First emperor of the human race

Chapter 46 4 battlefields, I want to conquer them myself!

Chapter 46 Battlefield on all sides, I want to conquer it myself!
Su Chen was speechless for a long time.

Man is not as good as God, he never thought that this Si Yu was so bold that he dared to retreat before the battle!
Does he know that this is a serious crime that implicates the nine clans? !
In the Si family's mansion in the imperial capital, there are still family members of the Si family here. Could it be that he doesn't even want his wife and children!

After a while, Su Chen spoke, his voice was extraordinarily cold: "What a Siyu, he ran away and left the surrounding battles alone!"

"This is really the talent of the Si family!"

"Si Long disrespected the military order and ran to the frontier. State affairs are the most important thing. The Beastman Empire has to be defended, so I'll just let it go."

"Now that Si Yu doesn't respect the military order anymore, he ran to the frontier again, leaving the entire imperial capital in ignorance! Is there any treasure in this bitter and cold frontier! Could it be that Si Long can't even defend an orc empire? Let's fight together!"

Su Chen laughed back angrily, the anger in his heart was overwhelming: "I trust them so much!"

He had known for a long time that there would be problems with the Si family, but he didn't expect to cause trouble for him at this juncture. This is really Daxia's "loyal minister"!

In the entire court, no one spoke, and most of them kept silent.

The emperor was obviously extremely angry, if he spoke rashly at this time, he would inevitably suffer disaster.

The majestic Si family army enjoyed the highest quality weapons and equipment, and received the highest military pay in the entire Great Xia Dynasty!But now they are inferior to the soldiers and civilians everywhere, and even the people of Linshan City know to defend the city to the death!

They got away!

"Your Majesty, for the current plan, there is no time to hold Si Yu accountable. The most important thing is to send reinforcements as soon as possible!"

Li Ji hurriedly came out, knelt down and saluted and said in a deep voice: "Si Yu has withdrawn his troops, and the Eight Kings' army is besieging the four key cities of the imperial capital. If one of the important cities is lost, the imperial capital will be besieged by at least a million troops!"

"Right now, Linshan City has reached the end of the mountain, and the situation in the other three sides is mostly the same."

Guan Yiwu also stood up, knelt down and saluted: "Emperor, let's send troops."

Now the only ones who dare to speak up when the emperor is furious are the high-ranking ministers of the Military Machine Pavilion.


Su Chen took a deep breath, he knew that anger is useless now, the most important thing is to solve the current predicament.

As long as Su Chen wants to settle accounts with Si Yu, it is useless for him to go to the frontier, and now he can't leave Si Yu rashly, so as not to cause a bigger backlash.

We must be the first to suppress the Rebellion of the Eight Kings as quickly as possible!

Originally, as long as Si Yu lasted for a few days, after the reinforcements went out, it was only a matter of time before the Eight Kings Rebellion was suppressed.

But this Si Yu is an asshole!
He hastily withdrew his troops and plunged the entire imperial capital and surrounding cities into the greatest predicament.

If Su Chen had known that this would happen, he would have sent troops half a month ago, and the current situation and situation would have been much better; unfortunately, there are no ifs in this world, and Su Chen overestimated Si Yu's courage and strength. , and loyalty!

Su Chen stood on the white marble steps all the time, his tone returned to calm, and he said in a deep voice, "Zhao Yun, Bai Qi, where is Li Yuanba!"

"Chen is here!"

"Chen is here!"

"Chen is here!"

The three of Zhao Yun trembled in their hearts, stepped out, knelt down, and faced Su Chen.

The officials were also shocked. They knew that the time to go out had come!

However, the total number of the two new armies commanded by these three men is only 22. Can they resist the 200 million Eight Kings' army?

You know, Si Yu led the 20 Si family army, which was the most elite army in the entire Great Xia Dynasty, and he was forced away by the Eight Kings' army.

The doubts in the hearts of the officials, Su Chen asked: "Wait, do you have the confidence to stop the chaos of the Eight Kings?"

Originally, with Si Yu's 20 soldiers in hand, Su Chen added 22 reinforcements to suppress the Eight Kings Rebellion, but now that Si Yu has retreated, Su Chen dare not say that he can suppress 20 million people with the 200 people in his hand!

"The minister is willing to issue a military order!"

Zhao Yun's expression was serious, and he said very firmly: "Within three years, suppress the Rebellion of the Eight Kings!"

Zhao Yun did not say to stop the Rebellion of the Eight Kings, he knew where the emperor's heart knot was, he must suppress the Rebellion of the Eight Kings!

Bai Qi and Li Yuanba seconded the proposal one after another.

