goddess of revolution

Chapter 512 The Birth of an Empire and a Frightening Proposal

Chapter 512 The Birth of an Empire and a Frightening Proposal
On the Star Surge Day in October 1227 of the Fourth Era, the Dawn Empire was proclaimed. Theresia, as the agent of Kem, united man and god, ascended to the position of empress, and was titled God Emperor of Order.

The former site of the Valentine Cathedral, the capital of the empire, was still a piece of white land. The former royal capital of the Kingdom of Valentine, Shield Castle, was used as the temporary imperial capital, and it was renamed the Holy Step City, implying the sacred ladder to hold the emperor in place.

The territory of the empire covers almost the entire East Fern, and the divisions under its jurisdiction have undergone many changes.

The original kingdoms, Hadron, Redstone, Sachdon, and Alanis in the central and southern parts, Gawain, Rim, and Kandath in the northern part, and Bertmund in the western part, a total of eight kingdoms are still preserved.

The Kingdom of San Canos in the northwest was broken by Sylvie because of conspiring with Youxiang to lure the orcs into the country.Although the royal blood was left behind, the queen did not allow the name of San Canos to tarnish the crown, and reduced the country to a principality. At the same time, she set aside half of the territory and set it as the Governor's District of the West.

The original Kingdom of Valentine, the Duchies of Tangus and Norton, were designated as territories directly under the Empire, and the Queen sent governors and officials to govern them.

Among them, the Tangus Duchy was presented by the Grand Duke Tangus on his own initiative. The Queen retained his title of Duke of Tangus, and one-third of the land directly under the Duchy was also reserved as the duke's fiefdom. The lifelong title of Grand Master of the Imperial Holy Knights".

In Norton, the entire duchy was revoked, and all the duchy's lands were taken back to the empire.In view of the worrying intelligence of Grand Duke Norton Mitt Norton, it is really inappropriate to label him the "leader of the royalist rebel group", and the Queen does not want to hold him accountable.Set aside a few manors in Valentine as the Barony of Norton, and leave this stupid pig there to fend for itself.

The original Dominion of the Forgotten Forest, considering the special situation of that forest, the residents are all pointed ears, the Queen did not designate it as a territory directly under it, and still retained the Dominion.However, the Earls of Morning Song and Evening Star were the masterminds of the rebel group. The two families were uprooted, and all the territories were distributed to the half-elf officers and soldiers who had made great achievements in the war and were willing to return home. ranging from Lord to Baron.

Not everything remains the same in the retained kingdom, such as the Kingdom of Sachdon, but the rebellion of the eldest prince did not involve the entire kingdom.The empress still entrusted the northern gateway of Sacedonia and the surrounding rich areas to Remaco, who was named "Marquis of the North Sacedonian Empire", and the area of ​​the fief was equivalent to one-sixth of the land of Sacedonia.

A large number of titles with the same prefix of "Empire" have been placed in various kingdoms including Hadron. This is also a traditional means for the kingdom to weaken the domestic nobles. The empress is indeed seriously planning the Dawn Empire as a kingdom.

Of course, there is one exception, and that is the Redstone Kingdom.

The queen handed over the throne of the Redstone Kingdom to her younger sister Catherine, and introduced Catherine to everyone in a high-profile manner for the first time.Most people saw the queen's twin sister for the first time. Except for the short light blonde hair and silver-gray pupils, her appearance was exactly the same as the queen's. The subjects were amazed and praised.

The queen also announced a big news, that Duke Prell of Hadron Kingdom will join the Redstone royal family and become the husband of Queen Redstone.This finally confirmed the rumors of Li Qi's intimate relationship with the Queen, and Li Qi became the Queen's brother-in-law in a legitimate way.

As for marrying in, the king's husband and so on, from the perspective of the law of the nobility, this is normal, and no one ridiculed Li Qi Prael for becoming a son-in-law.

It's just that there were some strange things at the scene. For example, the half-elf named Qi Li blushed and shouted that this was absolutely impossible. Everyone thought she had an affair with Li Qi.Seeing Queen Catherine in Qili's arms again, crying and laughing as if she was overjoyed, Qili shut up because of this, and people's suspicions turned to these two again.

Could it be that Queen Catherine is... ahem, Lily?

