First emperor of the human race

Chapter 68 Take a hammer from a certain company!

Chapter 68 Take a hammer from a certain company!

Emperor, this thief has already been killed.

Li Ji raised his sleeve expressionlessly and wiped the blood from the sword.

He looks very gentle and stable, but his murderous sword is also very fast.

The whole hall was shocked, and everyone was speechless.

The atmosphere was eerily silent.

Liu Taishou and Li Jingyang looked at Li Ji in shock. They also wanted to kill the second prince, but the second prince had a special status, and he was not someone they could kill if they wanted to!

This Minister of the Military Aircraft Pavilion is really too decisive.
Isn't he afraid of the emperor's punishment?

No, this is no longer a question of whether the emperor will convict, in order to save the royal family's face, the emperor will definitely convict Li Ji!

Royal blood, only the current emperor can be beheaded, others cannot be beheaded!

Even if the second prince is a sinful person, no one can blame him except the emperor himself!

"Maogong, you"

Zhao Yun was stunned for a long while before he said in a deep voice: "You are too reckless, the emperor will blame you."

"Reckless? Maybe"

Li Ji smiled and said: "If the emperor is punished, I will bear it on my shoulders, but if the thief is not killed, it will not be able to dispel the hatred in my heart."

"Hundreds of thousands of people in Linshan City were buried in the hands of this person, causing a lot of trouble for the emperor, the turmoil in the Great Xia, and the loss of the country's fortune are all due to the chaos of the Eight Kings; death of this thief is not a pity."

Zhao Yun sighed and said, "I also know these things, but Duke Mao shouldn't have killed this person so quickly; we escorted him to the imperial capital, and he will die, and the emperor will definitely kill him."

"Will you kill?"

Li Ji asked with a smile, then shook his head: "You don't understand."

Zhao Yun is talented and smart, but he is too upright to see through the twists and turns.

At this time, Great Xia is in turmoil and the whole country is unstable. If the second prince is escorted to the imperial capital, the emperor will definitely not kill him for the sake of the overall situation.Because the emperor will pay extra attention to his reputation at this time, and will never allow any mistakes.

Sending the second prince to the imperial capital is equivalent to giving the thief a talisman.

Dijun may kill him, but not now. This wait may take more than ten years, until Daxia is completely stabilized, and Dijun completely controls the overall situation of Daxia, and at the same time solves the orc chaos in Eastern Xinjiang.

But more than ten years is enough time for the second prince to make some fools.

The second prince had to die, this person could not go to the imperial capital, nor could he meet the emperor, he had to die in Linshan City!

Zhao Yun was slightly silent. He felt some other meanings in Li Ji's act of killing the second prince, but he didn't ask, and didn't ask Li Ji for any explanation.

"Maogong, I killed this man; if the emperor punishes me, I will resist."

Zhao Yun looked at Li Ji in a deep voice.

As the commander-in-chief of the first army, he said that he could not just watch Li Ji being punished by the emperor, but he led the military to make great achievements, which ran counter to Zhao Yun's belief.

"Do you think the emperor will believe it? You are so calm, the emperor will not believe that you will kill the second prince."

Li Ji laughed, patted Zhao Yun on the shoulder, and comforted him: "I am the minister of the Military Aircraft Pavilion, and I am highly valued by the emperor. The emperor will not do anything to me because of a second prince. What I do is to slap my minister of the Military Aircraft Pavilion for a while." job."

"If you really want to help me, then send troops quickly and give me some credit so that I can make up for my mistakes."

Li Ji looked at Zhao Yun with a smile.

"it is good."

Zhao Yun took a deep breath, nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Rectify today, send troops tomorrow! We will each receive half of the light cavalry and heavy cavalry!"

"Maogong, you are responsible for rushing to the west battlefield, and I will lead the army to support the north battlefield!"

The Guard Cavalry is a cavalry, responsible for battlefield support and mobile forces, so it naturally pays attention to efficiency, and Zhao Yun is not a procrastinating coach, he makes decisions on the spot.

"no problem."

Li Ji nodded happily.

"As for Taishou Liu and Captain Li."

Zhao Yun turned around, looked at the two of them, and said in a deep voice: "These days, I have expanded the militia team to some people, and I have focused on training, and I will leave a few captains who are proficient in military training in Linshan City to lead the team. Thousands of militiamen."

"Now that the second prince is dead, the situation in the southern battlefield has been completely stabilized. You two only need to make good use of the [-] militiamen to protect Linshan City; I will also leave half of the luggage and food, which should last for three months. .”

"It only takes three months, and the battlefields on all sides will definitely subside. The Rebellion of the Eight Kings cannot last for three months!"

Zhao Yun's voice was extraordinarily confident.

"Follow the commander's orders."

Liu Taishou and Li Jingyang looked at each other, and respectfully bowed their hands to accept the order.

