First emperor of the human race

Chapter 98 Emperor, Please Two Things

Chapter 98 Dijun, Please Two Things

At this time, there was a joyful atmosphere in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and Daji's awakening made all the palace people feel joy from the bottom of their hearts.

The empress finally woke up, their master is a great hero of the imperial capital!

Now that the empress is awake, the emperor must be adding the position of empress and concubine soon, right?After all, the empress is unparalleled in style, unparalleled in beauty, and she has made great contributions to her body. She should get a noble concubine rank at the last time, right?

There are also people who privately think that Empress Daji may directly become the current queen.

After all, the emperor has always placed Daji on his dragon bed, and he has been resting in the side hall these days.

Everyone can see the emperor's love for the empress.

Looking around the world, is there any woman who can occupy such a position in the emperor's heart when she is seriously ill and comatose, and she does not know when she will wake up?Can he recuperate on the dragon bed every night?
All palace people with a bit of a sense of politics know that Daji's future is bound to be bright, and that she is the only woman in the entire palace who has a unique emperor's heart.

And the servants around Daji couldn't help but be overjoyed. When the master became prosperous, their status would naturally rise.

At this moment, Su Chen hurried to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

"The Emperor is here!"

The sharp voice of the palace people sounded in front of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

All the palace people hurriedly put down the things they were busy with, and hurriedly knelt in front of the courtyard of the Hall of Mental Cultivation to worship: "I will pay my respects to the emperor."

"What about Daji?"

Su Chen walked forward quickly while looking at Li Nianzi.

"Returning to the emperor, Miss Yun came out to announce that the empress was awake, and then she went in to continue the diagnosis and treatment for the empress to check her pulse."

With a respectful voice, Li Nianzi led the way, walked to the front of the side hall and said, "Emperor, your empress is resting inside right now."

"You are presumptuous!"

Seeing the side hall, Su Chen couldn't help frowning: "Shouldn't Daji be recuperating in the main hall? Who arranged her in the side hall!"

Su Chen's sharp eyes swept across the group of palace servants, it's possible that this group of maidservants dared to bully the Lord!

If so, I will kill them all.

This group of kneeling palace people couldn't help trembling all over, and they didn't dare to raise their heads. Some people were so frightened that they couldn't complete their explanations: "Emperor, Emperor Emperor"

Su Chen is the real emperor, he is the founding emperor of the Great Xia 10 years ago, and he is also the current emperor of the Great Xia 10 years later.

The emperor's wrath is as real as a real existence, and the pressure is as high as a mountain, which makes people frightened.

"Emperor calm down!"

Li Nianzi quickly explained from the side: "The empress is going to the side hall by herself. After the empress woke up, she went to the side hall to recuperate."

"Miss Yun also said that the fate of the country in the main hall is too heavy, and the aura is far-reaching, suppressing all directions. The empress has just recovered from a serious illness, and she is weak at this time, so it is not suitable for recuperating in the main hall."

The main hall of the Hall of Mental Cultivation is the emperor's bedroom, where the emperor sleeps every night, and is naturally the hub of the Great Xia's national destiny.

"I see."

Su Chen nodded, and said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, she also has some understanding of the way of Qi."

Non-powerful people, strange people with extraordinary abilities, are elusive and untraceable ways of aura and fortune between heaven and earth.Su Chen put Daji on the dragon bed at the beginning, also with the idea of ​​stabilizing the vitality in Daji's body with the help of the great Xia national fortune.

Now that Daji has woken up, her body is naturally full of vitality, but it is not suitable for her to recuperate in the main hall.

"Get up and do what you have to do."

Su Chen waved his hand, pushed open the door of the side hall, and stepped inside.

It's not that the emperor is moody, but that Empress Daji's identity is unusual.


Li Nianzi and others saluted respectfully, Southern Xun Chao stayed in the outer hall, he was not eligible to enter the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Su Chen just opened the door and entered, when he heard a gentle voice from the inner room: "Niang Niang, your pulse condition is stable, there is nothing serious, I will prescribe some medicine for you, take it every day, and you will be cured within a month or so. What hidden dangers are left."

