Chapter Seven

[Creation Yunyuan Pill], [Nine Lives Snowy Robe], [Dust Jade Curtain Crown], [Hundred Soul Protector Mirror], [Qingshui Long Sword].
A total of five things were neatly placed in front of Su Chen.

[Creative Yunyuan Pill]: The supreme elixir personally refined by Su Chen in his previous life, has the anti-natural effect of consolidating the foundation, washing the marrow and cutting the bones, can improve the realm of one's own blood, and tap the potential of the body.This was originally prepared by Su Chen for his apprentice in his previous life, but who knew that Su Chen was reborn before he had time to accept his apprentice
[Nine Lives Snow Field Robe]: Su Chen's spare robe in his previous life, although it was just a spare robe, was still the emperor's property, and it was extremely precious to ordinary monks of all races.This robe is white all over, embroidered with blue and white porcelain patterns, it is an acquired spiritual treasure, with the characteristics of being invulnerable to water and fire, and hard to hurt by swords, it is a good defensive treasure.

[Dust Jade Curtain Crown]: This item is the Xihuang treasure paid tribute by the Si family, the founding general of the Great Xia Dynasty.Su Chen took out this object to replace his own crown.

Although this item was not so precious to Su Chen in the previous life, it is a good magic weapon for the current Su Chen.

If a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, he already has a magic weapon to choose and use, why not use it?
This is not Su Chen's character.

[Hundred Soul Protector]: The Houtian Spirit Treasure, although it is called the Protector, is actually just a small white coat, worn inside the outer robe, it is a good defensive magic weapon.

[Clear Water Long Sword]: Acquired spiritual treasure, extremely sharp, the whole body is as clear as water, when it is unsheathed, there is a faint and clear sound of sword chant reverberating.

These five things, except for [Caohua Yunyuan Pill], which is an elixir, are all artifacts of the Houtian Lingbao level. For Su Chen, they are just not bad, and they can be barely used.

However, according to the current Eight Desolation Standards, magic weapons are divided into grades: mortal weapons (excluding spiritual energy and supernatural powers), spiritual weapons, spiritual treasures, acquired spiritual treasures, congenital spiritual treasures, acquired treasures, and congenital treasures.

The Houtian Lingbao is already an extremely powerful magic weapon in the Eight Desolation Continent, and weaker countries and races may not be able to have one.

You know, even the Great General Silong of the Great Xia Empire, as the great general of the first dynasty of the human race, has only one acquired spiritual treasure, which is still inherited from his ancestors.

As for the first-class acquired treasures and congenital treasures, they only appeared in ancient myths and legends, that is, they existed in the splendid era of Su Chen's previous life, and now there are no treasures born in the entire Eight Desolation, and the highest grade is only the congenital treasure. .

It can be seen from this that these four Houtian Lingbao are rare items.

But [Caohua Yunyuan Pill], more than these four things, is the supreme elixir, which can improve the physique of a living body from the most original part.

Not to mention the four Houtian Lingbao, Su Chen might not be willing to exchange even the most precious treasure for this elixir.

For Su Chen, there are infinite magic treasures in the emperor's treasure, which is the accumulation of his life as the first emperor of the human race in his previous life. Not to mention spiritual treasures, he also has many treasures!
It's just stored in a deeper forbidden space, which is currently unobtainable.

Su Chen took a deep breath, and took the wooden box containing the [Caohua Yunyuan Pill] into his hands. This wooden box is neither gold nor wood, and the material is very special. It is one of the god-level materials for forging innate treasures. Make a wooden box to hold 【Good Fortune Yunyuan Pill】.

Su Chen opened the wooden box, and the aroma immediately overflowed.

There was a lot of dense sunlight rushing up, and the aroma was tangy for a moment, and the fragrance of medicine surged out, as if it was about to turn into holy light and drown this place.

After the dense breath dissipated, Su Chen could clearly see what was inside the wooden box.

A elixir that is crystal clear like a chalcedony bead lies peacefully in the wooden box, surrounded by a divine radiance, and the strong fragrance that emanates makes one's soul startled, as if sublimated in an instant.

"Oh, it's a pity that my apprentice is not blessed to enjoy this pill."

Su Chen is in a good mood.

Where did he have apprentices in his previous life, Su Chen just planned to accept apprentices on a whim, but he didn't find a suitable seedling.

Now, the ancient elixir that was prepared long ago can only be used by oneself.

Su Chen swallowed the [Creation Yunyuan Pill], and the elixir melted at the entrance, turning into a stream of warm water, which slowly flowed down his throat into his abdomen.

It was like a raging fire, burning ferociously, spreading rapidly from the abdomen to the limbs and bones. Although there was a hot burning feeling, it didn't hurt anyone, nor was it uncomfortable.

This is [Caohua Yunyuan Pill] refining Su Chen's body in this life, tapping his potential, and condensing his soul.


