First emperor of the human race

Chapter 9 The Precarious Great Xia Dynasty

Chapter 9 The Precarious Great Xia Dynasty

Si Yi wrote the military report excitedly, and went to the military station in the imperial capital alone, and ordered the fast horse cavalry to deliver the letter to the frontier.

However, what Si Yi didn't know was that at the same time, this matter was being talked about in the imperial study room.

"Emperor, Lei Zhenzi asks to see you."


Lei Zhenzi entered the imperial study room alone, and the palace servants bowed their heads respectfully and retreated.

With his head down, Su Chen was reviewing the memorial on the desk in the imperial study, without raising his head, he asked indifferently: "Is everything settled?"

"Reporting to the emperor, everything is done. I dropped every letter from the cavalry and replaced it with letters written by master Danqing."

Lei Zhenzi spoke in a muffled voice. He was wearing a hood to cover his blue face and fangs.

Before summoning Si Yi, Su Chen ordered Li Nianzi to secretly recruit a Danqing master in the workshop, copy Si Yi's handwriting, and write the military report in advance.

This move was to prevent Si Yi from writing some news that he didn't want Si Long to know in the military newspaper.
Si Yi is a school lieutenant who has never seen the world, a little clever, but also easy to fool; the general is different, even if Su Chen is willing to believe him, but the group of staff and military advisers around the general are trustworthy?
The heart of defense is indispensable, some things, it is better to hold firmly in one's own hands.

"well done."

Su Chen nodded appreciatively.

"Emperor, I don't understand something."


"If the emperor doesn't trust Si Yi and Si Long, why should he reuse them, especially when he bestows a gold medal on Si Long to coordinate the national war, and puts Si Yi in the new army."

Lei Zhenzi has a straightforward personality, but his loyalty is definitely guaranteed.

It can be said that in the entire Great Xia Dynasty, Su Chen is currently the only person who can be trusted without reservation, only these few gods and demons summoned by the system, even Li Nianzi is a bit worse.

"If you don't give him a gold medal, won't he be able to coordinate the national war situation?"

Su Chen raised his head suddenly, and smiled, with a slight coldness in his smile: "You underestimated the accumulated reputation of the Si family in Great Xia over the past 10 years."

The person Su Chen needs to guard against the most is not the ministers of the three lords, nor the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, but the great general Si Long who holds the military power in the whole country!


Lei Zhenzi was dumbfounded. He had just been summoned here, and he didn't know much about the domestic situation of the Great Xia Dynasty.

"Forget it, you go down first, according to my previous instructions, control the new army well, this is my lifeblood now!"

Su Chen took a deep breath, looked up at Lei Zhenzi.

Lei Zhenzi was shocked, his expression was extraordinarily serious: "Here!"

After Lei Zhenzi left, Su Chen raised his head, pushed the memorial away a little annoyed, rubbed the jade sulfur teacup with his palm, and muttered to himself: "The tea is getting cold."

A faint scent of wind blew by, making people feel refreshed. Daji did not know when she appeared in the imperial study room. She stood pretty in front of Su Chen, gently stretched out her hand, and held Su Chen's big hand: "Slave, go and give it to me." Your Majesty warms the tea."

"Aren't you afraid of frightening me because you're so elusive?"

"Your Majesty is really bad. Your Majesty doesn't look like a coward."

"Then you can't just go in and out of the imperial study, okay, this is an important place for the military!"

"Your Majesty has just practiced, and there are no reliable guards around him. The purpose of this slave family is to protect His Majesty. Your Majesty doesn't understand Nu at all."

Su Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he watched Daji sobbing softly, his big watery eyes were full of mist, he twisted his willow waist and turned around in aggrieved way, and went to warm tea for himself.

This witch is really disobedient.

"Demon girl, remember to bring over the backups of previous years' memorials in the inner hall of the imperial study and some information on the overall planning of the dynasty and the people's livelihood. I want to read them!"

Su Chen ordered loudly.

"Your Majesty, you are really necrotic, what a slave!"

Daji was not happy anymore, and she was very angry. Su Chen seemed to see her pouting and stamping her feet, and felt even more aggrieved.

Although she said she was not happy, Daji obediently warmed up the new tea and helped Su Chen collect and sort out the backups of memorials from previous years.

There are backups for 10 years, but they are quite complicated, and most of them are accumulated in the storage ring. It would be really troublesome for Su Chen to find them by himself; The work is much faster.

A whole afternoon has passed, and some data from previous years have been sorted out. There are too many and complicated data on the dynasty accumulated over 10 years. All sorted out.

