First emperor of the human race

Chapter 388 The Gate of Hell

Chapter 388 The Gate of Hell
Su Chen's speed was extremely fast, and he came in front of these women in the blink of an eye.

But unlike what he saw in the air, these women were not of the human race, but all of the elves. Perhaps more strictly speaking, they were all of the snow elves.

Snow elves, one of the branches of the elves, are known as the spirits of the snow mountains. According to legend, they are the embodiment of holiness and kindness, and they are the most beautiful race in the world except the moon elves.

But the snow elves that Su Chen saw at this time were far from the ones in the legend, not to mention beautiful, but their faces were covered with blood, and even the clothes on their bodies were messy.

When the few people saw Su Chen, they were also stunned first, and then one of them, who looked like the leading snow elf, walked up to Su Chen, and said anxiously in elf language: "Please take this thing with you." To Emperor Daxia, this matter is related to the safety of the entire Eastern Wilderness, as long as you deliver it to Emperor Daxia, Emperor Daxia will definitely reward you heavily."

The elf woman spoke quickly, her expression frightened and anxious, as if their time was running out.

At the same time, there was an extra black box in her hand at some point, and she was about to hand it to Su Chen, and she kept looking back when she was talking, as if there was some terrifying existence behind them.

Hearing the female elf's words, Su Chen narrowed his eyes. Instead of taking the box handed out by the other party, he looked at the direction they came with a serious face.

On the other side, when the already anxious female elf saw Su Chen standing there indifferently, at first she thought that Su Chen could not understand the elf language, but when she spoke in the common language of the mainland , Su Chen still looks like that.

Seeing this, the female elf actually put the box into Su Chen's hand, and then she turned around and wanted to leave this place.

"What is it that is chasing you?"

Just when the female elf was about to attract those who were chasing them away, she suddenly heard the man of the human race speak in a very wandering and standard elf language.

"Since you understand what I say, then leave quickly, it's not safe here, there are horrible things chasing us."

The female elf looked at Su Chen anxiously and said, but just as her words fell, there was a loud "boom" accompanied by splashing snowflakes and gravel.

In front of Su Chen, several green monsters with four legs and six eyes suddenly rushed out.

Seeing these monsters, the snow elves looked at each other in despair, and the snow elf who was still the leader said to Su Chen, "Hurry up and give this thing to Emperor Daxia..."

Before the leading snow elf finished speaking, the monsters over there had already launched a fierce attack on them.

And following their items, Su Chen was a little surprised to find that these items actually had the powerful strength of the peak of the legendary realm.



The monster slapped it down, and a snow elf screamed and flew upside down.

And just when these monsters were about to eat the snow elf, Su Chen made a move.


With the sound of a sword sound, Su Chen actually grasped the void with his right hand, and the fierce and cold wind on the mountain was held in his hand like this to make a divine sword.


The sword light was flowing, and the snow elves didn't even realize what happened. The monsters that forced them into a desperate situation had already been cut in half.

Seeing the Gang Sword dissipating in Su Chen's hand, several snow elves stared at Su Chen in shock.

However, before they could open their mouths, Su Chen turned his head and looked at the snow elf in the head and asked, "What is this thing? Why did you give it to me? Also, is Xivir in your clan? Did something happen to her?" ?”

Su Chen squinted his eyes, and while speaking, he crushed the box in his hand, only to see a piece of animal skin inside, a piece of animal skin written all over with blood.

And that's fine, Su Chen can feel from the blood that this blood is not someone else's, it is the blood of Sivir and others who have not heard from him for three months.


The killing intent soared into the sky as if it were real, and under such a powerful killing intent, the whole snow mountain trembled violently.

"Tell me, what happened to Sivir."

Su Chen looked at the snow elves coldly, as if if they couldn't tell the reason, Su Chen would kill them instantly.

Feeling Su Chen's astonishing killing intent, several snow elves were trembling.

It's terrifying, this man is really terrifying, compared to the man in front of him, those monsters just now are as docile as little sheep.

The leading snow elf had a long mouth, and under Su Chen's overwhelming killing intent, she opened her mouth several times but failed to speak smoothly.

Looking at the appearance of several people, Su Chen realized instantly, he put away his killing intent, it wasn't that he deliberately used it to intimidate them just now, but he couldn't help but burst out after seeing Sivir's blood of.


As Su Chen put away his killing intent, the leading snow elf also took a heavy breath.

If Su Chen didn't put away his killing intent, they felt that they and others would probably die under the killing intent of the human race in front of them.

"Tell me, where are Sivir and the others!"

Su Chen's words were colder than the coldest wind on the snow-capped mountains, but the few people had no room to resist. They believed that if the man in front of them wanted to attack them, their fate would definitely be worse than those monsters just now. Not much better.

"excuse me, you are?"

The leader of the snow elves looked at Su Chen and asked, she didn't know much about the human race, but she knew very well that for those who were capable of killing people with legendary strength and such terrifying killing intent, the person in front of them The identity of the human race is absolutely extraordinary.

"I am the Great Xia Emperor you are looking for. I will ask you one last time, what is going on with this thing? Don't try to deceive me. If you don't tell the truth, I don't mind taking your souls to watch."

Su Chen's face was full of murderous intent. Now he is like a beast that chooses to eat people. For Xivir, he doesn't mind taking out the souls of these snow elves with his own hands.

Hearing Su Chen's words, several people were stunned for a moment, and then the snow elf who was the leader quickly said: "The passage to hell has been opened, and the Priest of the Moon is joining forces with the elders of our clan to resist, and we are Yue The priest sent out a total of ten batches of people to report the news, but only a few of us are left alive."

Having said this, several snow elves immediately lowered their heads, tears glistened in their eyes, and they felt extremely sad for the sacrifice of their companions.

On the other side, when Su Chen heard what the elf said, he immediately ordered in a deep voice: "Where is she now, take me to find her!"

(End of this chapter)

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