First emperor of the human race

Chapter 62 This rebellion is not created alone.

Chapter 62 This rebellion is not created alone.

"The third prince is here!"

"The Fourth Prince's Camp of David is dead!"

"A master of the legendary realm has appeared! It's the third prince's man! It's our man!"

All around Hirano City, the shouts of the army under the command of the Third Prince kept ringing, and they were extremely excited.

With the appearance of the third prince and Lei Zhenzi on the battlefield, the momentum of the army under the command of the third prince continued to rise. On the other hand, the army under the command of the fourth prince, although there were many elite troops, but due to the death of the fourth prince, the morale continued to drop.

Originally, under the leadership of elite divisions and generals, they wanted to avenge the fourth prince and kept fighting.

But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't save the situation. Lei Zhenzi's every shot was just right, either directly killing most of the elite troops under the fourth prince's command, or directly killing the generals under the fourth prince's command.

Lei Zhenzi wandered around the city with the third prince Su Yi, constantly showing up to fight, constantly attacking the enemy and boosting his own momentum.

The third prince, Su Yi, was not idle either. He used his prestige to gather the rebels, and ordered the generals and military advisers to organize the rebels. They continued to encircle and suppress the rebels according to order and formation, and controlled the situation in the city.

The originally chaotic situation in Hirano City has improved, and the random fighting between the two sides has turned into an orderly strangling.

"The gates are open!"

At this moment, a hoarse shout sounded in the city, full of excitement, this is the excitement after seeing hope in a time of despair.

"The city gate is really open!"

"The four gates of the South City Gate and the North City Gate are all open!"

"Brothers, get out!"

The voices kept ringing out one after another, and the army of the fourth prince had been retreating steadily. They couldn't hold on anymore, and began to charge and retreat towards the city gate.

As long as I go out of the city, the sky and the sea are wide enough to let me run, let's see how you chase.

Downstairs in the south city where Su Chen lived, at the end of the street, countless rebels charged in this direction, wishing their parents would give him two more legs.

The South City Gate is really wide open!

It was pitch black outside the city gate, like the mouth of a beast, and no one could see what was outside.

"Brothers, go, run out of the city and survive!"

The leading rebel was full of excitement, his legs were flying, and he kept running.

at this time.

"Da da da."

A clear and orderly sound sounded, and the ground trembled slightly in an orderly manner.

"What's that sound?"

The rebels were stunned for a moment, puzzled in their hearts, but behind them was the enemy, they did not dare to retreat, they could only keep running forward.

The sound of "da da da" became louder and louder.

Gradually, a group of cavalry appeared in the dark place of the south gate!
It's the imperial army!

The sharp and flickering long spear was held flat on his chest, all standard armor, and cold eyes full of murderous intent.

Lean over, ride your horse, charge silently!
"It's cavalry!"

"Damn it, why are cavalry appearing!"


"I can't run anymore, there are people behind me, don't retreat!"

Shouts of astonishment and tragic shouts continued to ring out.

Some people were terrified and wanted to back off, while others kept moving forward. The rebels who had been killed by Lei Zhenzi once were already frightened, unable to bear the slightest stimulation, and their formation was in a mess.

Under the dark night, the cavalry attack, which has accelerated to the highest speed, is the deadliest, especially on the spacious main road directly in front of the city gate.

The crowded streets are full of rebels, and there is nowhere to hide.




The spears pierced through the formation of the rebels, and the cavalry were like a rainbow. The first wave of charge directly bloodbathed the entire main road.

Su Chen stood on the South Tower, watching this scene quietly.


"Run away!"

Corpses lay on the ground, screams continued, blood flowed like rivers, and nothing could stop the charge of the Royal Forest Army.

Not only did the imperial forest army appear on the south tower, but also the imperial forest army charged at each of the four city gates' wide open gates.

Outside each city gate, there were at least 2000 Royal Forest Army cavalry. They had already prepared outside the city. As soon as the gate opened, they began to charge at an accelerated rate.

For the rebels, the world outside the city gate is not a way of life, but a more heroic way of death.

"Human life in troubled times."

Su Chen muttered to himself, and the moonlight shone on his shoulders.

The city was full of noise, and the bloody sky soared into the sky. He was the only one who was alone and watched from the sidelines.

Two hours later, it was dawn, and before dawn, the battle in Hirano City was declared over, and the situation in the city was completely controlled by the Third Prince.

In the prefect's mansion, the third prince Su Yi sat on the main seat, and Lei Zhenzi stood beside him.

Below them are rows of military staff, generals and lieutenants in the army, quite like a small court.