The episode passed quickly, and the empress then announced a few more appointments. No one noticed a problem, and even if they did, they thought the empress had already made arrangements, and it was not worth mentioning at this time.

That is the arrangement of the Duke of Prior. Although Li Qi-Prair is a bench in the Alliance of Order, he is the bench in the first row after all. His status is very high. The queen even gave him the commander-in-chief "Second Front" mission.

Now that the empire is newly established, the power of Prell seems to have been forgotten by the empress.

Prell's territory is the entire Godfall Plateau. Although the population under his jurisdiction is not large, the area exceeds that of Hadron Kingdom.He is still at war with Prince Bellino, the spokesperson of the God of Cruelty... No, the Kester Kingdom under the king's rule is hostile, and it has no place on the empire's territory, which is very strange.

Perhaps this matter has something to do with Li Qi's entry into the Redstone royal family. People who think of this question are so imaginative.

The queen took the lead in appointing Sylvie as the governor of the western region of the empire, and bestowed the title of duke.Sylvie's mission is to return to the northwest as soon as possible and bring the Kingdom of Brad into the territory of the empire.

Afterwards, she appointed her uncle, the current King Gaisut of Hadron, as the Prime Minister, the magic mentor Meddy as the Minister of the Ministry of Magic of the Empire, and the former personal advisor Brintto as the Minister of Internal Affairs.

All the legends who supported the queen were awarded the honorary title of Guardian of Valentine, which was equivalent to the treatment of the Earl of the Empire, and obtained the corresponding territory and manor in Valentine.The original core legend was awarded the title of marquis, and Hathaway was awarded the title of duchess of Ted. Of course, the fiefdom was still the original marquis territory of the Kingdom of Saxon.

The first batch of appointments are the most important affairs, and subsequent appointments have to be determined according to the establishment of various systems in the empire.However, the Queen personally made three arrangements.

The first is naturally the army. Those troops that belong directly to the princes and nobles will either return to their original places or be disrupted and reorganized.The Imperial Army will be rebuilt with the Independent Legion directly under the Alliance of Order as the core.

The queen divided the imperial army into two categories: Legion and Knights. The legion is divided into three levels. The first level is the Guard Legion. garrison.The second level is the mobile corps, which is used to deal with large-scale wars and is stationed in various places.The third level is the Guard Corps, stationed in Valentine, defending the imperial capital and the queen.

The Knights here are adapted from the original Knights of the Order and the Knights of the Alliance. They are composed of priests such as the Holy Knights of the Emperor, the Knights of the Oath, and the Imperial Knights. They are the internal guards and ceremonial guards directly under the empress force.

Apart from the army, the queen's arrangements for the other two departments revealed her consideration of it as a double-edged sword.

The Empress established the Imperial Communications Department, which directly oversees the development of communications technology and oversees the operation of the Joint Communications Committee.It seems that the "congratulatory telegram" from all over the world impressed the Queen very deeply, and she also had a new understanding of the power of the United Communication Network.

The other department is the Imperial Teleportation Department. As the name suggests, the Empress does not allow other people outside the empire to use teleportation circles, portals, and other teleportation techniques to transport large quantities of personnel and materials to any place in the empire in a short period of time.Of course, the Church of the Goddess of Commerce, Dragon Clan and other forces are excluded, but the empire must also have the power to know and even supervise, and the specific executor is this department.

In just a few hours, the empress overwhelmed everyone, and not only made preliminary revisions to the French regulations of the Broken Tower Pledge and the Alliance of Order, but also finalized the most important divisional adjustments, knighthood awards, department settings, and personnel appointments. People complained endlessly, and they really felt the shock. An empire took shape just this night!
In the middle of the night, seeing many people rubbing their eyes and yawning, the Queen finally announced that the meeting had come to an end, and tomorrow in the Castle of Shield... No, the meeting will continue in the Holy Step City.

The officers and soldiers of the legion outside the castle were satisfied after the queen took the oath to wear the crown, and most of them had already returned to the camp.A small number stayed without the restraint of the chief, lit a bonfire, sang and danced around the castle, immersed in joy, and no one dared to take care of them at this time.

The princes and nobles and the big shots belonging to the "Royal Party" inside and outside the castle were all excited, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time. There was no way to sleep this night.

