indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 107 The Righteous Partner

Chapter 107 The Righteous Partner

After Zhu Jue received Qin Chengren's message, he used the simplest and most straightforward way of climbing the stairs. Most of the corridors with more than a dozen floors were jumped up, but on the floor below the banquet hall on the top floor, his footsteps But stopped.

At first, Zhu Jue saw a lot of blood and footprints in the corridor. There is no doubt that the people who were locked in the TV tower when the ghouls appeared before could not run to the more dangerous upstairs through the safe passage, and Judging from the size of the footprints on the ground, only ghouls exist, with obvious dragging marks.

In other words, ghouls have dragged human corpses past here before.

Following the footprints all the way to this floor, what Zhu Jue saw was the bloodstains extending into the corridor. He wanted to go upstairs directly, but he still controlled the blue bird to take a look.

Then the camera of the blue bird did not accidentally capture some strange situations, for example, there were a lot of blood stains on the floor of this floor, but no dead body was seen.

When Zhu Jue followed the blood stains and opened one of them, which might be a studio for recording talk shows, the circular venue was filled with corpses, and there were strange runes smeared with blood on the walls.

Without even thinking about it, Mawala's associates must have done it.

Based on the central idea that what the enemy wants to achieve is what he needs to destroy, Zhu Jue immediately took two fire extinguishers from the outside glass window, used up one and a half bottles, and obstinately painted nearly a third of the fire extinguishers. runes.

It would be hell if this special magic circle could continue!
In fact, at that time, Zhu Jue didn't know that he had accidentally destroyed Lucas' plan.

In fact, this magic circle was arranged by Lucas against the clock when Lucas was drawing everyone's attention in Mawala, before the police and Yuanfan Machinery Group's large forces felt it.

As for the magic circle on the top floor, it is just a bait on the bright side. He intends to recruit a large number of high-level executives, inspectors and other support teams from the Public Security Bureau, and once and for all will directly pollute the pollution that they summoned through the magic circle. A split spirit of the victim completely transformed everyone here.

Today, the combined number of corpses and living people in the TV tower exceeds 500.

Once these existences become movable twisted corpses and various mutants, plus other ghouls, if they are allowed to rush into the living areas of the outer city, it is not a problem to plunge the outer city into complete chaos. Difficult.

You must know that at this time, nearly [-]% of the energy of the outer city is concentrated near the TV tower. It can be said that except for those policemen who cannot leave their posts, all of them gathered nearby because of this vicious incident. Who will protect these people from being polluted? Outer city?

Rely on the underworld forces in the Ebony District, thank God if they don't take the opportunity to make trouble!

Unfortunately, all the plans were ruined by this man in front of him.

Is Lucas mad?
Naturally he was angry, let alone a ghoul, he wanted to gnaw on the bastard in front of him.

However, he, who was not a mutant himself, lost the protection of the ghouls. When facing Zhu Jue in melee, he couldn't even struggle. He was carried and beaten to the ground, unable to move.

"You evil villain! Why did you do such a thing? These are all citizens of Yecheng, and they are all innocent!!!"

After Zhu Jue controlled Lucas, he didn't do anything to him at first. He glanced at the positions of the people around him from the corner of his eyes, found a corner, just grabbed his shoulders with both hands, shook his body violently, and stood up with his mouth. Condemning this lunatic on the high ground of morality, a grain of gravel has quietly slipped into Lucas's clothes from the cuff of his coat.


Sensing a change in the clothes, Lucas, who was dazed by the shaking, immediately widened his eyes and wanted to resist.

"You bastard, I hate you!"

Zhu Jue hit him in the face with one punch, but he controlled his strength well. A few teeth broke out, and he would not die directly. But the moment he flew out, there was something wrapped in a grain of sand Quietly withdraw Zhu Jue's sleeve.

The people from the Public Security Bureau hurried up to stop Zhu Jue at this time, if he beat Lucas to death here, who else could they ask for interrogation.

"Hey, don't do it, leave it to us!"

Qin Chengren was the first to come up and hold Zhu Jue and dragged him back, and the latter only made a symbolic resistance twice before being dragged aside.

"What's the matter with you? I haven't seen you so righteous before."

Qin Chengren is also puzzled, Zhu Jue's impression of him here is that he is a complete hob meat, eating enough for one person, completely caring about the existence of others, with his sentimental appearance today, those who don't know think he is a man full of justice What about heroes?

