indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 10 Gu Ginkgo

Chapter 10 Gu Ginkgo

Rooftop barbecue, the smell must be wafting around. On the other side of the rooftop, a girl has long been watching along with the smell.

It's just that Zhu Jue's attention was all focused on the phantom that appeared in front of him, and he didn't pay attention to the surrounding situation at all. Later, because of the approach of the monster, he wanted to interrupt its action, so he had that question.

It's just that in the eyes of others, there is no one around Zhu Jue, and she is watching from the side, so it seems that these words are meant for her.

That's how the misunderstanding happened.

Zhu Jue put down his chopsticks and turned his head with a look of surprise. The other party obviously saw the puzzled expression on his face, and suddenly realized that the other party was not talking to him at all.

so shameful
Immediately covered his face and wanted to run back.

"Gu Ginkgo!"

That's right, what appeared on the other side of the roof at this moment was the girl Zhu Jue had seen on the stage outside the department store before.

Their work should be over.

"you know me?"

Gu Yinxing pointed at her nose, looking cute.

"Of course, you are a star, is it strange that someone knows you? I am your fan!"

Without changing face or heartbeat, he watched her performance by himself and searched for some information about her.

How much is a fan?

"Wow, really? Are you really my fan?"

The girl's eyes widened, she looked at Zhu Jue with her hands on the edge of the roof, blinked her glasses, and asked in a surprised tone.

She's just a little girl who hasn't grown up yet.

"You debuted two months ago, and now you have a team. I watched your performance outside the department store just now. Do you want to eat barbecue? Come here. Can you come here?"

These are all the messages I have read before, Zhu Jue's memory is not that bad, this is my benefactor, he waved quickly, and then thought that this place looks like a rooftop, and there is a distance of more than one meter between the two sides.

"Don't worry, Idiot!"

Gu Yinxing took a few steps back, and before Zhu Jue could speak, she sprinted and jumped, landed on the ground with her hands spread out, her chest raised and her abdomen retracted, and she performed the beautiful finishing moves of a gymnast.

He raised his chin towards Zhu Jueang, probably because he was successful in front of his fans, and there was a little pride on his face.

"Amazing, come and sit down, it's my honor to have dinner with idols."

I got up and went to the side to take another seat and put it on the other side of the stove, and prepared a pair of chopsticks and a plate of sauce.

The girl's voice is unmistakable, she is the one who sang on the rooftop yesterday.

"I'm starving. The barbecue is still delicious. I didn't expect to meet a fan just after moving. Do you live here? Why is there no one here to dry the quilt or clothes?"

Gu Yinxing looked at the surrounding environment. Compared with the rooftop over there, this place is more spacious.

"Because I have rented out this rooftop, otherwise how can I sit on this barbecue, and you, live in the building opposite?"

As soon as Zhu Jue finished speaking, he noticed that the girl's expression was a little downcast.

"Well, the accommodation provided by our company is not as big as yours. I envy you. You can eat so much barbecue by yourself. Your idol is so poor that he can only eat dried noodles every day. It's so delicious. I haven't eaten barbecue for a long time. .”

Gu Yinxing pursed her mouth, originally wanting to maintain the restraint of an idol, she dropped a few slices of barbecued meat, but her movements became faster and faster.

"Does your company not pay wages?"

Zhu Jue flipped the barbecue on the stove, and dropped his chopsticks much slower than before. With the effort he took to eat one slice, the girl in front of him could eat three or four slices.

"Fat, but for trainees like us, the basic salary is only 2000, and there is only one or two hundred for the activities. Excluding the usual expenses, it is almost enough to eat a barbecue once a month. What do you do? Hey, eat more."

After discovering that Zhu Jue hardly moved his chopsticks but was helping himself to wash the oil the whole time, two red clouds immediately appeared on Gu Yinxing's face.

This made her very embarrassed, and hurriedly poked some meat to Zhu Jue with chopsticks.

"It's okay, I can eat it anytime, I'm a policeman, I still have some savings, you can eat as you please."

Zhu Jue opened his mouth and wanted to say that he was a waiter, but this job didn't seem to explain why he could eat barbecue so casually.

Now that he has an order watch, he can also be regarded as a government employee, and the bounty system in it is for catching criminals, so it doesn't seem too much to say that he is a policeman.

The two just chatted one after another, and most of the time they asked each other how they were doing.

"Hurr~ I'm sorry, I accidentally ate too much, I'm sorry, I don't know myself like this."

Gu Yinxing looked at the empty meat box next to her, and then peeked at the still thin policeman on the opposite side. She couldn't even say the word "can eat".
"It's okay, as I said before, it's my honor to eat barbecue with my idol, I just have a small request, can you sing a song, the one in the department store before is very good. "

"But it's fine if I sing, I'll go all out, you have to be mentally prepared."


