Chapter 588
As the situation became more and more complicated and the world became more and more chaotic, almost all races in the entire universe fell into the vortex of war for a short time.

Except for the star field with an extremely strong background, the rest are all torn apart by the strong.

In the Great Xia Starfield, compared to the chaos outside, this place is already a piece of paradise. Even if there are occasional strong people flying over the border of the starfield, they will always see it glowing with fluorescence and surrounded by powerful aura. Rune Front persuaded to retreat.

The human race has produced an extremely powerful quasi-emperor, which is known to almost everyone in the universe. Today's human race cannot be bullied, and this is also the consensus of all races.

Of course, the Great Xia Starfield is not completely peaceful, it's just that when the people of Great Xia are living and working in peace and contentment, someone is carrying the burden for them.

Looking at the murderous foreign war department in front of him, Si Long looked serious. The other party did not dare to directly enter the boundary of the Great Xia Starfield, but judging from their appearance, they seemed to be planning to try.

"The whole army obeys the order, those who enter the Great Xia Starfield, kill!"

Si Long's killing intent is awe-inspiring, now that Su Chen is not in the Great Xia Starfield, he is the supreme commander here.

Hearing Si Long's words, the already irascible alien war department couldn't bear it anymore, but just when they were about to make a move, a golden light burst out suddenly from afar.


With a sound like thunder, the alien war department in front of Si Long and the others disappeared without a trace, as if the world had evaporated.


Seeing this scene, the general behind Si Long was also a little shocked.He is no longer the weak man who was not even in the legendary realm. As an "old man" who has followed Si Long for a long time, he still has the powerful strength of the heavenly realm.

Of course, this was done after Su Chen used some secret methods at the expense of his future potential. After all, not everyone is a monster.

So a few years ago, Su Chen summoned the generals of the Great Xia Army, and made an extremely frightening move on the premise of their willingness.

That is to forcibly increase their strength through a large number of natural materials and earthly treasures. Of course, the consequences of doing so are extremely serious. First of all, they will no longer have the possibility of rising.

Secondly, these strong human beings who have been promoted through secret methods are weaker than those who have been promoted normally, and most importantly, doing so will not increase their lifespan.

That is to say, if you were promoted through the secret method in the Legendary Realm, then your lifespan is still only as long as the Legendary Realm, even if you are in the Celestial Venerable Realm.

To put it bluntly, the people who can be favored by Su Chen are those who are talented in practice. If they are not willing to choose promotion but practice normally, then their achievements may not be too high, but their life span will definitely be much longer .

But even so, none of them retreated. For the future development of the human race, they all chose to sacrifice themselves...

Hearing the general's words, Si Long also waved his hand, signaling the people below to get ready for the battle.

As time passed, after an hour, a huge group of shuttle warships appeared in the field of vision of Si Long and the others. There were so many opponents, it looked extremely spectacular.

"Immediately send an urgent letter to inform the emperor of the situation here."

Si Long said in a low voice first, and then he shouted loudly: "The rune front is fully activated, and the people in the nearby stars are notified to prepare for evacuation."

This fleet of shuttle warships is simply too frightening. Even in today's Great Xia, they don't have such a large number of shuttle warships that focus on the production of war weapons.

And forget it, when the other party approached, Si Long actually felt a long-lost palpitation.

Si Long didn't know how long he hadn't felt this way, but he knew very well that this group of people definitely came from bad people...


On the other side, in the flagship of the shuttle fleet, a strong man covered in gold sat on the main seat, and below him, a foreign race with three tiger tails on his back was reporting something to him...

"Is this the power of the Great Xia of the Human Race that the Double-Faced Buddha said? It doesn't look very good."

The blond man looked at Si Long with some disdain and said.Today's Si Long also has the strength of the Heavenly Exalted Realm, and he came up through his own practice, so it can be said that his talent is extremely good.

It's just that this kind of strength is no different from that of ants in the eyes of the golden burly man.

"Master Angry, it's not this person that Lord Double-faced Buddha said to be careful. Lord Double-faced Buddha said to be careful of the emperor of the human race."

"And the subordinates also mentioned that the emperor of the human race is now a strong man at the quasi-emperor level. You must know that this is the first time such a strong man has appeared in the human race since the existence disappeared 10 years ago."

"For this reason, Lord Double-faced Buddha can't be too careful. After all, it's all for the sake of the Buddha's plan."

The alien race with three tiger tails seems to be very trustworthy, and he speaks without any sense of fear. On the other side, after hearing his words, the so-called angry-eyed strong man nodded in approval...

"Leave some people to destroy this power called Daxia, and others hurry up. The Buddha has a decree, and the supreme law is about to appear in the world. We need to rush to the realm of the gods first."

"The other protectors are already on their way. I don't want to be laughed at by them."

As soon as the angry words fell, with him as the leader, countless shuttle warships turned into long rainbows one after another, and when these long rainbows disappeared into the sky, there were about a thousand shuttle warships left behind. People attacked...


In God's Domain, Su Chen looked at the urgent letter from Si Long, and he also arranged for the manpower immediately, if it wasn't for the message from Li Chuan that there was news of the ancient recipe, Su Chen even planned to go back in person.

"There is no need for the emperor to worry. With General Si Long around, even if they lose, they will definitely be able to survive until the reinforcements arrive. The most urgent thing is to ask the emperor to take care of the ancient affairs. They are the top priority."

Seeing Su Chen's agitated look, Sima Yi hurriedly said.

"I understand that Gu Fang's side is the most important thing, but I'm also worried about Da Xia."

"I know Si Long's character very well. If the situation was not extremely critical, he would never have sent such an urgent letter."

"Pass my order, Liu Bowen can lead the army of night elves back to the Daxia star field, and at the same time, the Behemoth giant beast will also return."

"At the same time, I ordered Gu Lishan and Xiang Yu to go together. Remember, if things cannot be done, then the priority is to protect the population."

When Su Chen issued orders one by one, the outside world also changed dramatically. Before Su Chen could make a complete arrangement, a dazzling golden light shone in the sky accompanied by an incomparably noble aura.

At this time, the supreme law actually appeared in the world...

(End of this chapter)

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