"It's just that the empress has to use less spiritual energy in her body these few days, and also suspend her cultivation, waiting for the spiritual veins in her body to fully recover."

"Thanks a lot."

"It's the duty of a doctor, your empress is polite."

This voice should be Yun Zhuxin, it can't be seen that she still has such a gentle side.

I thought she was a cold and aloof snow lotus with an unchanged expression for thousands of years.

Su Chen smiled and walked into the inner room.

In the inner room, Daji was reclining on the bed.

She appears to be recovering well.

When Daji saw Su Chen coming in, her beautiful eyes could not help but light up, and she shouted in surprise: "Dijun."

"I worship the emperor."

Yun Zhuxin, who was writing the prescription with her head bowed at the table, got up quickly, bowed her knees and saluted, her beautiful face was still as cold as before, her voice was clear and sweet but not as gentle as before.

"Well, the words are not bad."

Su Chen glanced at the prescription and praised it.

Delicate and tangible, she writes down slowly, and her handwriting is like a human being, but she is good at writing.

"How do you feel now? Do you feel better?"

Su Chen sat on the edge, stroking Daji's hair with his big hands.

"The emperor shows pity, but the slave dare not accept it."

Daji picked up a corner of the silk quilt, and glanced at the silent Yun Zhuxin with her beautiful eyes.

Although Daji was full of tenderness and wanted to confide in the emperor, she was also ashamed that there were other people present.

Although sometimes Daji is charming and playful in front of Su Chen, but in front of outsiders, she has always been the mysterious and powerful Empress Daji.

"Are you still obsessed with courtesy?"

Su Chen couldn't help laughing.

Originally, Su Chen had no special feelings for Daji, he just regarded her as a pawn, but after the first battle in the imperial capital, he felt more pity for this woman.

Su Chen didn't ask seriously, but she used her life to keep the promise she made to herself.

The beauty is deeply affectionate!
If you live up to me, I will repay you a hundredfold.

Since Daji woke up, I heard the palace people mention the big and small things of the past few days, especially the emperor's love for her, and the emperor's behavior after he learned that she was seriously injured and comatose.

According to the people in the palace, the emperor was a confidante at that time, and he killed hundreds of thousands of rebel prisoners in a fit of rage, causing disturbances all over the city.

Everyone in the entire imperial capital, even the people in the top ten counties, knew that the emperor had blood on his hands countless times for Daji, and was denounced as a tyrant by the writers.

This made Daji's heart tremble slightly, and she was moved and at a loss for words.

After a few more instructions, Su Chen covered Daji with the quilt with his own hands, got up and looked at Yun Zhuxin: "You come with me."


Yun Zhuxin still lowered her head and saluted softly.

Walking out of the side hall, in the small study room of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Su Chen looked at Yun Zhuxin who had been silent all the time.

After looking at it for a while, Su Chen suddenly smiled: "Did you use the re-refined [Great Emperor Pill] to revive Daji?"


Yun Zhuxin nodded.

"Show me one."

Yun Zhuxin took out a round and clear elixir from the sachet at his waist, similar to longan, very small, Su Chen held it in his hand and looked at it, and could vaguely smell a faint fragrance from Yun Zhuxin's body.

Like orchids like musk deer, like orchids are fragrant.

Thinking about it, this elixir is very important to Yun Zhuxin, so she always carries it close to her body.

Su Chen revealed a wave of spiritual power, running the Great Emperor's mind, and can clearly feel the spiritual power and medicinal properties in this pill, which is indeed far inferior to the real [Great Emperor Pill].

However, this is also relative to [Great Emperor Pill]. If compared with other holy pills, this pill is extremely powerful, and its medicinal properties are much milder. No wonder it can wake up Daji.

It seems that this woman, Yun Zhuxin, has gained a bit of the Yun family's true medical knowledge.

