indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 116 The Mouse in the Car

Chapter 116 The Rat in the Car (First update, please subscribe!)

"The train to Guangcheng is coming soon."

Amidst the sound of the radio announcement in the high-speed train station, Zhu Jue walked towards the gate with a bag on his back and a weapon case.

Turn on the recording function on the sunglasses, and the shooting of the third video will start from here.

"Hiss~ why are there so many people?"

Wu Tong's voice came from the earphones. According to the previous rules, he would keep in touch with Zhu Jue during shooting and check the camera's shooting status at any time.

Through the broadcast from various angles, what he saw was the crowds in the high-speed train station, dragging their families with their families, and stacked packages and luggage can be seen everywhere.

Not only that, Zhu Jue also saw a specially set up temporary checkpoint at the entrance of the waiting hall, a whole team of policemen and intelligent robots were standing by around, and the instrument in the hands of the person in charge of the inspection should be a hue value inspection aspects of the instrument.

Zhu Jue has seen people from the Guangcheng area on the rooftop, and their hue values ​​are generally high. Now it seems that the government has also noticed this and took precautions.

"This scene is very good. It can be filmed as the opening scene to enhance the atmosphere. Zhu Jue, remember to use the blue bird to take a bird's-eye view."

With the foreshadowing of the first two videos, Wu Tong has received a lot of improvement suggestions during this period. Regarding the video content and editing, most of them are irrelevant or even unreasonable suggestions, but some are quite insightful proposal.

For example, someone watched two videos and thought that most of them were about fighting monsters. The excitement is exciting, but it lacks some narrative and plot. This is like a barbecue. It's always better than those who see the pieces of meat tumbling and ripening in front of their eyes.

Another example is a movie from a certain island country. It is always a bit tasteless to go straight to the theme when it comes up, otherwise there would be such an XX series.

So Wu Tong also wanted to try to lengthen the video and add more content.

Zhu Jue took out the controller and controlled the blue bird to fly over the train station, but noticed the staff at the front gate made a stop gesture to him.

"Sorry, sir, the train to Guangcheng has been taken over by the government, and non-government personnel are not allowed to take it."

Li Qinglian's previous guess was correct. In order to avoid bigger problems, the Yecheng government began to intervene in the operation of the train to Guangcheng.

"I am the third-level inspector of the Public Security Bureau."

Without changing face or heartbeat, Zhu Jue generously handed over his order watch.

If Qin Chengren hadn't had an accident, maybe his current authority would be higher.

"The authority of the third-level executive officer can be facilitated informally depending on the situation. What do you mean?"

Looking at the authority introduction displayed on the screen, the staff at the train station were also a little at a loss. They didn't know what the so-called informal third-level executive authority meant.

"Depending on the situation, it is the current situation. There is a problem with the environment in the Guangcheng area, and a large number of people have moved. I think you should know about this. The local area needs a lot of manpower. Although I am not an official executive officer now, I will soon The person who has become a full-time official has not yet received official documents and instructions. The Public Security Bureau has a task to send me there, and the bus will start in 5 minutes, so I can't delay!"

Seeing that they didn't know the meaning of the unofficial third-level executive, Zhu Jue took the opportunity to explain something to them.

The staff here are not clear about the internal promotion process of the Public Security Department. Seeing the verification information of the Public Security Department on the screen, and knowing that Zhu Jue has an urgent task, they believed it after a little hesitation, and opened the gate to let Zhu Jue in. Even the steps of buying tickets are saved.

Running down the platform, Zhu Jue looked at the transparent glass, found an empty carriage, walked in, and found a corner place to sit down.

"You still have a way. I have never heard of the name of the unofficial third-level executive officer. Are you really going to work in the Public Security Bureau?"

"Of course not. This is an authority exchanged with the Public Security Bureau for the convenience of shopping in the mall. It's just that the people here don't know it. As long as you can go there, you can go to the Guangcheng area with the people when you come back." That's the car."

Put the weapon case and backpack on the table, open the zipper of the backpack, carry the wind chime into your arms, open the metal plate on the right side of the weapon case, a black handle is being pushed to Zhu Jue's body by the mechanism in the weapon case forward.