There was a muffled sound of thunder in Su Chen's chest. This was the blood flowing violently, and the meridians were being reshaped and polished!

Such a transformation can be called excruciating pain. Although the pain has weakened under the suppression of [Caohua Yunyuan Pill], it is also terrifying.

Su Chen didn't change his face, and continued to absorb the effect of the medicine calmly.

Su Chen closed his eyes, sat cross-legged on the dragon bed, and began to practice.

Su Chen practiced countless secret methods in his previous life. He once studied the Supreme Law of Ten Thousand Races. He continued to transform and went through all kinds of hardships. It was not until he reached the realm of the Great Emperor that he had the time to study his own Great Emperor Law carefully.

Su Chen's Great Emperor Law is called "Tao Heart Hidden Soul". No one practiced it. It is the Supreme Great Emperor Law that Su Chen evolved alone.

In his previous life, Su Chen relied on this method to win the great reputation of being the first emperor of the human race under the sky, overwhelming the powerhouses of all races, and the geniuses of countless stars could not lift their heads.

In his previous life, Su Chen often lamented that if he had practiced the method at the beginning of his practice, his achievements might have been even higher.

The regret at the beginning can be made up for now, and it has to be said that it is a very comfortable thing for Su Chen.

The secret method of "Tao Heart Hidden Soul" is hidden in the deepest forbidden space in the Great Emperor's Treasure. Su Chen can't get it now, but Su Chen has the memory of his previous life and is familiar with all the contents of "Tao Heart Hidden Soul".

It can be said that Su Chen has been able to practice "Tao Heart Hidden Soul", and now he operates the aura in his body according to the emperor's heart method, refining the efficacy of elixir.

The current Su Chen, as the Ninth Prince of the Great Xia Dynasty and the new king of the dynasty, practiced the royal secret method of the Great Xia Dynasty.

This set of royal secrets is a set of formulas and secrets evolved from the Supreme Law that Su Chen practiced before becoming the emperor in his previous life. It is very powerful nowadays, but Su Chen doesn't like it.

Even inferior to the Supreme Law, how can it be compared with the Great Emperor Law?

As a member of the royal family of the Great Xia Dynasty, Su Chen learned the incomplete formulas of the Supreme Law since childhood, but due to special physical problems, he was unable to practice successfully for a long time, and his strength was the lowest among the nine princes.

As the prince of the Great Xia Dynasty, he enjoyed countless resources and was personally taught by General Si Long, but he was still a mortal!
This caused Su Chen to be discriminated against, and was almost cast aside by the former emperor.

Su Chen in his previous life also faced this problem, but due to other opportunities, Su Chen in his previous life has successfully solved the problem of being unable to practice due to his special physique despite numerous difficulties and setbacks.

But Su Chen in this life doesn't need to be as cautious as in his previous life. He has had an experience, so he naturally knows what he should do.

[Caohua Yunyuan Pill] The medicinal effect is extremely powerful, and two full hours have passed, Su Chen's body has been filled with powerful divine radiance, and the flickering spiritual vortex keeps disappearing, collapsing, and reappearing all over Su Chen's body .


Su Chen opened his eyes, and a ray of divine brilliance bloomed, just like the birth of the first sun, scorching people's souls.


Su Chen let out a long breath, and a white horse shot out across the air, like a sharp sword, tearing apart the air.


Su Chen got up, shook his hands and feet, his whole body trembled, and made a violent sound like frying beans. Su Chen felt very comfortable and refreshing.

The spiritual energy like a river flows slowly in Su Chen's body, which can be felt very clearly.

"Three Qingjing"

Su Chen muttered to himself, clenched his fists, and nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, Su Chen's muscles are like precious jade, with a faint black divine radiance floating on it, even a layer of stains on the skin after the transformation can't cover up the radiance of Su Chen's muscles and bones at this time.

The blood flowed like thunder, and the bones were as hard as steel!

The aura is like a river, and the soul is like a mountain!
Su Chen can feel that his cultivation realm has reached the third realm of cultivators, the Sanqing Realm.

Although not as powerful as the Nirvana and Legendary realms, Su Chen was very satisfied with being able to cross the two realms in one fell swoop and directly reach the third realm in the first practice.

Among them, [Creation Yunyuan Pill] is inseparable from the Great Emperor's Mind Method "Tao Heart Hidden Soul".

Whether it is [Caohua Yunyuan Pill] or "Tao Heart Hidden Soul", they are all the most treasured artifacts in the world, and there is no one in a million. It is not surprising that Su Chen can break through to the Sanqing Realm.

"Come on!"

Su Chen got up from the dragon bed, walked out of the bedroom, and gave a low drink.

"The slave is here."

Li Nianzi had already made arrangements for Lei Zhenzi and the others, so he was waiting outside the bedroom, and at this moment he knelt down respectfully and saluted.

(End of this chapter)

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