"Third Highness, fighting all night, our army lost 5 people, the enemy killed 8 people, and captured 20 people!"

A military adviser stood in the hall of the prefect's mansion, beaming with joy and spitting, very excited.

15 vs. 28, the gap was nearly double, and the Fourth Prince had many elite troops, yet they won!

Of course, this is also because the fourth prince died early, so he couldn't join the battlefield to complete the overall planning and layout.

"Thanks to the help of this strong man, our army fought the enemy bravely last night and completely defeated the army under the fourth prince's command! Now, Hirano City is under our control!"

A general stood up, saluted respectfully, and looked at Lei Zhenzi who was standing next to the Third Prince with fear and admiration.

This man who always wears a hooded robe and covers his face is too strong!

Of the 8 people killed in the Fourth Prince's army, half of them were elite troops, all of which were killed by him alone!
As soon as he raised his hand, the spiritual energy bloomed like a vast ocean, and he defeated the enemy army like mowing grass. No one could beat him!
"Brother Lei is indeed very powerful."

The third prince looked up at Lei Zhenzi, and sighed in a complicated tone: "He is in the legendary realm."

With one word, the whole hall was shocked.

"Oh my god, he is legendary!"

"This is a legendary master who can be compared to General Si Long!"

"This is awesome!"

The third prince's subordinates couldn't help shouting excitedly after a short shock.

"Third Highness, with such a strong person in hand, why not worry about the failure of such a big event!"

A military adviser was overjoyed and shouted: "Third Highness, give me an order! I am sure that I will clear up 20 captives within three days, and counting our original 10 people, there will be a full 30 troops!"

"Third Highness, with the help of General Lei, we can fight all the way to the imperial capital, and I will call you emperor!"

"At that time, even if Silong returns to the capital regardless of the safety of the eastern border, we will not be afraid. With General Lei around, I understand that Silong will not be able to make any trouble."

The military division said one sentence after another, his face flushed, he was so excited.

When he thought of being able to become a minister of the dragon, and enjoy endless glory and wealth from now on, he felt his whole body trembling, it was trembling of excitement.

It turned out that the third prince had no choice but to form an alliance with the other princes and support the other princes to enter the capital because they were few major generals.

But now, they have legendary masters, and their strength has increased after a battle!
With such a good opportunity, who doesn't want to be the emperor himself?
"Go to the imperial capital?"

Su Yi gave a bitter smile, shook his head, and said firmly: "I've changed my mind, and this is the opposite, I can't make it."


The military advisers and generals were all dumbfounded, staring blankly at the third prince, not recovering from it for a long time.

Brother, you said that if you don’t rebel, you won’t rebel?

We have already hit Hirano City, so you just quit!
You said you quit the job, what should we do?
This is a decapitation business, how can I give up halfway!
"Don't be surprised, and don't be afraid. In fact, to tell you the truth, from the very beginning, Gu was not for rebellion."

Su Yi coughed, and said with a blushing face and heartbeat: "In fact, Gu was deeply entrusted by the emperor. He broke into the Eight Kings and learned about their alliance's internal intelligence. Prepare for the chaos of the king."

"The emperor said, Gu is an internal response, and he is bearing the burden of humiliation for the sake of the overall situation."

Su Yi continued to speak, fooling his staff: "Now the fourth brother is dead, and the army under the command of the second brother in Linshan City has also been completely defeated. The eldest brother disappeared, leaving only two battlefields in the northwest that have not yet been settled."

"Most of the general trend of the Seven Kings Rebellion has disappeared, and Gu finally doesn't have to continue to hide his identity."

Su Yi pretended to be relieved, sighed, and his face was full of relief.

Military staff: "."

Warrior general: "."

What is this all about?
You say you are an internal response, but does the emperor believe it?
"Third Highness, here."

A military adviser had to prepare for a long time before he reluctantly asked: "The emperor, are you willing to believe your words?"

The relationship is good, I have been talking about it for a long time, do you all think it is wishful thinking?
Su Yi was furious, and he was about to speak.

At this moment, a loud laugh sounded from the cabinet in the hall: "Of course I believe in my brother, the third brother does follow my will."

Everyone turned their heads to look over.

From inside the screen, a man wearing a white armor cloak came out, with black hair draped over his shoulders, he looked heroic, and he looked at the crowd with a smile: "You are not traitors, but heroes! You are all my heroes!"

It's the emperor!
The emperor who is far away in the imperial capital has appeared in Hirano City!

 It's already on the PK, I hope everyone will support it, vote, reward, and book review!
  This is very important for authors!

  Thanks to the author!

  Wait for one more.

(End of this chapter)

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