First emperor of the human race

Chapter 93 Really Spectacular!

Chapter 93 Really Spectacular!
"Guo Jia, Jia Xu, Zhu Ji."

Su Chen was extremely satisfied with the three senior talents summoned by the system.

Needless to say, Guo Jia and Jia Xu, these two men are counselors who can be compared with Sima Yi against the sky, whether it is military policy, or governing the country and the people, they are all good hands.

Guo Jia was a famous military strategist and counselor during the Three Kingdoms period, and was the main strategist of Cao Wei in the early days of the Three Kingdoms. , crouching dragon not coming out" reputation.

Guo Jia is a super strategist who excels in ingenuity and planning. Compared with handling government affairs, he is better at military tactics, and he is extremely precise in controlling the situation.

Jia Xu, a famous military strategist and counselor during the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Wei's founding hero, was among the three lords. This person is not inferior to Sima Yi and Guo Jia. If Sima Yi is a low-key and forbearing conspiracy, Guo Jia is a clever plan and crushed by IQ. On the contrary, Jia Xu is more comprehensive.

Jia Xu's strategy is more mature, he is tactful, ruthless, adaptable, and unwilling to take too many risks. He understands the darkness of human nature better.

On the whole, Jia Xu and Guo Jia are not inferior to Sima Yi at all, and to some extent, they made up for the vacancy of Su Chen's mastermind.

As for Zhu Ji, most people must be unfamiliar with him.

But if you mention his identity and organization before he was summoned, he is definitely famous. He is the commander-in-chief of Jinyiwei.

Jinyiwei is an elite espionage military organization, which has the functions and functions of supervising officials and testing the enemy's country, and Zhu Ji is the most special person among the commanders-in-chief of Jinyiwei in all dynasties.

He is not as ruthless, vicious, and unscrupulous as other commanders of Jinyiwei, but stronger, known for his fairness and strictness, and has the reputation of "Qingtian" in Jinyiwei.

He is good at prison, intelligence, torture, and judging cases, and he will not be blinded by power.

If Su Chen needs to build an intelligence department belonging to the Great Xia Dynasty, Zhu Ji is undoubtedly the best candidate. He is almost unknown, but he has not weak professional ability.

Each of the three people summoned by the system is in line with Su Chen's wishes.

The light group is still condensing, and it takes all the time to summon more than a thousand people at once.

Su Chen continued to turn on the system light curtain, looking up the specific information of Guo Jia, Jia Xu, and Zhu Ji.

Name: Guo Jia (word: Feng Xiao)

Age: 32 years old.

Realm: Mingshen Realm (Second Realm).

Supernatural powers:
[Wisdom Eye Attendant] Everything related to Su Chen's own fortune and strategy calculations, the success rate is increased by 50.00%, which can avoid evil to a certain extent.

[Ten Sides Ambush Formation] One of the top ten army formations, it lures the enemy into a special scene, exhausts them physically and mentally through serial modes such as assassination, poisoning, and traps, and gives a fatal blow when they are most vulnerable.There is no fixed mode for the formation, and it can be set according to the place, people, and sky anytime, anywhere, and has a blow effect of reducing local morale by 50.00%.

[Functions come out repeatedly] When performing military strategies, increase the overall combat effectiveness of the troops under your command by 30.00%.

Name: Jia Xu (word: Wenhe)

Age: 43 years old.

Realm: Mingshen Realm (Second Realm).

Supernatural powers:
[Sophisticated] Good at handling human nature, diplomatic lobbying, and military negotiations, all of which increase the success rate by 50.00%.

[Liu Ding Liu Jia Formation] One of the ten major army formations, it is arranged in a group of 12 people in Liu Ding Liu Jia.

[Countless Strategies] Using any strategy or formation, the success rate will increase by 30.00%.

Name: Zhu Ji (word: Shangde)

Age: 31 years old.

Realm: The pinnacle of Nirvana.


[Uprightness]: When fighting, increase the combat power of yourself and the soldiers under your command by 20.00%, and increase the defense power by [-]%.

[Surveillance like a god]: For any case investigation, the success rate is increased by 30.00%.

[Scout Composition]: Good at training scouts, dead soldiers, sharp fighters, the ability of trained scouts, dead soldiers, sharp fighters is increased by 30.00%.

The abilities of these three people also made Su Chen very satisfied.

Jia Xu and Guo Jia don’t need to be introduced too much. These two are super masterminds with different personalities and different means and methods of using strategies. They complement each other.

Although Zhu Ji's talent is not as powerful as other military officials, he is also a master of Nirvana!

