two extremes, but no matter whether it is the dragon of the East or the dragon of the West, they are all extremely powerful existences.

It's just that the surname Ao is the surname of an oriental dragon, but the other party's appearance is in the shape of a western dragon, and with Su Chen's vision, he judged Ao Feng's birth almost instantly.

"you wanna die."

Hearing Su Chen's words, Ao Feng opened his mouth wide, and a strong sulfur smell rushed towards Su Chen.


A mouthful of dragon's breath burned everything in the city, and the thick pillar of fire passed through the city in an instant like the flames that destroyed the world, and everything blocked along the way was turned into ashes.

When the dragon's breath disappeared, the ground was full of magma flowing and flames splashing, creating a doomsday scene.

"It's not bad. There are some laws of heaven in this dragon's breath. The dragon clan is indeed an existence favored by the gods. It's just that the dragon soul has come, so it has the strength of the peak of the real fairyland. Yes, it didn't let me disappointment."

Su Chen stood on top of the magma, looked at Ao Feng calmly and said.

There are more than tens of thousands of races in the universe. Mountains and rocks can form spirits, and people can form trees. But among these countless races, there has never been a race that can be as good as the dragon race. , evil will destroy the world.

Holding the Nine Emperor Sword in his hand, Su Chen focused his eyes, and then began to trot all the way, which turned into a stream of light in an instant.

Everyone thinks that dragons are invincible, but they don't know that there are more than a hundred thousand dragons who died under Su Chen's hands. Back then, the dragons had no eyes, so they dared to do evil in the world in front of Su Chen.

Su Chen killed countless dragons in a fit of rage, but the Dragon King dared to threaten Su Chen with the human race to stop, Su Chen was furious, and killed another [-] dragons and refined them into the Great Xia Dragon Vein National Fortune to atone for his sin.

The countless stars that were fought in that battle shattered, and they traveled tens of thousands of miles in the universe. If Su Chen hadn't thought that there were many auspicious things among the dragon clan, Su Chen stopped at their request. Otherwise, in that battle, the Dragon Clan would have been almost wiped out by Su Chen alone.

Now, 10 years have passed, Su Chen once again fought against the Dragon Clan, and this time the two sides are still at the same level, this is really God's will...


A sword came out and the mountains were cold, and the Nine Emperor Sword was mixed with the supreme sword intent, and slashed towards Ao Feng with the power of opening up the world.

And Ao Feng, who was still immersed in the shock of Su Chen forcibly picking up his own dragon's breath, suddenly became a dragon's soul after seeing this sword.


The Nine Emperor Swords split the ground, and the hundreds of feet long sword glow even cut the entire Raging Fire Jinyang City in half with one sword.

Blood was flying, Ao Feng's size was still too big after all, he couldn't completely avoid Su Chen's invincible blow, his scales scattered like snowflakes.

Ao Feng's eyes were gloomy, and the terrifying spiritual power and power continued to rise on his body. As Ao Feng raised his head and roared, the entire Jinyang City was instantly razed to the ground by the hurricane, and the power of the dragon clan was vividly reflected at this time.

On the other side, Chen Wugou had been shocked beyond measure by the epic scene in front of him, if it hadn't been for Su Chen deliberately standing in front of Ao Feng to block it for him just now when Ao Feng roared. Gust, at this time Chen Wugou was already dead.


Chen Wugou looked at Su Chen worriedly and said.

"You retreat first, and I will talk about the rest after I slay this evil dragon."

From the beginning to the end, Su Chen has always been extremely indifferent. It's just the arrival of the dragon soul, which is nothing in Su Chen's eyes.


It was another dragon's breath, and at the same time, Ao Feng also fanned his wings, and his huge body flew up from the ground, with the dragon's breath in his mouth continuously, and the entire raging Jin Yangcheng instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

There were screams, pleadings, and constant voices.

The entire Raging Fire Jinyang City has become a hell on earth. Those who are stronger are better off. With their tyrannical strength, even if the speed is slower, they can still escape after all. After all, Ao Feng's target is not them.

However, those whose strength is below the nirvana state are not so lucky. Under the scorching dragon's breath, even if they are lucky enough to survive, but as time goes by, death will only happen sooner or later.


Seeing Ao Feng flying towards him, Su Chen also yelled angrily. He and Ao Feng are both the most peak existences in the real fairyland. Without showing the hole cards, the battle between the two sides is not easy to distinguish. Win or lose.


This is the sound of sword energy piercing through the air. Su Chen's strength is not weaker than Ao Feng's. Under the extremely precise control, the countless sword energy turned into stars all over the sky.

Facing the dragon that everyone feared, Su Chen actually planned to kill it with all his might.

(End of this chapter)

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