Chapter 83
After the news of the third prince Su Yi's murder of his brother spread, the people of the entire imperial capital were aroused into endless fire of gossip. Most of the streets and alleys were talking about the behavior of the third prince's murder of his brother and the emperor's great achievements in quelling the chaos of the eight kings.

Su Yi is also a bachelor, and stays behind closed doors in his palace, drinking and having fun all day long, and doesn't care about foreign affairs at all.

Even some of his old generals and aides wanted to visit him, but they were beaten out by his servants.

By doing this, he naturally wanted to send a signal to Su Chen.

You see, the third brother is very obedient and well-behaved!
You have a lot of adults, don't kill the third brother, okay?
Sima Yi mentioned the third prince by accident in a small meeting in the imperial study room, and couldn't help sighing: "The third prince is really wise and smart."

The Eight Kings were basically dead, but he survived.

It has to be said that the third prince is both lucky and exceptionally smart, he knows when to do the right thing.

Whether it's the nine sons seizing the heir, or the eight kings' rebellion, or taking the blame for the emperor not long ago, he can avoid killing each time.

Even the well-informed ministers of the Military Aircraft Pavilion couldn't help admiring the third prince's luck.

"Third Highness, you do have some foresight. You know what to do and what not to do."

Guan Yiwu also agrees with Sima Yi.

Su Chen said lightly: "You guys think too much, he is just afraid of death and out of realm."

Sima Yi: "."

Guan Yiwu: "."

Afraid of death, can you still be afraid of going out of the realm?
Everyone was amazed, the emperor really uttered witty words frequently, and we were far behind.

Just after the Eight Kings Rebellion was put down, the disappearance spread to every corner of the Great Xia Dynasty. No one in the ten counties did not mention this matter, as if a prosperous age was coming.

But at this time, the land of Eastern Border, which seems to be "forgotten" by the emperor, is performing a great crime that angers people!
Dongjiang, General's Mansion.

A heroic young man came striding forward with his head held high, and shuttled through the pavilion in a busy manner. The guards and servants along the pavilion stopped their work and knelt down to salute.

"Major General."

"Major General."

"Major General."

This person is Si Long's only son, Si Yu.

Since the Si family has been a general for generations, no matter who they are, they habitually address Si Yu as a major general.

The title of major general does not represent a position, it is just a respectful title for Si Yu.

Si Yu led his army to withdraw from the battlefield more than a month ago and went all the way to the eastern border, which shocked Si Long.

Si Long was angry more than once at this time, and once beat and scolded Si Yu in public, but Si Yu did not admit his mistake, saying that he had obtained the emperor's imperial edict, and that the emperor wanted him to withdraw his troops from the surrounding battlefields, and he was only following the order act.

Just when Si Long asked Si Yu to take out the imperial decree to testify, the bad news came, Si Long suffered from an old injury and fell into a coma on the spot.

The entire eastern border was in chaos in an instant. At this difficult moment, Si Yu was duty-bound to stand up and take charge of the overall situation.

In order to prevent the Beastman Empire from knowing the fact that Silong, the pillar of the Great Xia, had fallen, Si Yu blocked the news overnight, beheading countless servants with iron and blood; at the same time, he sent his confidants to search for famous doctors to treat Silong.

After a lapse of more than a month, more than a hundred famous doctors made a diagnosis for Silong, and each of them returned with a sigh, powerless.

In order to prevent the news from leaking out, Si Yu sent people to guard these famous doctors and not let them go.

Now, only some confidantes around Silong and Siyu know about this matter, others don't know that Silong is seriously ill, but they only know that the current frontier defense affairs in Eastern Xinjiang are basically handled by the Major General.

Si Yu ignored the group of servants and guards, his face was full of anxiety, and he hurried forward all the way to the East Wing of the General's Mansion.

Si Yu directly pushed the door and entered.

In the outer hall of the East Wing, there were quite a few people standing, each one of Si Long's elite generals and military advisers, among them were many masters of the Nirvana Realm.

These are Si Long's team members and also Si Yu's elders.

"The Major General is here."

The people in the outer hall stopped discussing, turned their heads one after another, and saluted Si Yu.

"Hello, uncles. I heard that a new famous doctor is here. How is your father's injury? Did you wake up?"

Si Yu hastily returned the salute and asked expectantly.


