First emperor of the human race

Chapter 533 Terrifying News

Chapter 533 Terrifying News

For so many epochs, emperors and emperors have never been uncommon in the universe, but there has never been a record of the end of emperors and emperors, which even Su Chen does not know.

According to the legend, whether it is an emperor or an emperor, when their lives are about to come to an end, they will find a place by themselves and bury themselves silently.

But this is still just a legend. No one in this world has ever discovered the corpses of Emperor and Emperor, never.

But now, listening to the words of Lion Heart Tianzun, this star turned out to be such a supremely existing body?For such a conclusion, even Su Chen was extremely shocked.

"Yes, this star is indeed the body of the ancient emperor, but it is only a part of the ancient emperor's body."

"The reason why my family of golden lions suddenly disappeared 8 years ago is because we discovered the end of the emperor and the emperor. It may be unbelievable, but I can tell you with certainty that today's universe There are still such existences alive in the world."

Why is the word not shocking, compared to when Su Chen heard that the star itself is likely to be the body of the ancient emperor just now, the words of the Lion Heart Tianzun really made Su Chen feel frightened.

10 years ago, Su Chen covered the ages, and his brilliance shone through an entire era. He was the youngest emperor in history, the most talented and most potential person among all races, and all the glory was given to Su Chen alone. Enjoy it.

But even so, he never found any abnormalities. In his era, he was the only one who vindicated the Tao.

"you sure?"

Su Chen said hesitantly, he knew very well what Lion Heart Heavenly Venerable was like, if it wasn't for this, Su Chen would have abandoned him long ago if someone else had said such words.

"Why do you think this star is emitting such a dazzling light at this time? That's because the existence of Supreme Being has awakened and aroused its instinctive reaction."

"I don't know how many ancient emperors are still alive in this universe. Maybe there is only one person, but I can be sure that there is definitely such an existence still alive."

Lion Heart Tianzun's tone was flat, but the words he said were as if they were earth-shattering.

But hearing his words, Su Chen opened his mouth but didn't know what to say. After all, this kind of thing is not completely impossible. Is he an example soon?

In fact, regarding his inexplicable rebirth at the beginning, Su Chen was not without doubts about what was going on.And he was reborn into his own race.

Then are other ancient emperors also the same as himself?They were also reborn into their own race, and perhaps what's more, they simply survived like this.

Su Chen was very entangled. He couldn't confirm this kind of thing, but he couldn't veto it because of his own existence.

On the other side, after seeing Su Chen's appearance, Lion Heart Tianzun thought that Su Chen could not accept the fact that the emperor or the ancient emperor survived, so he said, "Come with me."

After speaking, Lion Heart Tianzun flew directly towards the majestic city that was still emitting dazzling light, and Su Chen followed behind him a little out of control.


Guan Kuo's main hall enshrines the body of this strange beast that is as large as a hundred feet high, and when Su Chen saw this strange beast, he immediately recognized that it was the ancestor of the Changjinshi clan.

Because 10 years ago, the golden lion family would not be similar in size to the human race as it is now.At that time, the golden lion clan was the same as the white tiger clan, and they were real spirit beasts.

"This is my ancestor. I don't know how many years ago it existed. There are no records about this part of the family."

Lion Heart Tianzun looked at the body of this strange beast in front of him very respectfully.

"How would you feel if I told you he was alive?"

Just when Lion Heart Heavenly Venerable knelt down respectfully to the body of this strange beast, he uttered extremely shocking words.

The emperor has a lifespan of ten thousand years, which is almost the limit of what any living being can live. Even the Xuanwu people who claim to have the longest lifespan in the universe, their longest lifespan is only eight thousand years.

Of course, this is not absolute. Some great emperors or ancient emperors can live longer by special means, but no matter what, they will eventually pass away one day.

As for the body in front of him, according to Su Chen's eyesight, it is conservatively estimated that it has been tens of thousands of years old.

It is beyond Su Chen's cognition to know that even the Supreme Being who has attained the Dao fruit would never survive such a long period of time.

When Su Chen looked at Tianzun Lion Heart and wanted to ask what was going on, it was Tianzun Lion Heart who said immediately: "The prosperous age has always been accompanied by blood and fire, and now the prosperous age is coming. Whether it’s for this world or for this world, it’s absolutely unprecedented.”

"My ancestor had a decree a year ago, asking me to find a hidden place to hide from the world, and come out after all the disputes have subsided." But before I finished the deployment, Luo Hanfei had already come to the door. "

"Now I have figured it out. Avoidance is not the best solution. If my generation of monks can't stand out from the blood and fire, then what if it is passed down?"

Speaking of this, Lion Heart Tianzun stood up, then turned his head to look at Su Chen, and said with a serious expression: "Even if you don't come to me, I will go to you."

"Now that the great world is approaching, and the disputes among the various clans are endless, God's Domain issued a decree to start the battle for hegemony among all clans ten years later. The winner will get the supreme law to help him achieve the supreme fruit."

"This will be an opportunity for everyone. In this life, we will witness the birth of the Emperor and the Emperor."

Su Chen was full of surprises today, everything happened so suddenly, he never doubted that someone in this life could prove the truth, at least he had absolute confidence in himself.

However, the amount of information in Lion Heart Tianzun's words is still too large. From his words, Su Chen felt that there seemed to be an invisible big hand pushing behind all this.

And along with this thought, Su Chen felt more and more that behind all this was not simple, but he had no clue about it.

When Su Chen looked coldly at the body of the strange beast in front of him, behind Su Chen, Yun Zhuxin and others also came.


Seeing Su Chen's preoccupied appearance, Yun Zhuxin didn't know what happened, but before she finished speaking, Su Chen suddenly said: "Let's go, go back to Shuangyuexing first, I have something to do." It needs to be deployed in advance.”

(End of this chapter)

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