First emperor of the human race

Chapter 90 May the king prosper the university to support the people of the world.

Chapter 90 May the king prosper the university to support the people of the world.

After the report of the Great Victory in the Eastern Frontier and the release of detailed policies for national reforms, the emperor had never shown such a serious expression.

Everyone can guess that what Guan Yiwu is going to say next is probably extremely important.

"I believe that the most important thing for a country is the people; the most important thing for the people is wisdom."

Guan Yiwu spoke respectfully, with a resolute and serious expression: "I propose that free private schools and colleges be set up in the major cities of the top ten counties, and that the Military Machine Pavilion will promote free teaching, and at the same time establish a university in the imperial capital."

"There is an imperial examination in the country every year. Students from private schools and colleges in major cities across the country can take the exam. Those who are outstanding can enter the Imperial University. Those who study in the university can enter the court as an official or join the army."

"At the same time, in addition to the subjects of governing the country and military strategy, other subjects such as civil engineering, iron and steel making, business, farming, and martial arts are added. Students can specialize in one subject, and the court will subsidize their study for free."

Guan Yiwu said a lot, and every sentence silenced all civil and military officials.

Since the founding of Daxia, under the auspices of Emperor Su, there have been examples of imperial examinations, and there are countless private schools in various cities. However, under the influence of powerful families for 10 years, imperial examinations and private schools seem to be in vain.

Most of the officials in Daxia came from major families, and it is a fact that it is difficult for a scholar to become a high-ranking official through the imperial examination.

In addition, although the private schools were free at that time, they were unsustainable. In order to reduce the expenses, the emperors after dozens of generations handed over the related industries in the field of private school education across the country to private companies.

Numerous aristocratic families took advantage of the situation and took over most of the private schools, changing the free private schools into paid private education.

The imperial examinations are in vain, and private schools charge for education. Under several major educational changes, the aristocratic families have monopolized educational resources and talent output.

This is also why the clansmen of aristocratic families can influence the court from generation to generation, making every generation of emperors very afraid, and the imperial power in some special periods is even more suppressed and restrained.

What Su Chen did today was to pick up and improve the free education system of the Great Xia Dynasty that had been abandoned back then.

If necessary, Su Chen will issue an imperial decree that future generations will never be allowed to continue to change this free education system.

"This strategy won my heart."

Su Chen nodded, glanced at the civil and military officials, and asked in a deep voice: "My dear friends, do you have any objections?"

The civil and military officials remained silent, no matter whether it was rejection or approval, no one dared to stand up for the first time.

Su Chen sneered in his heart, this is the influence of the aristocratic family, and the interests of the aristocratic family are more or less involved behind this generation of court officials.

If it weren't for the power in my hands, this group of courtiers would have stood up to criticize Guan Yiwu's proposal.

In fact, there are advantages and disadvantages for aristocratic families to intervene in national education issues.

The advantage is that their appearance can reduce the large expenditure of the Great Xia Dynasty on education issues, so as to invest in other aspects of national construction.

The disadvantage is that the aristocratic families are unwilling to carry out large-scale free education, and the fee system keeps the children of the poor from the door of education, and at the same time deepens the influence of a small group of people on the court.

Su Chen wants to change this situation, he is unwilling to hand over the lifeline of a country to others.

Yes, education is the lifeblood of a country.

The people's minds are not yet open, so how can they expect a prosperous age where there are many talents and the country is peaceful and the people are peaceful?

"Why, don't you speak?"

Su Chen's voice was low, and he looked at the officials calmly, making them tremble.

Shang Yang was the first to stand up and express his position. He bowed his hands and said respectfully: "I second the proposal. May the emperor promote the university and install wise teachers to support the people of the world."

"May the emperor prosper the university and set up wise teachers to support the people of the world."

"May the emperor prosper the university and set up wise teachers to support the people of the world."

"May the emperor prosper the university and set up wise teachers to support the people of the world."

Sima Yi also stood up, Chen Qun also stood up, Liu Bowen also stood up, and the ministers of the Military Aircraft Pavilion all supported the proposal except Guo Sikong, who temporarily stayed at home because of corruption and did not come to court.

"Shan, after the dynasty was over, the Military Machine Pavilion immediately drafted an order to build private schools in various cities of the Great Xia and Imperial Capital University."

Su Chen nodded, no longer pressuring the officials, and didn't bother to care about their attitudes.

You don't need to express your opinion, just keep silent.

The aristocratic family had a profound influence on the Great Xia Dynasty, and it could not be changed overnight. It does not mean that their existence must be a cancer, but it changed the development speed and potential of the Great Xia Dynasty to a certain extent.

"I have doubts in my heart, I don't know if I should speak."

Southern Xunchao hesitated for a moment, then stood up.


