First emperor of the human race

Chapter 528 The Unlucky Phoenix Feather Mansion

Chapter 528 The Unlucky Phoenix Feather Mansion
As far as Su Chen's current situation is concerned, in order not to affect his future practice, Su Chen took the initiative to fall into a deep sleep.

The vast and boundless world is colorful, and each color represents a law. This is Su Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, and it is also the fundamental place where his soul in the Great Emperor Realm resides.

There are countless laws here, and every one of them will definitely shock people's hearts as long as they are taken out. Here, Su Chen is the master, the king...

"In this battle, I used the technique of burning the law to temporarily gain the power that can hurt the Great Freedom by burning the power of the law I have comprehended."

"This time I burned hundreds of laws of power, but because Wu Tianlu retreated early, it is not irreparable now."

Su Chen's powerful soul scanned the colorful surroundings. These comprehensions of laws were the achievements he achieved 10 years ago. Although it seems that there are countless, each of them is the result of his hard work.

At this time, in front of Su Chen's eyes, hundreds of ethereal things like silk and satin were flying in front of his eyes, but unlike the bright and dazzling other colors, these were obviously much darker.

They are the secret of Su Chen and Wu Tianlu being able to injure each other when they fight this time. Burning a law can obtain the ultimate power of this law, and this kind of power can be used to kill the Heavenly Exalted Realm with ease.

But in order to deal with Wu Tianlu, Su Chen burned hundreds of laws in exchange for that shocking power.

This kind of damage is permanent, which means that Su Chen can't comprehend again after burning these laws, and this kind of thing is undoubtedly fatal to Su Chen who wants to return to the peak.

Because the Great Emperor Realm has absolute control over the power of these basic laws on the basis of transcending everything, so even if there is one missing, it will almost have a fatal impact on Su Chen's future practice.

However, just when Su Chen was going to repair the power of these laws before they were completely burned, an extremely dazzling light suddenly lit up above Su Chen's head...

Outside, Feng Yan looked at Su Chen who was lying on the bed with a serious face. At this time, Su Chen still had no obvious trauma, and the fluctuation of spiritual power emanating from him was also vast and abnormal.

It has been three years since she arrived on the double moon star. It stands to reason that he should not have been asleep for such a long time. After Feng Yan tried several methods but failed, she asked the girls After some opinions and approval, she definitely planned to let Fenghuangling's divine mansion enter Su Chen's sea of ​​consciousness.

The phoenix feather is an imperial weapon, the highest level of existence in the universe, and its divine mansion is in a sense no different from the soul of the great emperor's primordial spirit.

But when it entered Su Chen's sea of ​​consciousness and saw Su Chen's soul, Fenghuang Ling's mansion was shocked, and it even suspected that something was wrong with itself.

Because what appeared in front of it at this time was undoubtedly the Great Emperor, a real or true Great Emperor...

On the other side, looking at the Phoenix Ling Divine Mansion, which seems to be talking about the red sun, Su Chen also has a very headache. If it were changed to when he was sober, even the Imperial Artifact Divine Mansion would not be able to enter his mansion like this. In the sea of ​​consciousness.

Even if Su Chen fell into a deep sleep, it would be impossible for him below the Emperor Realm to break through his sea of ​​consciousness.

I have to say that this is really a coincidence, Su Chen did not expect that Fengyan would come to Shuangyuexing at this time, and she even brought the imperial weapon Phoenix Plume.

Su Chen calmly looked at Fenghuang Ling's mansion, he was thinking whether to kill it here, don't doubt, he can do this in Su Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, here, Su Chen and 10 years ago is no different.

On the other side, Fenghuang Ling naturally understood that he was in danger, since he broke through the other party's secret, the other party naturally couldn't let it go.

And it doesn't doubt that the other party can kill itself. After all, as the emperor's divine residence, it naturally understands how terrifying a real emperor is.

"I have seen the emperor."

The Phoenix Ling Shen Mansion knew that it was absolutely impossible for him to leave safely without the other party's permission at this time, so it simply lowered its posture and said respectfully to Su Chen.

The other party is the Great Emperor, even if I bow my knees to him, I will not lose the face of the emperor...

"What do you think I should do now? In fact, I don't want to ruin you just because of this."

Su Chen looked calm. He was thinking about how to solve this matter at this time. His identity as the emperor must not be revealed now, and the divine mansion is different from the white tiger beast. It is not a living thing and cannot sign a contract.

And with the means that Su Chen currently has, no matter what it is, it can't exert absolute restraint on Fenghuang Ling. It may be said that Su Chen can only kill.

Just when Su Chen had just made up his mind and was about to strike, Fenghuang Ling's mansion also felt Su Chen's seemingly invisible killing intent, and it understood that the other party really planned to kill itself.

"Dijun, please calm down, you are just afraid that I will reveal your identity, right? I have a solution to this matter."

If the God's Mansion is a living thing, then it will definitely be sweating profusely on its forehead at this time. A real emperor and strong man opposite, let alone doing it, even trying to keep a calm conversation is an extremely difficult task. thing.

"tell me the story."

Su Chen was a little surprised. He was not surprised that Shendi could feel his killing intent. After all, to a certain extent, it also belonged to Su Chen's fellow man.

However, the other party said that it has a way to make him believe that it will not reveal his identity. Su Chen is very interested in this, after all, even Su Chen does not have such a method now.

"If my perception is correct, the emperor should have an embryo of the emperor's weapon in his hand, right?"

Fenghuang Ling's divine mansion felt that he really didn't read the almanac when he went out. Originally, he just wanted to be a favor to come to the other party's sea of ​​consciousness to see why the other party fell asleep, but he didn't expect to see a living emperor here.

And forget it, Great Emperor, although he has never seen it before, but it is a treasure forged by Feng Yantianhuang. The emperor and the emperor are the same, but the human race is used to calling them the Great Emperor, while they are called the Emperor. That's all.

Fenghuang Ling dared to bet that the human emperor in front of him was definitely one of the strongest existences among the emperors and emperors of all dynasties, because he felt from the opponent's body that even he had never felt from the body of Emperor Fengyan. pressure.

When Fenghuang Ling's divine mansion was thinking wildly, Su Chen also said, "So what?"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Fenghuangling's divine mansion hesitated for a moment, and then it said decisively: "I am willing to divide a part of the divine soul into your emperor's embryo."

"In this case, as long as I want to reveal your identity, you will know it immediately. As for the rest, I think you will know it even if I don't tell you."

If Fenghuang Ling's divine mansion is a person, then it is definitely gnashing its teeth at this time, because its method is almost equivalent to handing over its own life and death to other people's hands. As long as Su Chen is willing, he can do it at any time. kill it.

(End of this chapter)

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