He took out the phone in his pocket and quietly turned on the recording function.

The tune is still running, but Zhu Jue seems to be following this set, it sounds good.

It sounds great!

When the song is over, press the pause button.

"Let's add a friend, what is your talk account?"

Before leaving, Gu Ginkgo turned on her communicator, which is not a headset, but a bracelet carrier, and talk is a common chat software in this era.

Zhu Jue also fiddled with an account when he was bored, after all, these are functions that come with the phone.

Adding each other, Zhu Juekong has an additional name in the friend column: Ginkgo Leaf.

"Wake up 123? Haha, it's so interesting, then. I'm leaving, goodbye."

When Gu Yinxing smiles, she always likes to grin. She is not very ladylike, but she feels cheerful and lively when she looks at it.

"Call you at the next barbecue? I should be grilling more often."

Zhu Jue cleaned up the dinner plate, looked at Gu Yinxing who had already jumped back and shouted.

"Okay, I will definitely come! But next time, how about getting some vegetables? Eating meat alone will make you fat!"

The girl waved on the other side of the roof, and Zhu Jue's mood improved for no reason.

At this moment, the brilliance of the setting sun seemed to carry warmth.

"Huh ~ next is working time."

Quickly packed up his things and opened the private message in the forum.

Green Tree Park was originally a wetland park. Due to the continuous expansion of urbanization, the occupied area has been continuously reduced. So far, only half of the original area remains.

In order to protect the remaining large green plants and the animals living in them, the government directly issued a decree that any organization is strictly prohibited from developing green tree parks. Even the open area is only a part of the periphery, and the interior is kept in the original state of the forest as much as possible.

Wu Tong had been waiting outside Dongyi Gate for nearly an hour. It wasn't that Zhu Jue was late, but that he came too early.

The sky has completely turned into night, and the street lights are turned on one by one.

Standing in the middle of the gate, there are not many people entering the green tree park at this time, most of them are night walkers.

"Wu Tong."


Hearing someone call his name, Wu Tong turned his head subconsciously, and saw a taller than himself, but very thin person, he was wearing a hat and mask, looking at him.

"You just can't wake up 123?"

asked tentatively.

"Well, let's go, I'll tell you something on the way."

The two then walked towards the Green Tree Park. Entering the park was a straight masonry path, and the street lights were lined up on both sides.

"Boss, how did you find those monsters? I found on the Internet that many people have problems just by looking at them. How did you protect yourself when you were filming?"

Wu Tong is like a primary school student, with a hundred thousand whys in his mouth.

"This is my secret, I won't tell you. Also, don't talk about these things in public. If you have anything to say, you can talk about it in the woods."

Although there were not many people around, there were at least a few of them. With Wu Tong's volume, they might be overheard.

"Into the woods, into what woods?"

The two were walking on the side of the tour road, Wu Tong was a little puzzled.

"Do you think those guys will appear in the open area of ​​Green Tree Park? Do you think this is a zoo? I will take you to the unopened area later. If you are afraid, you can leave now. The deposit will not be refunded." Yes."

The chase battle during the third hunt was carried out in the unopened jungle of Green Tree Park, but it took Zhu Jue a lot of effort to get rid of that guy.

"Unopened area? Hey~ Is this an adventure?"

Wu Tong grasped the two shoulder straps of his backpack tightly, his excitement palpable.

"Forget it, it's really dangerous, I remember it should go down from here, follow me."

Zhu Jue came to the place where he started his last chase according to his memory, bent down, and behind the bushes in front of him, he could see a row of light green barbed wire.

Leaving the masonry road, he ran to the isolated iron fence next to him in one breath. With the help of the street lights behind him, he could vaguely see the forest covered with fallen leaves in front of him.

"I asked you to bring something, didn't you forget?"

Because we went in at night, the night is not bad today, and the visibility in the forest is very high, but Zhu Jue was worried that it would be cloudy at night, so he asked Wu Tong to bring lighting equipment in advance.

"Bring it, the lighting is too troublesome, I just bought the night vision goggles, this is yours, sir, it's my meeting gift."

Wu Tong took out two glasses cases from his backpack, and Zhu Jue glanced at the labels that hadn't been torn off.

10000 Federal Coins.
"I'll accept the gift, you friend, I've made a deal!"

Patting Wu Tong on the shoulder, Zhu Jue confirmed that the man in front of him should have a mine, and there was more than one?
"How about your athletic ability, can you climb this net?"

Zhu Jue patted the nearly two-meter-high barbed wire around him and asked.

"should be no problem."

After all, he was a young man, and there were still square holes in the barbed wire for grabbing.

"That's good."

Zhu Jue took a few steps back, sprinted fiercely, stepped on the iron grid, flipped over with ease.

"High master?"

Wu Tong behind was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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