goddess of revolution

Chapter 1001 The Battle of the Emperor's Castle, So You, Theresia, Are Actually a...

Chapter 1001 The Battle of the Emperor's Castle, So You, Theresia, Are Actually a...

Seeing Theresia, Li Qi was in a trance for a moment even though he was fully prepared mentally.

How could I forget it? Because the memory is too deep, I will lose my mind for a while.

The hall of Fort Dawn in Norton Duchy...

He held a secret wedding with Teresia and Catherine here, hosted by Meddy and witnessed by Kailas Zhuojia and Xiaohong.

After staring at Theresia's beautiful face for a long time, Li Qi sighed: "Your Majesty, I have thought about all possibilities, but I never thought that you would use such a trick against me."

"Do you think you can confuse me and seduce me with this body that is exactly the same as Theresia's?"

"I'm indeed a mortal with weak willpower and uncontrollable self-control, but I'm not enough to be seduced by an inflatable...uh, puppet."

Li Qi's voice became cold and stern: "Your Majesty should know my reason for coming, is it really okay to just put the target in front of my eyes?"

Theresia put her hands behind her back, blinked at Li Qi and said: "The goddess is not with me at this time, I have an independent soul, my body is pure mortal, and I have all the memories of Theresia, that's true. Teresia, it's not a blow-up doll."

She tilted her head and said with a playful smile: "Speaking of which, you were playing with me on the bed... Well, when Teresia was unhappy because she couldn't control the situation and rhythm, didn't you just treat me as a As a blow-up doll?"

Li Qi was a little embarrassed: "Then, that's the love of husband and wife, what do you know!?"

Teresia leaned over, the familiar fragrance and curves pressed Li Qi's perception, and he spent a lot of willpower to control his natural reaction.

"You can teach me, we can start over, Li Qi..."

Teresia's eyes fluttered, and she whispered: "I am yours, only yours, as long as you want."

"The Dawn Empire is also yours, and the mortal world is yours, as long as you want."

"Everything you have now, you can still continue to have, as long as you want."

"You can climb to the top of mortals, and as the lord of mortals, turn your ideals into reality, and do whatever you want, as long as you want."

"Even if it is a goddess, it can belong to you. After all, He is also me and Theresia."

"He is not a scarlet lady who treats you as a pet. He will truly be with you. He will discover the true desire deep in your heart. He will own the whole world with you, as long as you... willing."

Li Qi felt that his throat was dry, and it was indeed the temptation of Chiguo again.

But from Teresia's words, the lethality is so powerful that the dark villain in my heart is jumping.

He understood the plan of the goddess of order, as long as Xiaohong lost him, as long as he brought the witches to stand on the side of order, Xiaohong and the remaining mortals would have nothing to fear.

As for how the witches should agree with him and continue to be with him, since Theresia said so, the goddess of order must have a way.

As long as he wants to...

Will he?

Of course I am willing, at least 5.00% to [-]% of my heart is willing!
Li Qi swung his sword, and the bright red divine power of justice fell on Theresia.

"Whether it's a god or a puppet, they can't understand the self."

"You and your goddess can give anything, but you can't give me the real Theresia!"

"Come on, let's see the true face of your puppet! Take a good look at yourself!"

The legal judgment was imposed on Teresia, and blurred figures floated out of her.

Li Qi took a breath, how could it be! ?

It was him, Catherine, the old king, Aurora, Sylvie, and countless others, layer upon layer, endlessly.Many figures are still the same as in recent years, such as Teresia's cousin Ariel, who is dressed as a saint of order.

This shouldn't be the case, isn't this Teresia's soul newly created by the Goddess of Order?
The soul created by God is not a pure mortal, and the judgment of the law will not have such an obvious effect!

Turning his talent to pain, Li Qi swung his sword again.

Under the bombardment of the light golden brilliance, he used the trick that he was promoted to legend in hell, the vision of truth.

