Chapter 569
As one of the strongest forces in God's Domain, every move of God's Domain attracts everyone's attention. When everyone saw tens of thousands of dragons flying out of Dragon Valley, everyone understood that God's Domain was about to change.

Of course, Gu Fang, who is also one of the great powers in God's Domain, naturally also received the news, especially Gu An, who almost had a premonition when he heard that the dragons were coming out in full force.

"Gu'an, what's wrong with you?"

One of the two people in the Great Freedom that was traveling with Gu'an looked at him with a very ugly face, and then asked curiously.

"I always feel that these dragons are coming for us."

Gu'an didn't hide anything, but said it directly.

"Hehe, you are overthinking. The dragons have a reason to attack us, but we did not provoke the dragons. Those guys are all lunatics. Although they are weaker than the dragons, they have no brains." Guys are always tough."

"As for the guys from the Shenlong family, we don't have to worry about it. Naturally, someone will settle them down. Now that person is in a very critical recovery period. When the magic pill is successfully refined, we no longer need to be afraid of anyone in this universe. .”

Speaking of the great freedom of this alien race here, he has an excited look on his face.

"hope so."

Gu'an laughed at himself and said that he also felt that he was making too much of a fuss.

However, when all the forces in God's Domain were staring at the movements of the Dragon Clan, as one of the strongest forces in God's Domain, members of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan also gathered together.

Moon Wolf, the current patriarch of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan, is also one of the strongest members of the God Realm. He sat upright at the top of the main hall, then looked at the clansmen below with a serious face and said: "You are also aware of the actions of the Dragon Clan. What do you suggest?"

One hair can affect the whole body. The major forces in God's Domain have been in a state of mutual restraint all year round. If any party makes too much noise or is attacked by others, the already fragile balance is very easy to collapse.

Now that the Dragon Clan is doing such a big move, other powers that are also at the same level as the overlord of the God's Domain will naturally not stand by. For everyone, this will be an opportunity, an opportunity to cut off others and strengthen themselves.

"I don't know why the Dragon Race is like this. After all, I can't put eyeliner in their territory. However, the people who watched them from the outside sent back information, saying that there was a large-scale battle in the Dragon Valley."

"Of course, it doesn't rule out that the Dragon Clan directs and acts on their own. No matter what the Dragon Clan's intentions are, it's impossible for us to watch them succeed anyway."

"King, I suggest that we also dispatch. If the Dragon Clan is really seeking revenge, no matter which side they attack, we will naturally have a share of the action. If we attack the Supreme Law under the guise, we will naturally You can’t stand by and watch.”

Following the continuous analysis of the people below, someone finally proposed to make a move, and as soon as this person's words fell, other people also talked about reconsideration.

"Okay, this king also means the same thing. If the order goes on, the elder-level people will stay except for the number required for the operation of the large formation. The rest of the people will be dispatched. This king wants to see if someone is really so courageous. To such an extent, they dare to attack the Dragon Clan, or do the people of the Dragon Clan treat other people as idiots and want to hide Chen Cang?"

Following the Silver Wolf Clan's actions, other forces in the God's Domain took action one after another. For a while, the entire God's Domain was full of gunpowder, and many small forces even directly moved their hands.

"It's messed up, everything is messed up."

In Yaoguang City, Guo Jia smiled and looked at the information in his hands. These were collected by Su Chen and the local forces in the God’s Domain in Yaoguang City. You can’t let these guys fight, but if you want them to inquire about the information, they really can’t do it. It is a good hand.

"I can't help them not messing around. Those people in the ancient party want to refine the longevity medicine. It's crazy. If this kind of thing is not made public, everyone will laugh it off as a joke."

"But if other people know that the longevity medicine is really possible, hehe, those big forces will take the initiative without us provoking it."

"Changsheng, how many people in this world can resist its temptation?"

Jia Xu shook his head and said.

"Get ready, the race for hegemony of all races has already advanced, this time only the living are qualified to covet the supreme law, if they can't handle this turmoil, or the races that have nothing to do in this turmoil, they will It’s all counted out.”

Su Chen is very clear about the essence of the supreme law, and one of the most basic conditions needed is to step on the road and cultivate oneself. Great courage is one of the most basic conditions needed. Only those who can face the difficulties with so many forces can be accepted by the supreme. Law approved.


On the other side, where Gu Fang is located, Gu An and others listened to the report of his subordinates with gloomy faces. The Dragon Clan really came for them. At most, one day, the army of the Dragon Clan will kill their camp.

"Damn it, are these guys crazy? The life of a mere dragon makes them dare to defy the emperor's decree?"

A Great Freedom in the dark said angrily.

"I've said it a long time ago. Gu'an and the others are unreliable in their work. They have already seen it since they captured the phoenix, but if you don't listen, you still want them to do such an important thing."

"Don't blame me for not reminding you guys, it doesn't matter if you are from the Dragon Clan. After all, the dragon liver was indeed brought back. If you trouble me, I will naturally come forward to solve it."

"Damn dragons are not in our plan. Whoever makes trouble will settle it themselves. You should have no objection to this, poisonous king."

Another person in the dark said calmly, but from what he said, the force of Gu Fang is not monolithic.

"Heavenly King of Evil Desire, what do you mean by this? Could it be that you want to destroy the emperor's recovery? Don't forget, although Gu'an is my man, he really didn't do a good job this time, but he is a dragon and a phoenix after all. Bring it back."

If Su Chen is also here at this time, then he must be able to hear that the owner of this voice is Xiu Tianxia. After all, Gu Fang has deceived the world. In their power, there is more than one Zhunhuang.

"Okay, both of you, stop arguing. There is no room for mistakes in the emperor's affairs, and the Shenlong clan has an evil desire to solve it. As for the evil dragon clan, you can deal with the poison."

"Remember, the emperor's awakening is the top priority. I don't care how you usually fight, but if the emperor's awakening is delayed, you should know the consequences without me telling you."

The dragon's revenge disrupted the peace of the entire God's Domain. This battle is destined to enter the history of the God's Domain. At the same time, Su Chen and others have followed in the footsteps of the Dragon's...

(End of this chapter)

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