"Hmph, can't I see this kind of criminal? Now I am a partner of justice!"

After all, Zhu Jue didn't go up again, but instead turned his gaze to the corpses of the ghouls that had been dealt with.

"You? A partner of justice? It's good that you don't cause trouble for justice!"

Chu Yun just retracted his wings and was beside him, but he couldn't figure out what kind of medicine this guy was taking today, and he came up to help so actively.

"I don't care about Qin Chengren with you. If I have nothing to do, I'll leave. I'm busy. Hey, you let them take him away?"

Zhu Jue glanced at Chu Yun, too lazy to quarrel with her, and suddenly found that people from Yuanfan Machinery Group were negotiating with a middle-aged man, who was the first-level inspector of the fifth group of the Public Security Bureau.

"What, are they taking Lucas away?"

"You don't understand the obvious thing. Just as the people over there wanted to handcuff Lucas, people from the Yuanfan Machinery Group surrounded him. Is there any other possibility besides asking for someone?"

He kept looking at Lucas, and the situation over there was naturally clear. Seeing Qin Chengren's hesitant look, he said,
"If you let them take Lucas away, you will have nothing to gain from this trip except for a group of people who died. I definitely can't bear it if you change it. Look, they just surrounded him. "

There are only two wanted criminals in the TV tower. Mawala was killed by Zhu Jue, and the gravel on his body was also taken away by him. There is only one Lucas left. If this person is snatched away by Yuanfan Machinery Group , The Public Security Bureau sacrificed so many people, but in the end they got nothing. They just managed to save some people, and maybe not even many people died.

What did they use to explain to the people in the outer city?
This is also the reason why the first-level inspector of the fifth group was still there to communicate with the people from Yuanfan Machinery. He actually understood in his heart that if he was released at this time, he would not be able to report to the superiors after he returned.

"The prison of your Public Security Bureau can hold this kind of guy? Are you afraid that he will summon ghouls in the prison!"

The meaning in Xue Lu's words is also straightforward. This Lucas can do such a thing, which shows that he is not an ordinary person. It is basically impossible to detain him in a normal prison, and he must be detained by special means.

"Don't worry about it. If we can't even detain a prisoner, is there any meaning for our Public Security Bureau?"

The captain of the fifth group doesn't care about whether the opponent is from Yuanfan Machinery or other forces. He only knows that the culprit who caused the disaster was firstly taken away by Yuanfan Machinery, and he will face the entire city of Ye The media's questioning and pressure will definitely fall on him, and the effort he spent so much is not only useless, but also a success.

"Okay, you take it away, I want the ghoul of the original body, don't forget, we also participated in this operation, I also want to bring things back to the business, and the press conference after the disaster, we Yuanfan Machinery must be Mention, just like you, we are also the main rescue force!"

Xue Lu chattered quickly. In fact, he didn't want to arrest Lucas at all. For Yuanfan Machinery, there are many people in the Public Security Bureau. They will naturally know what information they ask, so why waste time? Going to interrogate him himself, his target is the protozoan ghoul, which is what Yuanfan Machinery really needs.

"Okay, you take the protoform away."

The first-level inspector was silent for a while, and then nodded. He vaguely sensed the intention of the other party, but what Xue Lu said was indeed the truth. They participated in this operation and paid quite a lot of casualties. It is reasonable to ask for some rewards. As it should be.

Of course, in this compromise, he also had the idea of ​​not wanting to offend Yuanfan Machinery too much.

The Public Security Bureau took away Lucas, and the Yuanfan Machinery Group team took away the proto-body ghoul.

This is the final allocation.

It's just that they didn't notice that Lucas had been covering his mouth and struggling, trying to say something but unable to open his mouth.

When carrying the corpse on the other side, they also didn't notice a scar about half a finger wide on the back of the protozoan ghoul's head, and the things inside had been cleaned out long ago.

"Where is Zhu Jue?"

Qin Chengren, who learned that Lucas was left behind, returned, only to find that Zhu Jue was gone.

"I left just now. I said it was a gas leak at home. I want to go back and smoke a cigarette to calm down. What the hell is he doing?"

Chu Yun pouted and replied, she naturally didn't believe such perfunctory words.

(End of this chapter)

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