Another wave of phantoms floated out of Theresia, and there were countless Theresias.

Most of the figures are the same, with white dresses and golden crowns, sitting on thrones.

But some are different, some are wearing battle armor, some are in pajamas and aprons, some are writing at their desks, and some are teaching children.

This Theresia, like a real mortal, has a future destiny with several different possibilities!
Li Qi collected his mind, and stretched out the crystal titanium sword blade from the handle of Tyre in his hand. The pale golden light on the blade was like flowing water, stabbing towards Theresia's forehead like lightning.

This must be fake!

It is an illusion created by false splicing that exceeds the limit of my own perception and strength!

Both eyes touched Teresia's eyes, consciousness fluctuated slightly, and the environment changed suddenly.

With a clang, his blade was blocked by Theresia's stabbing sword.

wait no!

Li Qi found that the weapon in his hand had changed, it became a thin stabbing sword, strictly speaking, it was an epee with a guard, the kind of epee used for fencing, and what Theresia used to block him was a flower sword. sword.

Teresia's shoulder-length blond hair was tied into a ponytail, giving her a youthful look.Her clothes also changed, she was a plain white fencing uniform.Although it was concealed, the plump chest, narrow waist and those familiar long legs bombarded Li Qi with both familiar and unfamiliar amazement.

Li Qi himself was also dressed in the same outfit, and it looked like the two were competing on the fencing track in the gymnasium.

The cheers from the surrounding stands were like a wave, and they were all shouting, "Kill Li Qi! Leia belongs to everyone!"

Teresia, whose blonde hair was tied into a ponytail, raised the corner of her mouth and said, "It's time for me to fight back."

After she finished speaking, she pulled up a strong wind, and the thin blade pulled the body that seemed to be equipped with springs, and launched continuous and violent attacks on Li Qi.

Take small steps up, down, sideways...

Sprint, sprint, sprint...

Stepping back to block, sideways unloading force, turning body to counter-stab...

Li Qi's mind was still in a daze, but his body had already reacted subconsciously.

On the track, shadows of swords flickered, the steps trembled, and the blades clashed with each other, mixed with loud or heavy shouts.

When Li Qi's epee hit Teresia's chest, effective lights lit up beside the track, and the angry condemnation from the stands gathered into a wave.

At this time, Li Qi was also awake. This was a scene where he and Theresia got along in the spiritual world!
At that time, I bullied Theresia for not knowing the rules of fencing, and teased her severely. I remember that it was from this time that I started to play tricks.

"Li Qi..."

Teresia stood up straight, letting the point of the sword touch her chest.

She squinted her eyes and said with a different meaning: "Want to relive it?"

When speaking, he dropped the sword, put his hands on his shoulders, and slowly pulled it down.

The fencing uniform fell little by little, revealing the shoulders stained with crystal sweat.

Like the cheeks, the skin has become pink like a peach due to exercise.

When the peaks of the mountains began to show their height and the ravines in between were clearly visible, Li Qi gritted his teeth and said, "Enough!"

At that time, I was really wicked. Relying on my control over the scene, I stripped Theresia's fencing uniform on the track and raped her in front of countless people.And because she was still struggling with plausible feelings, even though she was extremely ashamed and angry, she couldn't stop herself.

I remember that at that time, I still used righteous excuses to beat her...

"Don't you think these are fake? They are indeed fake, why do you still care so much?"

"To you, mortals have no real essence, so why should you care about their shock, ridicule, envy or even greed?"

"The more you care, the more you will arouse your identification with mortals."

"Stop me, destroy this scene, and I'll win."

That's right, during their time in the spiritual world, apart from pure enjoyment, there were also countless contests.

This is one of the few scenes where he has the upper hand. After all, after suffering countless failures, he learned from the pain, and with the mentality of fighting it out, he completely let go of himself.

Later, it was difficult to be so sad anymore. At most, we could set up some classrooms, libraries or trams. AVI.