Those "leaders of the royal party's rebellious group" who were locked in the dungeon were even more difficult to suppress their emotions.Some gritted their teeth and cursed continuously, some wept softly, some laughed strangely, and some remained silent without saying a word.

Locked alone in a cell, Roydas was as silent as a dead man. For several hours, facing the wall, sitting upright, almost became a statue.There was no movement until a familiar voice sounded.

Roydas asked tremblingly: "Numael, are you here to chop off my head?"

Numan Ayer did not speak, and handed him a document, and then lit the fluorite lamp in the room, and the words on the cover of the document were revealed, which was the minutes of the meeting.

Roydas took the document and read it page by page, snorting coldly every time he turned a page.

After hastily flipping through, his eyes flickered and he remained silent.

"After reading these minutes, you should understand that His Majesty did not wear the crown for his own selfish desires, but to integrate East Fern into a large kingdom. The crown and the empire only endow the kingdom with a form worthy of the name. In Underneath this, it is still aristocratic inheritance and eternal law."

"Your Majesty knows that you are loyal, it's just that you can't think about it for a while, so you made these troubles."

Numanel said earnestly: "Your Majesty asked me to persuade you. Go back to Shield Castle tomorrow and ask Your Majesty for your sins. How could Your Majesty kill you? She is so kind, if she sacrifices her life, it will bring peace to everyone. and happiness, she will sacrifice herself without hesitation, don't you think about your majesty, and only care about your own interests?"

"Benefits? This is faith!"

Roydas burst into tears: "I just know that Your Majesty is kind, so I am absolutely unwilling to give in! When Her Majesty was a naive princess, she said to me: 'Roydas, this road must be very long, say Maybe I will be lost by all kinds of temptations on the road, and you must remember to remind me', yes, she said so!"

The old man fell into memories: "When I first saw her, she still called me Grandpa Roydas. I said it was okay, she said that respecting the old and caring for the young is an eternal law that nobles should abide by, even if the world is destroyed. Forget it. How pure she was back then, with baby fat on her face."

"now what……"

The old man shook his jaw, and his messy gray beard became even more messy: "We responded to her call to fight to overthrow the church that oppressed the nobles! Now, Your Majesty, she has forgotten her original intention? Those magicians, Wizards, druids, poor people and even pariahs, why should they share the world with us!?"

Numan El sighed: "Your Majesty did not let them share the world with you equally, but just asked you to give up some benefits, so that everyone is satisfied. The establishment of the empire is also to allow you and them to continue to be united. rather than killing each other."

"Give up some benefits a little?"

The old man sneered and said: "This is just the beginning! You should see clearly, Numanel, His Majesty is beginning to abandon us! Empire? Whether it is the Magic Empire, the Roland Empire or the Tudor Empire, everything will repeat itself, and eventually those guys become New nobles, our corpses turned into mud, no one cares."

"People will always die, and kingdoms and empires will always weaken or even disappear. What remains unchanged is the law." Numan El shook his head and said: "We are all mortals, don't arrogate to eternity, that is what your majesty can touch." world."

Roydas' voice became sharper: "She can be eternal, why doesn't she take us to eternity together!?"

Numan Aier didn't want to argue anymore: "So, you still refuse to plead guilty and bow your head to His Majesty?"

"Plead guilty? Bow your head?"

Roydas muttered for a while, panting and said: "Restore the Principality of Norton, and investigate the murderer of my son, and I will plead guilty!"

"It's impossible," Numan El said pitifully: "This is not a transaction, but you sincerely plead guilty and confess to the instigator, so as to save your life. Your Majesty is merciful and will transfer you to Valentine, give me the title of earl, and start with the commander of the legion."

"There is no messenger! I, Roydas, do things, who else do I need to order!?"

Roydas stood up abruptly and roared like an angry lion. The surging force made the walls on all sides of the room roar, shaking out a large cloud of smoke and dust.

The smoke dispersed before it even got close to Numanel's clothes, and Benuin sighed helplessly: "Then you... take care of yourself."

He whispered again: "If you want to leave quietly, His Majesty will not really hunt you down. Go out and think about it, maybe you will figure it out."

After Numanel left, Loydas blushed and said to himself angrily: "If you want me to throw away my glory and run away in shame, never!"