However, most of the materials that Su Chen needed to consult were placed on the table for him to consult.

"Dijun, it's getting late, Li Nianzi has already prepared dinner, shall we come and see after dinner?"

Daji has been by Su Chen's side all the time, reminding Su Chen gently in a low voice.

"Go and eat first, I still have some things to deal with."

Su Chen didn't raise his head, his voice was calm.


Daji sighed silently, and sat quietly beside Su Chen, looking at Su Chen with her beautiful eyes unblinking, the serious emperor was extraordinarily charming.

Practitioners in the Eight Desolation Continent are divided into nine realms, Condensed Body Realm, Mingshen Realm, Sanqing Realm, Chaos Realm, Nirvana Realm, Legendary Realm, True Immortal Realm, Saint Realm, and Supreme Realm.

The Eight Desolation Continent is divided into Central Desolation, Northern Desolation, Southern Desolation, West Desolation, East Desolation, Heaven Desolation, Demon Desolation, and Giant Desolation. One desolation is one continent. There are thousands of races in the continent, and there are countless races and empires. The war continued.

The location of the Great Xia Dynasty is in the middle of the Eight Desolation Continent. The Great Xia Dynasty covers an area of ​​more than 3000 million square kilometers, which is very huge. The total population of the Great Xia Dynasty is currently about 11 billion, which can be regarded as one of the major dynasties of the human race. and eminent among empires.

It's just that the political change in the Great Xia Dynasty over the past 10 years has become more chaotic.

There are ten counties in the country. In the early years, the enfeoffment system was implemented, and later it was changed to the county system to facilitate the centralization of power. Later, the county and county enfeoffment system, non-royal blood can not be enfeoffed land, but there are still hidden dangers that the local area is stronger than the central government.

For example, Su Chen is currently facing the domestic chaos of the Eight Kings, which is the domestic turmoil caused by the royal family's blood.

The official position system of the Great Xia Dynasty is also relatively chaotic, completely abandoning the six-part system set by Su Chen in his previous life, and has made many political adjustments in recent years.

The post of Prime Minister was abolished, the Sangong was added, and the general was restricted (the position of the general belonged to the Si family in the past dynasties).

The content of the duties of the Sangong basically covers a series of large and small affairs such as the transfer of grassroots officials in the DPRK and China, the establishment and reconstruction of the army, equipment research and development, and household registration coordination.

Su Chen could understand that this was the emperor's fear of the Si family, dividing up the Si family's growing power, but unexpectedly, with the passage of time, most of the imperial power was emptied.

As far as the current domestic situation is concerned, there are turmoil among the Eight Kings in the country, and the Orc Empire, the long-time enemy of the Great Xia Dynasty, is staring at it outside, consuming the national fortune and heritage of the Great Xia Dynasty all the year round.

However, in such a situation of internal and external troubles, the interior of the Great Xia Dynasty was divided. The three princes controlled the government and fought with the great general Si Long. inside.

In the eyes of civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, the eight princes are more capable than Su Chen in both civil and martial arts. The reason why the ninth prince Su Chen was able to ascend the throne was due to the strong support of General Si Long.

In other words, Su Chen's successful ascension to the throne is a victory in the political struggle between Si Long and San Gong.

The current army situation of the Great Xia Dynasty, in name only obeyed the emperor's mobilization of troops, only the newly established 12 Great Xia Iron Army, 50 Sijia Army, and a total of 20 county soldiers from all counties and counties.

In addition to these three armies, the Great Xia Dynasty actually had many other powerful armies, but most of these armies were controlled by the rebellious eight princes and supported the Eight Kings.

Among them, the military power of the Si family army has always been firmly controlled by the general, and the combat effectiveness of the 20 county soldiers is not strong, and Su Chen's control over them is not firm. It's all unknown.

"Based on this calculation, the power of the army has fallen to the side, the court is unstable, and the courtiers are alienated from morality. Isn't this emperor going to be the king of subjugation?"

Su Chen couldn't laugh or cry in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the Great Xia Dynasty that I worked so hard to build back then barely lasted for 10 years; if I hadn't been reborn and returned, I am afraid that the collapse of the Great Xia Dynasty would have been within these few years, right?

"I didn't expect my Great Xia Dynasty to be so decadent after 10 years. It's time to rectify it."

Su Chen narrowed his eyes, raised his head suddenly, and told the palace people outside the imperial study room: "Come here, prepare the horse, I'm going out of the palace."

(End of this chapter)

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