First emperor of the human race

Chapter 579 The Shock of Wutian Road

Chapter 579 The Shock of Wutian Road
The universe is huge, and there are countless secrets in it, and some are undoubtedly taboo, such as this ancient country of Buddha.

According to legend, whoever puts down the butcher knife can immediately become a Buddha, and after becoming a Buddha, he can enter the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss, which is the ancient country of Buddha.

The sky is healthy, and all races are striving for self-improvement. After the monks competed against the sky, they evolved all kinds of Dao fruits. The goal of everyone's life is nothing more than the emperor and the emperor.

But the monks in the ancient country of the Buddha are different. They come from all the races in the universe, and they were all famous people in the past, but after they disappeared suddenly, they reappeared and pretended to be the Buddha.

These people do not fight for Dao fruit, but for luck, and there will be traces of them in every era, but what they do with luck is unknown to everyone.

However, Su Chen is very clear that the people of this force are very dangerous, very dangerous. 10 years ago, Su Chengai overwhelmed all ages, and he almost crushed everything on the road of proof. It was not until he was almost about to prove the Tao that he encountered these The power of the Buddha's ancient country.

Five, the opponent has produced five strong men who can fight with Su Chen, who was almost invincible at that time. If it were not because Fang Zhi was not there to prove the Tao, whether Su Chen could become the emperor ten years ago is still two things to say. .

Thinking of the terror of the other party, Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "You don't care who I am, what you just said means that the foreign force is the ancient kingdom of Buddha?"

If the other party is really the ancient country of Buddha, then Su Chen has to consider whether the other party can withstand the attack on Daxia. Su Chen will not despise anyone again, no matter who the other party is.

"I don't know, but the eighth floor is right, because Luo Hanfei is from the ancient kingdom of Buddha, and his title is Double-faced Buddha. I only learned this after paying a great price."

Speaking of this, Wu Tianlu took off his coat, and when Guo Jia and the others wondered what the Buddha's ancient country could do, they were suddenly stunned by the scene before them.

A long scar ran across Wu Tianlu's entire body obliquely from his right shoulder. This scar was not caused by a sharp blade, on the contrary, it should have been caused by a blunt instrument, and it looked extremely hideous.

"It was Luo Hanfei who was wounded by the magic subduing pestle. If it wasn't for my ability, I would have been completely destroyed by this blow."

After Wu Tianlu finished speaking, he put on his clothes again, but Su Chen and others already understood that he had broken through the other party's secret, and the other party would never let him go, so he came to seek his own asylum.

"Luo Hanfei has been hiding his strength, and I only discovered it by chance when he happened to be massacring an ancient race and stopped him."

"You should have heard of the Baiyin Tianhu clan, right? That race that was once comparable to the Golden Lion clan will no longer exist. That guy Luo Hanfei wiped out their entire clan."

Hearing what Wu Tianlu said, Su Chen also frowned. The Silver Sky Tiger and the Golden Lion, these two tribes are the top races in the universe, and the first time Su Chen and Luo Hanfei took over the cause and effect was because of Luo Hanfei. Fei Zai shot at the Golden Lion Clan, while Su Chen shot to stop him out of admiration for Lion Heart Tianzun.

"What does this have to do with the power outside? How can you be sure that the power outside is from the ancient kingdom of Buddha?"

After hearing so much, Lei Zhenzi on the side finally couldn't help asking.

"The leader of that force outside is Luo Hanfei. Do you think they are from the ancient kingdom of Buddha?"

Hearing Lei Zhenzi's words, Wu Tianlu said calmly.

"Okay, this news is very important to us. The ancient country of the Buddha should not be underestimated, and I have been retreating these days, and I have already felt the breath of the supreme law."

"The real war is coming soon, you should be ready too, this time I really plan to use all of Daxia's power, I want to build a portal here to connect Daxia."

Su Chen looked serious, because of his relationship, the battle of the Ten Thousand Races for Hegemony has been advanced a lot, which can be regarded as catching other foreign races who are interested in competing for the supreme law by surprise.

However, it is not enough to just grab the upper hand. Whether it can persist in the next war is the key.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Guo Jia and the others didn't react, but Wu Tianlu, when he heard Su Chen said that he wanted to build a portal that could connect to the outside world, he showed a look of shock.

"You said you want to build a portal to the outside world? Don't you know that this is impossible? The reason why God's Domain is God's Domain is that it has a special formation to protect it from the outside world."

"And if you want to build such a portal, it is tantamount to resisting the entire Divine Realm. How can such a thing be done?"

You can't even enter God's Domain without obtaining special coordinates, and Su Chen's move has never been done before in God's Domain. If you can establish a teleportation array that connects to the outside world, then to put it bluntly, as long as you control this large array , then he will be able to dominate the entire God Realm.

This is not an exaggeration. What is the purpose of the dragon clan to settle in God's Domain? Isn't it because God's Domain is a holy place for cultivation?A day of cultivation here is enough to be worth a year of cultivation outside.

Otherwise, why do you think that most of the strong people in the Great Freedom Realm live here?

If Su Chen can really build such a teleportation formation, then Wu Tianlu will have to re-examine Su Chen's strength. The formation of God's Domain is a great power that is infinitely king and countless formations.

If Su Chen can build a teleportation formation that connects to the outside world without destroying the large formation, does that mean that Su Chen is stronger than the Zhunhuang and those formation masters in terms of strength and formation skills?
Can humans still do this?Especially when the other party is still so young...

Hearing Wu Tianlu's question, Su Chen didn't answer him. For Su Chen, facts are much more straightforward than eloquence. Facing Wu Tianlu's question, all Su Chen had to do was face him. In front of him, he arranged the teleportation array that was impossible in his eyes.

As Su Chen broke into the quasi-emperor realm, the emperor's treasure he left behind can finally be fully opened.

Seeing countless treasures that are so precious enough to make the dragon clan boil, flying out of Su Chen's hands one by one, Wu Tianlu grew his mouth from the very beginning and never stopped.

Wu Tianlu has practiced for more than [-] years, and he has collected a lot of treasures over the years, but compared with the things Su Chen brought out in front of him, Wu Tianlu suddenly felt that he was better than that beggar. Not much better.

"Phoenix pure gold, red blood silver sand, dragon blood mithril, steel bone and iron stone..."

"Is it possible that this guy has obtained the treasure of the Great Emperor? Or is it that the land of exile is already so rich?"

Wu Tianlu looked at Su Chen in shock as he took out one precious divine material after another and said.

Xuan'ao's handprints communicated the most original law of heaven and earth, and strands of space laws also gathered together in Su Chen's constantly intertwined laws.

And with the continuous convergence of these laws, what was considered impossible in Wutianlu has gradually become a reality, and a teleportation array that can connect to the outside world in God's Domain is about to take shape...

(End of this chapter)

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