Chapter 585

In just one year, the God's Domain, which was originally a holy place for practice, became a mess, and not only the God's Domain, but perhaps because of the turmoil in the God's Domain, wars broke out in the entire universe for a while. .

In the outside world, those races that do not have a strong army but have top powerhouses have also taken action one after another, and they are also unwilling to be lost in such a golden world.

It doesn't matter if there is no army, the powerhouses of these races have gone to the universe as individuals, and the domain of God is their destination.

The race does not have the soil to support them, so they will find it by themselves. The merits of the dragon are very tempting. Being able to assist a strong man to become emperor as a guardian is enough for them to protect the prosperity of the race forever.

Gu Lishan, a person who looks like a beastman but is not super strong, the reason why he said this is because he looks very similar to the tauren but is a prisoner of the cattle, and he has the powerful strength of the stage of the great freedom .

Even if Gu Lishan is only one step away from the quasi-emperor, and with his talent, Su Chen believes that he can definitely take this step.

"Have you figured it out? Do you really want to come to join me? Don't blame me for not reminding you. Judging from the major forces in God's Realm today, my Great Xia is only in the middle and lower classes."

"No matter what will happen in the future, but as far as the present is concerned, the Dragon Clan, the Yinyue Sky Wolf Clan, the Great Ghost Clan, the Qingluan Clan, and the Phoenix Clan, these forces are much stronger than my Great Xia. So, you Have you decided to rely on me?"

Since this period of time, there have been single strong men in God's Domain looking for a force to join, and they all came with the same purpose, that is Conglong Zhigong.

These people's racial power is not strong. Although they have good talents, they can't support a strong army, which means that they don't have the core grassroots power to occupy more stars.

And this also means that there is an insurmountable gap in the cultivation resources between them and those powerful people with huge power support.

Wealth and marriage are indispensable things in the journey of practice. Personal strength is limited after all, and the kind of thing that can meet blessings at any time will only exist in novels.

Without a powerful force to back it up, it would be difficult for you to concentrate on your practice, let alone want to be superior to others?
There are many strong singles who come to God's Domain, but none of them choose Daxia to seek refuge. Of course, it is not so absolute. These days, there are still some people who come to Daxia because of their reputation.

However, the strongest of those people are only in the Heavenly Exalted Realm, and their own combat power is even more appallingly weak. In the current situation where Zhao Yun and others are already attacking the Great Freedom Realm, how can Su Chen look down on a few miscellaneous Celestial Venerables? territory?

Hearing Su Chen's words, the huge Gu Lishan also lowered his head and gave Su Chen a lot of attention carefully, and then he said in a low voice: "I have carefully understood all the strong men who may prove the Tao, all..."

"Of course, this includes you."

"These powerhouses are, without exception, the top existences in the universe. From the time they first appeared, they have all shown the appearance of great emperors, but you are different in this regard."

Speaking of this, Guli Shan paused for a moment before continuing: "Human Su Chen, Emperor Daxia, was born in a place called a place of evil by the Holy Spirit tribe."

"In order to prove this, I personally went to that place called the Eight Desolation Continent."

"Messy spiritual energy, low-level cultivation materials, and even spirit beasts and monsters are nothing more than a group of wild beasts, and the strongest are not even in the realm of heaven."

"However, in such an extremely harsh environment, you have shown an extremely amazing talent."

"Of course, all of this is also very mysterious. If I remember correctly, there is nothing outstanding about you before the age of 20."

"And that's all. Compared with your brother, except that you are kinder and have some unique understanding of governing the country, the rest of you don't have any outstanding points at all."

"Until your brother rebelled, and you single-handedly defeated several of your brothers, no matter in terms of means or mind, you became as if you were completely different from before."

"Of course, I learned these things from the minds of some ministers in your imperial capital. Don't worry, I didn't hurt them."

"Actually, I'm curious what caused you to have such a change, Duoshe? Enlightenment? Or is it some kind of seal unsealed?"

"There are many situations that can cause you to change like this, but I summed it up and found that none of them can make your strength grow so fast and have no side effects."

"So I made a bold guess. Could you simply be reborn from a powerful existence? If I didn't get to know you carefully, I wouldn't be able to draw such a conclusion."

"As for the reason why I come to take refuge in you, it is because I believe in my own judgment. Among the many strong men, you are the one who is most likely to prove the truth."

Hearing what Gu Lishan said, Nezha and the others standing behind Su Chen almost couldn't hold back and shot directly. It's really too shocking that this seemingly reckless alien has such a delicate heart. .

On the other side, after Su Chen listened to Gu Lishan's words, he was also silent. There is no secret that can be kept forever, Su Chen is very clear about this.

As for the fact that he was reborn as the great emperor, although Su Chen thought he hadn't shown the slightest flaw, he himself was actually the biggest flaw.

A human race can become quasi-emperor in less than a hundred years, standing at the top level of all races in the entire universe, which in itself shows that there is a huge secret in him.

Now, Gu Lishan's guess is very close to the answer. Su Chen also believes that other forces must have been investigating him, and compared to Gu Lishan, these guys with huge forces will only investigate more clearly.

"Hey! This gives me a headache, what you said."

Su Chen didn't deny it. Firstly, he didn't bother to tell lies. Secondly, it was very simple. He knew that it was impossible to hide this matter permanently. It would be a matter of time before the world knew his identity. I thought a lot in advance.

"What? Is it possible that you want to kill me to silence me? If so, then you can do it. Anyway, even if I face you, it will be futile to resist me. It's better to have a good time."

Gu Lishan is very bachelor, it seems that he is not afraid of death at all.

"Okay, since you have studied me carefully, then you must be sure that I will not kill you, come here."

Su Chen said loudly.

"Chen is here!"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Nezha on the side immediately stood up and said.

"Take him to Xiang Yu's place. I will ask him to do one thing in the next two days."

"As for you, Gu Lishan, this matter should be regarded as your nomination certificate for taking refuge in me. As for what you guessed, it is inconvenient for me to tell you right now. Since you have already made a judgment, why don't you take a look at it?"

(End of this chapter)

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