First emperor of the human race

Chapter 515 The Cause of the War

Chapter 515 The Cause of the War

After saying this, a trace of hatred appeared on Lion Heart Tianzun's face, and on the other side, Su Chen was also stunned after hearing Lion Heart Tianzun's words.

It stands to reason that the Huanyue Heavenly Kingdom should have no time to take care of themselves, how could they still have the energy to attack other Tianzun realms?Especially for the old Tianzun realm like Lion Heart Tianzun.

Don't forget, Lionheart Tianzun is not a casual cultivator without background, and their golden lion clan is not easy to mess with. Power comes.

Seeing Su Chen's disbelief, Lion Heart Tianzun first smiled wryly, then he glanced at Yun Zhuxin, and said, "Is it convenient to talk here?"

Hearing what Lion Heart Tianzun said, Yun Zhuxin smiled and stood up: "You guys talk first, and I'll go back to rest first."

Yun Zhuxin was about to leave after finishing speaking, but Su Chen on the side grabbed her, and then said to Lion Heart Tianzun: "Speak."

For Yun Zhuxin, Su Chen naturally trusts him. He doesn't want to leave any grudges in Yun Zhuxin's heart because of such a small matter. As for what shocking words the Lion Heart Tianzun will say next, for Su Chen , is actually nothing.

"OK then."

Su Chen's attitude is very clear, Lion Heart Tianzun is not a small-bellied person, I saw him stretching his blood-stained hand into his chest with some difficulty, pay attention, he really stretched his hand into his chest .

The wound that had finally condensed opened again, and blood gushed out like a small spring. Just when Su Chen and Yun Zhuxin were still wondering what he was going to do, they saw that the Lion Heart Tianzun took out the blood from his body. A jade full of aura.

This piece of jade is black all over. From the surface, it is just a common stone full of spiritual power in the ordinary practice world. This kind of stone is not uncommon, but it can be found in places with abundant spiritual energy.

But when Su Chen looked at this jade carefully, a light flashed in Su Chen's eyes suddenly, and he looked at the Lion Heart Tianzun with a serious expression and asked: "How can you use this thing?" Where did you get it from?"

Seeing Su Chen's expression, Lionheart Tianzun naturally understood that Su Chen had recognized this thing, but he was also a little curious, so he let it go, after all, he has a racial inheritance.

But how did the other party recognize it?The current situation of the human race is not that qualified to touch such treasures, right?
Lion Heart Tianzun shook his head, he understood that now is not the time to ask these things, this spirit stone is of great importance, in fact, he took a lot of risks to take it out.

If Su Chen is the kind of person who sees treasures, then in his current state, let alone a fight with Su Chen, even if he wants to escape, it is absolutely impossible.

In fact, it also proves that Lion Heart Tianzun has a good vision. Su Chen is indeed as he thought, not the kind of person who sees the treasure, especially because he still knows this treasure, which also makes Lion Heart Tianzun even more admire Su Chen. After watching it for a while, after all, not everyone can keep their heart under such a temptation.

"Dijun, what is this?"

Seeing the two as if they were playing a charade, Yun Zhuxin asked a little puzzled.

On the other side, hearing Yun Zhuxin's question, Lion Heart Tianzun was about to speak, when Su Chen said lightly: "It's not a peerless thing, it's just a dead universe."

Su Chen's words were extremely indifferent, and after hearing Su Chen's words, Lion Heart Tianzun also unconsciously twitched a few times.

"It's not a good thing? I don't know that because of this thing, Xingniao, the owner of the Magic Moon Heaven, has personally shot himself, okay? If it wasn't for his two points of strength, he would have been a corpse at this time .”

"No, that's not right. With Xingniao's method, I will definitely be destroyed physically and mentally, even if I am a corpse, it is impossible to stay."

Lion Heart Tianzun thought to himself.

"A dead universe?"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Yun Zhuxin also frowned slightly. Now she is already in the holy realm. Putting it on the wild road before, she is definitely the strongest among the strong, a well-deserved power .

But now she suddenly realizes that she seems to be far away from Su Chen's "distance", only from entering the starry sky, no matter what Su Chen said or did, she doesn't understand many things.

Just like right now, Yun Zhuxin really didn't understand Su Chen's words at all.

"Yes, this is a dead universe."

After seeing Yun Zhuxin's expression, Lion Heart Tianzun on the side knew that the other party didn't understand. Of course, he would not laugh at Yun Zhuxin for his lack of knowledge. On the contrary, even if it was him, if there was no racial inheritance, he would It is also impossible to know what it is.

"Tell me, where did you get this thing from? Don't tell me that there are any secrets in this Illusory Moon Starfield. I have already found out that there is nothing in this Illusory Moon Starfield that deserves special attention. "

"If it is insisted that there should be one, then maybe the Magic Moon Temple can barely count as one."

Except for the change in Su Chen's expression at the beginning, he didn't even take a long look at this "jade".

Nasumi is just a mustard seed. In fact, seriously, this is not a great supernatural power, and Su Chen can do it too.

"You may not believe it, but I got this thing from the treasure house of the Magic Moon Heaven."

Speaking of this, Lion Heart Tianzun even faintly revealed a sense of pride. After all, relying on his own strength to sneak into the treasure house guarded by heavy soldiers and formations, this in itself is a kind of recognition of strength.

"Oh? You went to the treasure house of the Magic Moon Heaven? What are you doing there?"

Su Chen asked with some doubts. In his opinion, Lion Heart Tianzun is not the kind of person who is obsessed with treasures. The purpose of the other party to go to the treasure house of Huanyue Heaven is very suspicious.

"I wonder what your lord thinks about this war between Fengyan Heavenly Kingdom and Huanyue Heavenly Kingdom?"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Tianzun Lionheart answered the wrong question.

"You mean that the reason why you sneaked into the treasure house of the Magic Moon Heaven is that there is the answer to the war between the two sides?"

Su Chen frowned, and things seemed to be getting more and more complicated.

Today's Great Xia is not qualified to participate in the war between these two behemoths, but Su Chen is, the war is cruel, and once it is successful, it will kill everyone. I don't know how many people and races will die in this level of war. will be lost in it.

On the contrary, the wealth brought by the war is also extremely amazing. Even if Su Chen has treasures from his previous life, he will not be indifferent to the benefits generated by this level of war.

"Being entrusted by others is just a favor."

"It's just that I didn't expect that there would be so many forces competing behind the war between the two sides. Guess what I found in the treasure house of the Magic Moon Heaven?"

Speaking of this, Lion Heart Tianzun didn't give a shit, but continued: "The embryo of the emperor, I saw an embryo of the emperor in the treasure house of the Magic Moon Heaven."

"And this spirit stone, which contains a dead universe, is what is needed for the forging of the imperial weapon."

"The reason why Fengyan Heavenly Kingdom is attacking Huanyue Heavenly Kingdom at all costs is the result of the manipulation of the two Great Freedom Realm powers behind it."

The words are not surprising, and even Su Chen was stunned when he heard the words of Lion Heart Tianzun...

(End of this chapter)

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