The old man gasped for a while, his eyes lit up with a fiery light: "Perhaps, this is the only way to wake up His Majesty, and only this way can prove my innocence."

The jailers of the dungeon gathered at the gate, chatting excitedly.There are some big people in the prison, and they are not given torture tools such as forbidden nails. The prison head and His Excellency Numan El just now have specifically explained that anyone who wants to escape does not need to be blocked, let alone make a statement, just report directly to the higher authorities. Alright, anyway, today is the most relaxing day since being a jailer.

While discussing how much bounty the empress would give when she ascended the throne, a thunderous cry sounded from the depths of the dungeon: "I am innocent!"

Then the ground shook, like something exploded.

The jailers looked at each other, thinking that someone might have broken through the wall and escaped.They decided to take a look, at least to confirm the actual situation, and then report back.

When I came to the single room in the deepest part, I looked through the crack of the door, and saw that the leading jailer stepped back again and again, all the blood on his face was gone.


In the small living room of the main hall of the castle, Teresia was chatting with Sylvie, Qili, Hathaway, and Catherine when Numan El rushed to report the situation. She was shocked at first. , then pain, then guilt, and finally anger.

"Would he rather die than give in a step!?"

The queen gritted her teeth, and said bitterly: "He still wants to use death to accuse me? It's just that there is an extra empire on his head, and an extra empress, which makes him so unbearable? His loyalty is only loyal to the nobles. Interests!?"

She shook her head slowly: "Ignore the overall situation, and don't want to make any concessions, good, good...a good death!"

Numan El didn't dare to say much, and retreated after the announcement, the queen stood in front of the window with her hands behind her back, sulking.

Yes, good death!

Qi Li also agreed with Theresa in her heart, seeing Catherine yawning, she led her to prepare to leave.

Apart from myself and Catherine, the remaining three women are all remarkable existences, but they are all women after all. The conversation just now was almost a topic of three aunts and six wives, and they still circled around Li Qi from time to time, which made her sweat a lot.

It's time to rest too...

"Your Highness Qili, the relationship between Catherine and you is also extraordinary. She treats you just like she treats Li Qi... No, it seems more intimate."

Hathaway suddenly smiled coquettishly, and said something else: "When you go back, do you want to share the same bed?"

Qili and Catherine froze at the same time, and Qili forced a smile and said, "They're both women, so there's nothing wrong with being intimate."

Catherine nodded repeatedly: "Dead father, dead father..."

Feeling flustered for a while, she returned to Ellie's state.

"I really envy Catherine." Sylvie actually came over, "I can sleep with His Royal Highness Qili. Qili is the embodiment of beauty. To be able to hug such a perfect body and squeeze into a bed, I feel certain." Wonderful, right?"

Qili's eyes are wide open, Sylvie, where are you scratching with your fingers! ?
"Look, Her Majesty is upset and needs to relax, or..."

Sylvie's fingers slid all the way up Qili's back from below: "How many of us, share the same bed and sleep on our feet?"

"Yeah, they are all women." Hathaway looked at Qili's perfectly shaped bust line, sticking out her pink tongue, as if longing for some delicious food: "It's just a matter of discussing the private topic between women. "

"You guys..."

Teresia was in a better mood after being disturbed by this: "Restrain yourself."

"Your Majesty, I haven't slept with you for a long time," Sylvie said coquettishly: "I miss you, and Catherine, haven't you slept with her for a long time? Look, I hold you, you Hugging Catherine and letting Qili hug us, she is big and has a deep chest, absolutely no problem, how comfortable it is to sleep together."

Hathaway raised her hand: "Ahem, I know how to soften bones, and I can add one more."

Qili and Catherine looked at each other, conveying extremely frightened glances.

Absolutely not—!
Teresia opened her mouth to laugh and curse, but she looked at Qili and then at Catherine, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, she seemed to think that this was a very good idea.

She feels very tired, and if she can have a warm embrace to lean on, she can breathe a little easier.

It's a pity that it's not Li Qi's. It's a little regretful. After all, a man's chest is more suitable. This is a natural law.

Of course that's impossible, but if it's my sister, my closest friend, and this half-elf who can be called the embodiment of beauty, it's enough to comfort me.

(End of this chapter)

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