Looking at Si Yu with a filial face, a middle-aged general could not help but sigh.

He exchanged glances with the others, and silently shook his head at Si Yu.

An old military adviser said in a deep voice, "Young general, that doctor is also helpless, there is no cure."

"And, he said."

"What did he say?"

Si Yu asked quickly.

"He said that the aura in the general's body is dry, the internal organs are injured, the spine is soft, and the meridians are broken. The time is running out, and he may die at any time."

In the outer hall, all the generals and military advisers lamented. They are about to witness a generation of legends going to a stranger in life.

Yes, Si Long is a true legend for the Great Xia Dynasty.

Resisting the enemy chieftains outside and supporting the emperor inside, countless great achievements have been added to the body.

He is an important official of the two dynasties in the true sense, and an indispensable important official of the Great Xia Dynasty!

Hearing this sentence, Si Yu trembled all over, his face was pale, and he sat down on the chair, extremely sad.

"My father fought for the empire all his life, and spent most of his life on horseback. He has countless glory, why did he end up like this!"

Si Yu wept bitterly, tears streaming down like rain: "He is still in his prime, and has the strength of the legendary realm! How could this happen! I don't accept it!"

"He is the pillar of Great Xia! He cannot fall down!"

Si Yu's hoarse voice made people's hearts tremble, and the generals and generals all felt sad.

"Major General, don't be sad."

"If the old general wakes up, he will definitely not want to see you so sad."

Everyone spoke out to comfort Si Yu, and they were also very sad, but fortunately, the old general has descendants, and Si Yu is still young, so he will definitely be able to take over the mantle of the old general very well.

For the Si family, it was not surprising that they died in battle.

Countless generations of great generals of the Si family died in battle, and his son took over the position of great general in grief and indignation, killed the enemy in anger, and made another military exploit!

"Major General, does the emperor have a reply?"

A military adviser pondered for a while, and said in a deep voice: "The old general's injury is not optimistic, and the situation in Eastern Xinjiang is not stable."

"At this time, the emperor needs to give an imperial decree to let the young general take over the old general's position as the general in time, so as to appease the army and continue to garrison the eastern border."

Although this sentence is very unreasonable, it is also a fact that everyone must face.

Regarding Si Long's serious illness, he had already sent someone to send information to the imperial capital, and more than one emergency military report was sent.

"No reply yet."

Si Yu shook his head, he was still immersed in grief and couldn't extricate himself.

Everyone looked at each other, with some doubts in their hearts.

It's been more than a month, hasn't the emperor replied yet?Doesn't the emperor care about Silong's life or death?
Even if the emperor doesn't see Silong in his eyes, then he must also consider the defense line of the Eastern Border, right?
This is the first line of defense against the orc empire, and it is also the most important frontier line of defense.

If the eastern border is in danger, the army of the Beastman Empire can enter the hinterland of the Great Xia Dynasty in an instant, and the entire Great Xia Dynasty will fall under the crazy offensive of the Beastman Empire.

"I think it should be a matter of the Eight Kings' Rebellion, which delayed the emperor's decree."

Someone suddenly said: "This morning, news came from the country that the Eight Kings' Rebellion has been put down by the emperor, and the emperor's imperial edict should be coming soon."

"I hope so."

"Eastern Xinjiang has a lot to do with it, and we must not lose it."

The military divisions and generals sighed and worried.

"Uncles, you all step back."

Si Yu felt sad from his heart, wiped away his tears, and said in a hoarse mournful voice, "I want to be alone with my father for a while."

"It's natural. Don't be too sad, Major General. Dongjiang still needs you."

"This is human nature, and I hope the major general will take care of himself."

Everyone looked at each other, sighed, saluted silently, and left the east wing.

After a while, after confirming that no one would come in again, Si Yu got up and walked towards the inner hall.

A man with gray hair, wrinkled face, and emaciated figure was lying on the bed.

He is Si Long.

At this time, Si Long's eyes were closed tightly, his breathing was weak, as if he would die in the next second.

How can this be the great general who is only over forty years old, with a strong back and a strong waist, who dominates the battlefield!

At this moment, Si Long looked no different from an old man who was about to pass away in his sixties.


Si Yu walked lightly to the side of the bed, looked down at his father.

There were still tears on his face, but there was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, and he murmured softly: "Baby, I'm here to see you off."

 Third more.

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(End of this chapter)

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