Strictly speaking, Zhu Ji is not suitable for killing the enemy on the battlefield. He is more suitable for sabotaging the enemy's rear and collecting intelligence. One of his talents [Scout Composition] can be said to be perfect!

This is the talent that Su Chen needs most at present.

With the end of Su Chen's inspection, all the human-shaped light groups on the palace grounds were also condensed.

Thousands of people appeared neatly, some were dressed as military officials and school captains, and some were dressed as civil servants in green robes. From a rough look, the school grounds were densely packed with people, with very different temperaments.

And in front of the thousands of people, there were three people who came out and knelt respectfully and bowed down: "Caomin, pay homage to the emperor."

"Caomin, pay homage to the emperor."

"Caomin, pay homage to the emperor."

"Caomin, pay homage to the emperor."

The sound of the mountain roar and the tsunami sounded neatly, echoing in the palace school grounds.

Su Chen stepped forward to support Guo Jia and the other three, couldn't help but said, "Get up quickly."

These three people are all great talents, and there is no king who does not love talents.

Both Jia Xu and Zhu Ji looked middle-aged, Jia Xu was smiling, and Zhu Ji had a firm expression.

Guo Jia, who was standing aside, was tall and slender, but his face was pale. At first glance, he looked a little weak.

By the way, I almost forgot, this guy is a short-lived ghost!

He is now 32 years old and can only live to be 37 years old!

Without hesitation, Su Chen took out a jade bottle as warm and soft as jade from the emperor's treasure, and handed it to Guo Jia: "One dose a day, don't neglect."

There are dozens of pills in this jade bottle, which are mild in nature and have the effect of prolonging life. Not to mention making Guo Jia immortal, longevity is definitely no problem.

"Thank you, Emperor, for your love."

Guo Jia is clever, he naturally knows that the emperor's move is to care about his body.

For Jia Xu and Zhu Ji, Su Chen was not indifferent, and gave each of them a magic weapon for body protection. Although the rank is not high, it is only a spiritual treasure, but it is also extremely rare in today's Bahuang Continent.

"Come on!"

Su Chen dispersed the formation in the palace school and sent someone to call Li Nianzi.

"As usual, these three people are easy to arrange, and the rest are brought to the Military Aircraft Pavilion, and Sima Yi and others can arrange their duties."

Su Chen pointed to more than a thousand people in the school field in front of him, and ordered Li Nianzi lightly.

The power is already in his hands, and Su Chen doesn't bother to cover up some details.

I just want to arrange this group of people, who dares to gossip?


Li Nianzi raised his head, his eyelids twitched.

My dear mother, so many people are really spectacular!

More than a thousand people stood neatly on the court of the imperial palace, with a good demeanor, more than the number of people who had an audience with hundreds of officials.

Dijun, where do you have so many staff members?

Li Nianzi shook his head with a wry smile, knowing that he couldn't guess the emperor's secret, he just had to do his own thing well.

"My lords, please come with this old slave."

Li Nianzi's voice sounded sharply, and began to arrange thousands of people in the school field.

As for Guo Jia and the other three, although they don't have any important posts at the moment, Li Nianzi believes that they will be able to get the emperor's important position in the near future.

After all, the examples of Sima Yi and others are in the front
After the group of people left the palace grounds, Su Chen drove to the imperial study.

Now that Daxia is stable in the country, the next step is to have contact with the races of the Eight Desolation Continent, not to mention anything else, the problem of the Orc Empire must be resolved first.

So Su Chen has to plan out the next arrangement for Guo Jia, Jia Xu, and Zhu Ji.

First of all, the intelligence organization that belongs exclusively to Daxia must be established.

This is beyond doubt.

An excellent intelligence organization is the eyes and ears of a country. It can predict the enemy first, allow the military to respond faster, and allow the masterminds to formulate strategies and schemes more comprehensively.

Just when Su Chen had just arrived at the imperial study, a palace official came to report: "Emperor, Guan Yiwu and Lord Nan Xunchao are asking to see you."


Su Chen put down the pen in his hand, raised his head, frowned and said nothing.

Generally speaking, only the ministers of the Military Aircraft Pavilion would frequently look for him because of important national affairs. What is this man from the Southern Xunchao running here for?
His job report should be directly connected to the Military Machine Pavilion, and the functional affairs he is in charge of cannot be directly reported to the Royal Study Room.

But according to this person's personality, he shouldn't go to the Three Treasures Hall without incident.


After Su Chen pondered for a while, he said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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