First emperor of the human race

Chapter 391 Su Chen Arrives

Chapter 391 Su Chen Arrives
The arrival of the man in black armor made everyone present feel extremely stressed.

But after all, this place is in the palace of the Snow Elf clan. Although it is now a lot dilapidated due to the relationship of the young patriarch, they still have an absolute advantage.

On the other hand, the Heijia man, after hearing the words of the patriarch of the Snow Elf Clan, he laughed wildly and disdainfully, then he stretched out his right hand and said, "Do you know what this is?"

Hearing the words of the man in black armor, Sivir and the others all looked at his hand seriously. In the right hand of the man in black armor, did he see a dark thing engraved with mysterious runes that looked like a pendant? Stop turning.

"Do you think you can scare us by taking out something casually?"

The elder said with a gloomy face.

"Ha ha."

"Scare you? Do you think you are worthy? A mere piece of trash at the peak of the Legendary Realm, you don't even deserve to lift my shoes. Why should I scare you?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't know this thing, because you will soon know what it is."

After the Heijia man finished speaking, he actually shattered the pendant-like object: "Come and see it, this thing has been handed down from ancient times, and it is extremely precious."


Hearing a soft ringing like a bell, a pitch-black passage suddenly appeared in front of the man in black armor, and from the passage, three men in black armor came out slowly.

Only one of them said: "Heart demon, you are too slow, don't forget that my lord is still waiting for us to bring back the female elf who still has the baptism of the moon. My lord is not happy, be careful, my lord will kill you."

Seeing the three people who suddenly appeared again, the faces of all the people present suddenly changed, one of them was already facing a big enemy, these four...

It is undeniable that the members of the snow elves showed their virtues at this time. The head of the snow elves and another old man walked in front of Sivir, and then the head of the snow elves said, "My lord, go first!" Well, leave it to us here, please tell that human race Emperor Daxia that the goal of the Demon Desolation is the entire Eight Desolation Continent, they are cruel by nature, if they really succeed in occupying the Eastern Desolation, then all races will surely have nothing to do. One can be alone."

When the patriarch of the Snow Elf Clan said these words, he was already determined to die. Although he is also a real fairyland, so are these four black-armored men, and compared to him, any of these four black-armored men One must be stronger.

"You go first. With the emperor here, their plot will definitely not succeed. Although I am only in the legendary realm, I can still play a role and buy you some time."

The great elder of the night elves glanced at Sivir and said.

"Haha, let's go? Since we have already come in today, which one of you can go?"

The person who spoke was the Heijia man who came here first, and as his words fell, something like black mist suddenly appeared on his body, covering the entire palace in an instant .


Seeing the action of the Heijia man, the patriarch of the Snow Elf Clan also became furious.

The ice turned into sharp blades, and everything cast from the ice in the entire palace turned into sharp blades one after another.

The sharp blades were circulating, each of them had the ability to cut the sky and split the earth, and seeing the patriarch of the Snow Elf put his palms together, the countless sharp blades poured towards the four black-armored men with an invincible force.


With the loud noise, the place where the four black-armored men were was instantly covered by sharp blades.

Looking at the sunlight that was pierced by the sharp blade, the entire hall looked like a honeycomb, with holes everywhere.

"Hehe, not bad, these mysterious ices are all good things. There are no such top-quality materials in the Demon Desolation, but it is a pity that they are in your hands. Anyway, I will let you see what to do with this thing." Use it."

Just as the snow elf patriarch's attack fell, a wild laughter suddenly came from the place where he had attacked with countless sharp blades, and as soon as the sound fell, a thing like a water line suddenly shot from four black people. The place where Person A is located explodes towards the direction where the head of the Snow Elf Clan is located.


The patriarch of the snow elves is naturally not weak, and his reaction is also extremely fast. I saw his right hand, and a thick ice wall fell in front of him in an instant.


This was the sound of blood splattering, and the thick ice wall did not stop this seemingly weak "waterline" at all.

The "waterline" pierced through the body of the patriarch of the Snow Elf Clan. If he hadn't reacted quickly and urgently dodged it, this blow would have pierced his heart.

"See, this is the correct usage of Xuanbing. It has the property of being invulnerable to everything, and it is a perfect thing to use to penetrate everything."

After the words were finished, a man in black armor slowly walked out from the mess all over the place, and in his hand was a black ice blade that the patriarch of the snow elves used to attack them at first.

It's just that in the hands of the Heijia man, the unmelted black ice blade has turned into flowing water...

"Okay, the water demons, kill them quickly and take that female elf back, my lord can't wait any longer."

Hearing the words of these black-armored men, Sivir also gritted her teeth, and saw that she flipped her right hand, and the Crown of the Moon God appeared in her hand, and just as she was planning to wear the Crown of the Moon God to fight to the death At that moment, a man in black armor on the side also made a move.


A sharp and ear-piercing golden sound suddenly sounded, and the entire palace was turned into dust under the golden sound.

And Xivir was also affected by the sound of golden cries, she covered her ears in pain, and the crown of the moon god in her hand fell to the ground.

"Stupid bastard, besides having a good skin, what else do you have? If the lord didn't want your baptism of the moon, you would have died a long time ago."

The person who spoke was a man in black armor known as the Heart Demon, and after he finished speaking, he also walked towards Sivir slowly.

But just when he stretched out his hand and was about to slam Sivir.


Another golden cry erupted, but different from the ear-piercing golden cry just now, this golden sound was not only not ear-shattering at all, it was even faintly pleasant to the ear.


When the sword glow suddenly appeared, it was invincible and unstoppable. Even the palace was cut in half in an instant, and the hand of the demon who had just given birth was neatly chopped off under the sword glow. broke down.

"Do you dare to touch my woman? You Mohuang have eaten the heart of a bear and leopard, and you even dare to make a move with my Donghuang?"

The speaker was none other than Su Chen, the emperor of the Great Xia race.

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(End of this chapter)

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