Su Chen looked at the Southern Xun Dynasty. This talent is not weak, and he is also a representative of the courtiers of the aristocratic family.

His attitude represents the opinion of a considerable part of the family.

"Master Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites has a good proposal to build a university, but if you build free private schools in major cities, it will be a huge expense."

The Southern Xun Dynasty said in a deep voice: "The minister undoubtedly prevents the emperor from taking the people of the world under his command, but where does the money for building universities and private schools come from?"

This policy is a good policy for the emperor and the Great Xia Dynasty, but it will consume huge resources.

The total population of the entire Great Xia Dynasty is about one billion. If these people have to participate in free teaching, the money and resources required will be an astronomical figure!
Before Su Chen could answer, Sima Yi spoke instead of the emperor: "The Rebellion of the Eight Kings was put down, and the rebellious parties in the cities and towns of the ten counties ransacked their families and exterminated their clans, and they gained a lot of property."

What Sima Yi said made all the officials tremble.

After the Eight Princes' Rebellion was put down, is the property obtained enough to support the implementation of such a large policy?
No one believed Sima Yi's words. The only explanation was that Sima Yi took advantage of the Eight Kings Rebellion this time to fish in troubled waters.

For example, wantonly offending the family's powerful family and confiscating the family's wealth.

After the Rebellion of the Eight Kings was put down, part of the Great Xia Iron Army and the Guards of the Great Xia Town entered the major cities of the ten counties one after another, under the banner of taking back the fiefdoms of the Eight Kings and purging the rebel party.

In the days of war and chaos, when the army came to your door and pointed your nose at you and said you were a traitor, how dare you deny your property to your family?
If you give money to the family, at least you can avoid death, even if only half of the family's property is given to the aristocratic family in the whole country, the sum is an extremely terrifying figure.

Baiguan guessed that this matter could not have anything to do with the emperor, it should be caused by the secret order of the Military Machine Pavilion, maybe they had already made preparations for this move before the Eight Kings Rebellion was quelled.

All the officials are silent, and they feel sad in their hearts.

Naturally, there are innocent people among the aristocratic families, but under the general situation, the military cabinet doesn't care whether there are innocent people at all, they only look at the ending, and don't care about the bloodshed and conflicts in the process.

"Then how to implement this policy for a long time?"

Southern Xunchao continued to ask questions, pointing directly to the core of the problem: "Every generation has newcomers. If all members participate in free education, how can there be rebels every year to provide enough supplies and property?"

The subtext in the Southern Tour's speech is obvious: Dijun, you can't beat the local tyrants every year, can you?

You only need to do this kind of thing once, if you do it every year, the aristocratic family will really rebel.

But the Great Xia Dynasty has new population born every year, and new people participate in free education every year. The annual free education expenditure is an astronomical figure. How to deal with these?
Li Yuanba, one of the military officials at the side, curled his lips and whispered to Zhao Yun: "If it is true that there are rebels every year, a certain family will not worry about it."

Zhao Yun smiled wryly in his heart, this killer.
"I believe that education should be determined by age. Those who are ten to 20 years old can enter the free private school in the city where they belong, and those who are outstanding under the age of 20 can enter the Imperial University. At the same time, half of Daxia's annual income Invest in this strategy to maintain stability."

Liu Bowen said that this is a strategy that Military Machine Pavilion has long thought up, and there are even more detailed steps and ideas.

They have considered all the problems that the Southern Tours have thought of, and they have also considered the problems that have not been thought of.

All the people in the Military Machine Pavilion are a group of resourceful people who defy the sky, and with Su Chen's suggestions and general policy directions from time to time, it is difficult for every policy of the Military Machine Pavilion to have major problems.

Hearing the words of the Southern Xun Dynasty, he was silent in his heart, and it was a good decision to limit the number of educated people by age.


Su Chen nodded and looked towards Nan Xunchao: "Aiqing, do you have any questions?"

Sima Yi and other ministers of the Military Aircraft Pavilion looked at Nan Xunchao with a look of willingness to explain, making Nan Xunchao wryly smile and shake his head: "I have no doubts."

At the same time, the officials were also shocked in their hearts, they once again clearly realized the great power of the Military Aircraft Pavilion.

In Liu Bowen's words, it has been clearly revealed that half of the next year's annual income of the Great Xia Dynasty may be added to the national free education.

A policy of the Military Aircraft Pavilion can have such a big impact, half of the country's annual income is determined by opening a mouth.

Dijun trusts them too much!

"In addition, one of the decrees is drawn up. Every year, those who are outstanding in the university can enter the palace and try."

Su Chen glanced at the officials, and dropped another big policy bomb: "Those who satisfy me can join the military cabinet and serve as political staff."

(End of this chapter)

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