Even the overbearing medicinal properties of the Great Emperor Pill can be divided and refined again, which is indeed a great medical skill.

Su Chen handed the pill back and said, "Since you have saved Daji, all the rewards on the emperor's list belong to you."

"After a while, I will send someone to deliver the reward to the mansion of the Southern Xun Dynasty."

"By the way, I remember that the Yun family took refuge in the imperial capital and has nowhere to stay. I will give the Yun family another house."

Su Chen looked at Yun Zhuxin: "Are you satisfied?"


Yunzhu's heart was still calm, and after prostrating, he said: "I don't ask for gold and silver, a waiting position, a house, can I ask for rewards myself?"

"what do you want?"

Su Chen squinted his eyes and spoke calmly, staring at Yun Zhuxin.

No title, no gold and silver, no house, what do you want?
Could it be that the reward I gave you was too low?

Li Nianzi, who was standing aside, felt his heart skip a beat, and looked at Yun Zhuxin with some concern.

Miss Yun, you said that your emperor gave you a reward, so you just take it.

With your appearance and family background, the emperor's unique attitude towards you, and the credit for saving your empress, you can enter the palace even in the future.

Why do you refuse the reward and make demands on the emperor!
In the whole summer, is there one person who dares to do this?

Even the ministers of the Military Machine Pavilion, even the powerful and powerful Lord Sima Yi, they dare not say a word about the emperor's reward.

"I want the emperor, and I promise you two things."

Yun Zhuxin didn't seem to notice Su Chen's tone, she was still calm.

"Tell me about it."

"I heard that the emperor ordered the military machine pavilion to implement a new strategy to build the imperial capital Taixue, and both men and women can enroll; I also heard from Nandu that there are civil and military subjects in the imperial capital Taixue, and there are countless medical classics in the Chinese subjects. I want to enter the imperial capital Taixue. study, intensively practice medicine."

"However, my father does not allow it, so I want to ask for an imperial decree."

This is really a dedicated woman!

It is actually very simple to enter the Imperial Capital Taixue. Most of the first batch of students are recruited based on merit, and Yun Zhuxin's medical knowledge is definitely qualified; but the admission requirements for women are very difficult, because few enlightened elders are willing to nod and let go. The daughter of the family went to the academy to study in public.

Even if Su Chen ordered Junji Pavilion to set up a separate school for men and women to separate men and women, very few women came to take the test; moreover, the women's school has no female teachers for the time being, so female students can only study by themselves.

As for Yun Zhuyue, the world's medical classics collected by the Imperial College of the Imperial Capital are full of great temptation; moreover, the male and female branch of the Imperial Imperial College, and the women's courtyard are all guarded by guards, and the safety factor is stronger than that of a mansion at home.

It's just that the most difficult thing is the test of the elders in the family.

Su Chen smiled: "I agree."

This girl just wants to go through the back door to enter the imperial capital to study intensive medicine, and she wants an imperial decree from me to silence the mouths of the elders in the family, it's a trivial matter.

Yunzhu's character of being obsessed with medicine is also like Yunzhuyue.

Why do I always feel that she is exactly the same as Yue'er, is there really such a similar person in this world?I can't find the slightest difference?

"I thank the emperor."

Yunzhu bowed his knees and thanked softly.

"And one more thing?"

"There is a younger sister in my slave's family, she is fifteen years old, she is smart, graceful, and has a peerless appearance."

Yun Zhuxin's voice suddenly became a little gentle, Xu Xu said a lot, making Su Chen frown.

Is your sister sick?Or is someone bullying her?

its not right!
This situation is not right, why do you always praise your sister in front of me?

Su Chen couldn't help interrupting Yunzhu's heart, and asked, "Just tell me, what happened to her?"

Yun Zhuxin's voice became more and more gentle, she raised her beautiful eyes, and looked at Su Chen pleadingly: "Another thing I want to ask the emperor is that Emperor Wanwang will issue an imperial edict."

"Na Youngmei enters the palace as a concubine."

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(End of this chapter)

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