First emperor of the human race

Chapter 386 Dragon Killing Spear

Chapter 386 Dragon Killing Spear

The angry dragon is breathing out the fire that burns the world.

And Su Chen kept tossing and dancing between them, neither side ever really attacked each other.

The Cold Cicada Sword belongs to Yin, and it was made by Su Chen at a great cost by taking Nine Heavens Ice and Nine Nether Ice Flame. Worry is the embryonic form of the sword embryo of the godless weapon.

And as Su Chen continued to infuse it with spiritual power, the surroundings had already become a world of ice and snow, just like the arrival of Bingdong, and affected by it, the speed of the two giant dragons was restricted to an extremely low speed. degree.

After chasing but not being able to catch up, and not being able to breathe out the dragon's breath, the two giant dragons were both angry and anxious, and let out a sky-shattering roar again and again.

"Compared with the man in Liehuo Jinyang City, although you have transformed into dragons faster and are stronger, but with only the killing instinct left, you are no different from that beast. You can't kill me like this. of."

After a few rounds of fighting, Su Chen has already figured out the attack methods of these two people.

The two of them transformed into dragons almost instantly, and compared to the one in the raging golden sun city, the two of them are stronger.

Although they haven't reached the holy realm yet, it's just that the law has not yet arrived. In terms of physical body alone, these two dragons are definitely at the holy realm level. This point can be seen from the fact that Su Chen couldn't break through the opponent's scales with the Han Chan sword. Can know.

Of course, it's not that the Han Chan Sword is not powerful enough, but that the current Su Chen's realm is only the real fairyland after all. If he pushes the Han Chan Sword with all his strength, he will certainly be able to kill the two dragons, but the Han Chan Sword is the embryo of the emperor's sword after all, so if you really want to do it At that point, Su Chen would be slightly hurt.


Still roaring angrily, the two dragons approached Su Chen crazily, trying to kill Su Chen by hand-to-hand combat.

On the other hand, Su Chen, although he is still able to handle the two-headed dragon's attack with ease, but in the current situation, he can't break through the two-headed dragon's defense.

As time passed, Su Chen tried to slash the two-headed dragon a few times but failed, and he became a little impatient.

I saw Su Chen put away the Han Chan Sword with his hands, and said lightly: "Forget it, today I will let you see the world, the body of the Holy Land is amazing?"

The law of mystery to the extreme flows in Su Chen's body, and now he is only in the real fairyland, and it is still too reluctant to open the seventh layer of prohibition in the treasure of the earth.

But the things he needed were placed on the deeper eighth floor, and the eighth floor of the Great Emperor's Treasure, which is still beyond the reach of Su Chen. For this reason, Su Chen used some secret methods.

Projection, just like the person he summoned by the emperor system is a plane projection, at this time, he used the same method to project something on the eighth floor of the emperor's treasure.

This was also one of the three weapons he put in with his own hands, but compared to the lightness of the Han Chan Sword, this weapon is a heavy weapon.

The Dragon Killing Spear was made by Su Chen from the flesh of countless dragons after beheading them by himself.

Back then, Su Chen used the souls and laws of the one hundred thousand dragons to refine the dragon veins that suppressed the fate of the Great Xia.And their bodies were refined by Su Chen into the dragon-killing spear in front of him.

The Dragon Slaughter Spear is more than three feet long. It is forged with dragon bones and quenched with dragon blood. It has been forged in the depths of the void for more than a thousand years.

It turned out that the gun had a spirit, and it was he who flew into the heavenly calamity and went through the four major calamities of thunder, fire, wind, and water, and then wanted to break through the void, and was forced to stay behind by Su Chen with the means of the emperor.

But even so, the Dragon Slaughter Spear was restless, and wanted to escape from time to time, until in the end, Su Chen couldn't do it, so he had to arouse the stronger Heavenly Tribulation to erase his spirituality, and wanted to forge it.

The catastrophe has come down, but instead of killing the spirituality of the Dragon Killing Spear, it has become more introverted. It seems that Su Chen had no choice but to use his own blood to sacrifice. Obliterating the spirituality in the Dragon Slaughter Spear made it exist like a newborn baby.

Although the power of the Dragon Slaughter Spear has been weakened a lot because of this, it has a stronger potential than before.

Originally, Su Chen wanted to take good care of it when the destined person got it, but he never thought of traveling by himself.

Looking at the projection of the Dragon Slaughter Spear in his hand, it can only display one-tenth of its power, but in terms of Su Chen's current state, the projection of the Dragon Slaughter Spear in his hand is the most suitable .


Su Chen casually pulled a gun flower, and suddenly ripples appeared in the surrounding space, and terrifying power permeated the air.

And at this moment, the two dragons transformed by the monks of the Hundred Worlds rushed over again.

"Broken Galaxy!"

Seeing them coming again, this time Su Chen didn't dodge, but shot at the lavender scaled dragon.


The color of the sky and the earth changed, and the land that had been frozen in ice exploded at the last thrust of Su Chen's spear.

The magma was jumping, the thunder was flickering, and Su Chen's shot suddenly changed the world.

"hold head high!"

The mournful dragon chant suddenly sounded.

Under Su Chen's shot, half of the giant dragon with lavender scales was bombarded and turned into powder. One blow, just one blow, and a giant dragon with a body full of holy land fell.

Seeing the death of his companion, the other giant dragon turned around and flew away, but how could Su Chen allow him to escape?

Su Chen turned into a streamer and appeared in front of the dragon in the blink of an eye.

And seeing Su Chen holding a pitch-black spear, there was endless fear in the longan.

The starlight in the sky circulated, as if the gate of the other world had been forcibly opened, and the starlight descended on the giant dragon. It actually wanted to forcefully leave Avelu's body and return to its own world alone.

"too naive."

Seeing the dragon's actions, Su Chen yelled violently.

It is not without cost to project the Dragon Slaughter Spear from the Emperor's Treasure with secret methods. Doing so may affect the spirituality of the Dragon Slaughter Spear.

And if he let the other party escape at such a high price, he, Su Chen, would have proved the Supreme Dao fruit himself.

Looking at Avelu who had recovered to its original state, Su Chen held the Dragon Slaying Spear and stabbed fiercely at the fading starlight.


The sound of a shattering mirror suddenly came to mind, following Su Chen's thrust, the clouds in the sky burst open, and it was obviously daytime, but the stars were shining brightly in the sky.

"hold head high!"

There was another cry of mourning, but it was different from the one just now, this one seemed to come from deep in the starry sky.

But at this moment, in the place where the dragons live deep in the starry sky, a giant dragon exuding terrifying fluctuations suddenly uttered a scream. In an instant, he fell to the ground and was silent again. If you arrive, you will definitely know why this is.

This dragon's soul was destroyed without any damage to its body!
Seeing Avelu who was weak and falling into the magma, Su Chen stabbed him through the abdomen with a dragon gun in his hand, and then Su Chen picked Avelu like this, regardless of his screams , flew directly to Shilong City.

(End of this chapter)

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