With the liberation of the cavalry army on the southern battlefield, the entire Rebellion of the Eight Kings began to be declared to be over.

The Great Xia Zhenwei Cavalry, which has strong mobility and support, intervened, and the situation in the west and north battlefields was already doomed.

At the same time, the battlefield to the west.

Bai Qi held the 40 Great Xia Tie Army in his hand and defended the city. Facing the [-] army, he would not retreat.

He didn't take the initiative to go out of the city to find trouble with the rebels, nor did he run away, just messing around with the rebels.

I only have 40 troops, and you have [-] rebels. People eat horse chews every day, and the food and grass consumed is an astronomical figure.

Fighting a war of attrition, the rebels absolutely can't afford it.

But the rebels had a headache, Bai Qi didn't go out of the city to fight them at all, every time they wanted to attack the city, Liu Bowen's army division in the city would set up the Rao Shizi [Seven Star Beidou] army formation.

As long as the rebels retreat, Bai Qi will lead the army out to strangle for a while, not to kill the enemy generals, but to kill the soldiers!

Bai Qi didn't go deep every time, as long as the rebels came back to attack, they immediately withdrew to the city.

Although the Daxia Tiejun defending the city moved in formation, it could be attacked or accepted, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

You say bombing with siege machines?
The city walls of the main defense line of the western battlefield are the thickest and tallest among all the cities on the four sides of the battlefield!Comparable to the imperial capital!
If you want to bomb a gap, you can't do it without more than a month of effort, and this still doesn't take into account the consumption of siege equipment. If you really want to bomb like this, the siege equipment can't support the high-frequency bombing for a month. .

The siege equipment is like chicken ribs, and it can't be defeated in a large-scale siege. Every time I want to detour to leave this main line of defense, I will go directly to the imperial capital and force the army in the city to go out of the city to fight.

But this person surnamed Bai did not know where to place an ambush. The army in the city cooperated with the ambush and went out of the city to cover up and kill them at night. With the blessing of the [Seven Stars and Big Dipper] army formation, the mobility of this group of infantry is as fast as that of cavalry!

They come and go like the wind, and every time they can only make the rebels jump with anger.

There's no way, I can only waste it like this.

On the northern battlefield where Li Yuanba and Guan Yiwu were located, the situation was similar.

The battlefield to the north.

"Military division, let a certain family leave the city! Get down on this group of rebels!"

This is the first time Li Yuanba has called for battle. He is the commander of the first army, and he is like an ordinary vanguard general at this time, unable to command the troops in the city at all.

This is not to blame for Li Yuanba, the emperor had an order before sending troops, and the situation on the northern battlefield and the arrangement of military operations must obey Guan Yiwu's orders.

Li Yuanba could only be in charge of fighting, and could not make decisions about military operations.

"General Li, don't panic, this battle will be fought sooner or later, but it's not the time yet."

Guan Yiwu personally poured a cup of tea for Li Yuanba, and said with a smile: "As long as General Zhao solves the danger of Linshan City, the game of chess on the four-sided battlefield will come to life, and we can naturally go out of the city to fight bloody battles."

"You always say that to a certain family, but you have been guarding it for so many days, and a certain family feels aggrieved."

Li Yuanba's voice was extremely loud, and he was extremely depressed.

According to his temper, he directly led the army out of the city, went down with two hammers, and the whole world became quiet. What strategy do you want?What resourcefulness do you want?
Simple and decisive!Very crisp!

"No and no."

Guan Yiwu shook his head and explained: "There are 40 troops outside the city. No matter how brave the general is, he will not be able to wipe out the 40 troops. If the general is sent to fight, he has been in love with the battle for a long time, and the general will be in danger."

"If the general makes a mistake, with Zhong alone's wisdom, it is absolutely impossible to defend the city. The general is extremely important to the overall situation. He is the only hope for the people in the city. The general must not be impulsive."

Guan Yiwu's tone was always gentle, and he patted Li Yuanba's flattery quietly.

This Li Yuanba is just a rough talent, you can't force him, you have to coax him.

Li Yuanba snorted, and kept silent. He also knew that no matter how powerful he was, he was only one person, and he couldn't kill all 40 rebels outside the city. He just didn't want to admit it.

Guan Yiwu smiled and stopped talking.

He is not Liu Bowen, and he is not proficient in military formations, so he is more cautious than Liu Bowen. He has never left the city to fight, and has been closely watching the movements of the rebels outside the city.

At this moment, the guards outside the door suddenly broke in, knelt down and reported in a low voice: "General, military advisor, the rebels outside the city are attacking the city again."

"This group of thieves are raised, dare to come!"

Li Yuanba was furious, and suddenly got up: "Bring a hammer from a certain company!"


Hearing this, the guards trembled all over, and said pitifully, "General, you should go get it yourself, brothers can't lift it."

They would rather fight the rebels for three days and three nights than carry Li Yuanba's hammer.

(End of this chapter)

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