In the past few days, Zhao Yun and others have studied the army of the Eight Kings Rebellion, its advantages and disadvantages; the most important reason is that the main cities around the imperial capital are safe to defend, which is why they are confident that they can suppress the Eight Kings Rebellion geographical advantage.

Defend first, then attack!
This is Zhao Yun's strategy.

Zhao Yun's personality is extremely stable, as long as he dares to speak, he must have great confidence.

"Three years"

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, he thought for a long time, and then took a deep breath: "It's too late, I can't afford to wait that long."

It must not be given too long time. If the ten major counties fall into the hands of the Eight Kings for too long, after three years of operation, they will definitely leave a strong imprint of the Eight Kings.

Su Chen never underestimated his opponents, and there must be wizards in the hands of the Eight Kings, otherwise Si Yu didn't need to be frightened and ran to the border.

In what Zhao Yun said just now, there was a word that touched Su Chen very much.


The Rebellion of the Eight Kings must be suppressed with the momentum of thunder, and this battle cannot be dragged on for too long, otherwise the Eight Kings occupying the top ten counties will only gain more and more advantages!


"Let Bai Qi command the [-] Great Xia Tie Army, rush to support the war in the north of the imperial capital, and defend the city. Liu Bowen is the military adviser of the army! You can go out now!"

"Let Li Yuanba command the [-] Great Xia Tie Army, rush to support the war in the west of the imperial capital, defend the city, and Guan Yiwu will be the military advisor of the army! You can go out now!"

"Let Zhao Yun command the [-] guards in Daxia Town to assist the war in the south of the imperial capital, and Li Ji will be the military advisor! You must ensure that Linshan City cannot be breached! And rush to assist other wars at any time! You can go out now!"

Su Chen ordered in a deep voice, and issued several imperial edicts in succession.

The reason for sending the Minister of the Military Aircraft Pavilion is that after all, the battlefield is changing rapidly, and it is often impossible to communicate with the imperial capital at any time.

It takes a resourceful and resourceful man to accompany the army in order to control the situation on the entire battlefield.

The cooperation of Bai Qi and Liu Bowen can definitely defend the north; Li Yuanba is good at fighting and brave, and can exert the greatest counterattack force, but his character is too irritable, and Guan Yiwu's suppression will be much better, and the problem in the west is not big. .

Both Liu Bowen and Guan Yiwu are the most outstanding civil servants among the ministers of the Military Machine Pavilion. They are both civil and military. With them present, there will be absolutely no problem in these two battlefields!

At present, the most important thing is Linshan City, which is in danger of being destroyed. Zhao Yun directly leads the entire town guard to rush to help. As long as there is time, Linshan City will definitely be saved!
As long as Linshan City is not lost, the situation on the entire southern battlefield will not be too bad, and there will be enough time for Su Chen to make arrangements.

At the same time, the guard cavalry under Zhao Yun's command will be responsible for the role of reinforcements on the four fronts, because the cavalry has extremely high mobility.

However, it can be foreseen that before the end of the four major battlefields, the guard cavalry soldiers will have to ride through on their horses, so the military division accompanying the army can only choose Li Ji who is good at cavalry combat from the remaining ministers of the Military Machine Pavilion.

Guan Yiwu and Liu Bowen are actually good candidates for the guard cavalry division, but Su Chen worried that if Li Ji went to the west or north, he would not be able to help Bai Qi and Li Yuanba form an absolute advantage.

After all, Bai Qi and Li Yuanba don't have many troops, and they need a stronger strategy to control the entire battlefield situation.

"Your Majesty, what about the eastern battlefield?"

Sima Yi suddenly opened his mouth, and asked for orders: "I am willing to guard the eastern battlefield. I only need [-] Imperial Forest troops, and at least I can fight for the emperor for at least a year!"

All the two armies were dispatched, and the only one available in the country was the [-] Imperial Forest Army.

Liu Bowen, Guan Yiwu, Li Ji and other military advisers with both civil and military skills have been sent out. Now the only people who can be used by His Majesty are Shang Yang, Chen Qun, Guan Yiwu, and Guo Sikong among the ministers of the Military Machine Pavilion.

Among the four, Sima Yi felt that the other two had inferior military strategies on the battlefield, and it was the best choice to go to the east battlefield by himself.

He only needs [-] troops, and he can hold off the entire eastern battlefield for a year in the face of at least hundreds of thousands of rebel sieges!
It has to be said that Zhong Da's scheme is indeed against the sky.

He is good at ingenuity, but also good at defensive.

However, Su Chen didn't think so.

"Do not."

Su Chen shook his head and rejected Sima Yi's proposal.

Sima Yi was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Dijun with puzzled eyes.

Su Chen glanced at Manchao Wenwu, with a firm tone, and slowly said: "I want to conquer the Eastern Battlefield!"

 Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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