"I want to prove here that I am not only the Theresia you once had, but also the new Theresia."

Regardless of Li Qi's stop, she continued to pull off her clothes, and the one-piece fencing suit fell to her feet. The beautiful scenery descended like a holy light, which temporarily blocked Li Qi's thinking.

The light golden light overflowed the body, the scene disintegrated piece by piece, and the two returned to reality.

Of course, this is still a false reality.

Li Qi's breath was a little muddy, and Teresia, who had returned to her white dress and golden crown, was also panting, with a blush floating on her face.

She whispered: "Li Qi, you have been a god of death, you should understand that when a god invests enthusiasm to create a mortal, as long as that mortal has real support, as long as there are real traces left behind, the soul created It's real."

She covered the two swords before her and the chest hit by the scene, her voice trembling slightly: "I am indeed a mortal, and my real age is less than four years old, about the same age as your Leia."

"Not only do I have the memory of my previous life, but the experience of the past three years has also become my new memory. I am Theresia, a new Theresia."

"I miss you, Li Qi..."

"I firmly believe that together we can save the world and solve all problems!"

Li Qi didn't pay attention to Theresia's last statement, but the previous words made him suddenly wake up and was shocked.

That's right, not to mention gods, even him, as long as he has enough support, he can create a brand new soul.

This is possible in the Finn world, because the soul exists, and the soul is material, so it can be created not only naturally, but also artificially.

Alishan is an excellent example, and the same is true for Xia An's creation of An Xiya.

But he relied on the artifact Pilgrimage to the Underworld, and all the soul imprints of the original Alishan.Xia An created An Xiya in the same process as herself, and also used an artifact that was closely related to An Xiya.

The Goddess of Order can copy Theresia's soul only by relying on the avatar of the archangel that Theresia once used?

Impossible, this is almost something that only the god of soul can do, if there is such a god.

Li Qi came back to his senses, and the way he looked at Theresia changed again.

He understood: "Guardian Shield?"

Teresia nodded and said, "Yes, the archangel's avatar alone can't revive me. The soul imprint on the shield of the guardian is clearer and more complete. Obviously, this cannot be told to outsiders."

No, you are not the resurrected Theresia, but the recreated Theresia with the avatar of the archangel and the shield of protection.

So, you're actually a...shield spirit?
At this time, Theresia's affectionate confession fell into his heart. Li Qi was silent for a moment, shook his head and said: "Even if you are a mortal, you are still not the real Theresia. Your will is completely controlled by the goddess of order. Essentially still a puppet."

"The Goddess of Order wants you to love me, so you love me. If you want you to betray me, then you betray me, expecting me to be dependent on a puppet soul, is this treating me as an idiot?"

Theresia's gray pupils shot out golden light suddenly, Li Qi couldn't stop it, a majestic spiritual power blasted to the soul barrier, and dispersed into trickles.

This is a harmless flow of information. Li Qi's subconscious attention brought them into the soul, much like the communication between the avatar of the God of Knights and Xiaohong.

Countless information poured in, and countless mysteries that had been lingering in my heart suddenly disappeared.

From the ancient gods to the ancestors, from the dawn to Avebier, from the original knights to Tudor, the details are presented one after another, which makes Li Qi suddenly enlightened.

The whole world of Finn, another layer of veil was lifted before Li Qi's eyes, and it became extremely clear.

"So...that's it..."

"So... is this the case..."

Li Qi's soul was shaken, and endless troubles and regrets poured out, and they were about to converge into a cry.

That is the wavering that negates everything in the past...

What have I done! ?
Then subconsciously shirk responsibility...

What did Xiaohong do! ?
 I felt a little uncomfortable and had a headache last night, and I'm not feeling better today.

  Sleeping until the afternoon (definitely not because of too many games!)
  The first one is released, and the second one is older...

(End of this chapter)

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