Holding the handle of the knife, slowly pull out the newly obtained weapon. Unlike the previous long knife that did not have any special effects and purely pursued basic attributes, Zhu Jue's current one can be said to have full special effects. Correspondingly, The style of the entire long knife has also undergone a huge change.

The knife is much larger than the ordinary long knife before, and it is shaped like a ghost spit blade. It is not solid. There are technological equipment in the ghost's head, and some mechanical components can be vaguely seen when it is put together. .

The length of the blade remains the same, but the thickness and weight have increased significantly. The latter is deliberately requested by Zhu Jue. With his current strength, the feeling when wielding an ordinary long knife is really bad, and the power is also weaker. As for the former It was because of the special effects transformation requested by Zhu Jue that the changes occurred.

As for the principle, Zhu Jue naturally couldn't figure it out. It's just that there is an extra ring on the finger that is specially used for switching the long knife mode. When it is turned on, the mode switching command can be directly issued by voice.

Holding the handle of the knife in one hand and the body of the knife in the other, he looked at it for a long time before putting it back into the weapon case with satisfaction.

The next step is to wait. At the speed of the train, it takes nearly two hours to go to Guangcheng, which is not too long. Zhu Jue turned off the camera, took out his mobile phone, opened the Yuntu website, found a few interesting videos, and prepared to rely on them Come to pass the time.

There was no one in the carriage, and Zhu Jue didn't control the wind chime, letting it play around.

Aw~ Aw~
At the end of the first video, Zhu Jue suddenly heard the sound of the wind chime, turned his head and found that it was bouncing back and forth under a table a few meters away, calling twice from time to time, the voice was a little anxious and threatening Sexual growl.

"Wind chimes?"

Putting down the phone with some concern, he got up and was about to hug the wind chime back, but after getting closer, he realized that the wind chime seemed to be staring at the gap on the left side of the train seat.

Feng Ling growled a little reluctantly, rushed forward for a short distance, clawed and pulled twice in the air, and the claws that were usually hidden in the flesh popped out completely.

Zhu Jue also noticed something was wrong at this time, Feng Ling's state didn't look like she was playing around.

Looking up at the front and back of the carriage, the flight attendant should have already withdrawn, and simply lay down on the ground, with his chin resting on Fengling's forehead, and followed his gaze to look at the gap.

In the next second, he faced a pair of scarlet eyes.

With piercing screams, a group of black shadows rushed out from the gap.

As an ordinary person, he must be frightened by this shock. However, for Zhu Jue, who has already developed his perception ability, the black shadow is still in the air, and the scavenger has already poured out from his left palm, and the guy who suddenly appeared Wrapped, and finally stopped in front of Zhu Jue.

"Just a mouse, you're a lynx."

Holding the wind chime on the back of his neck, he got up and manipulated the scavenger to kill the mouse directly, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was wrong.

Why are there rats on high-speed trains?

Sitting on the seat next to him, part of the gravel was scattered, and the rest turned into ropes to bind the things inside, in order to fully reveal the appearance of the creatures in the gravel to Zhu Jue.

The line of sight pauses.

It was indeed a mouse, but it looked really unusual.

It was only the size of a fist in size, not much different from an ordinary mouse, but rows of fangs grew out of its mouth, protruding from the lips, and interlaced horizontally.

"Wu Tong, He Ye, do any of you know this type of mouse?"

Killed the mouse directly with gravel, put it on the table in front of him, then turned on the camera, took a picture of the mouse, and asked the two people on the other side while checking on the phone.

"Where did you catch it? Why don't the rat's teeth grow like this?"

There were no mice in the place where Wu Tong usually lived, so if he hadn't seen them a few times in reality, he couldn't tell for a while, so he asked Li Qinglian next to him.

"No matter what kind of mouse it is, it is impossible to grow teeth of this shape. There is only one possibility, the mutated mouse in Guangcheng area."

He Ye's reply coincides with Zhu Jue's current thinking. This train only travels between Guangcheng and Yecheng. There is only one possibility. Rats from Guangcheng area sneaked into the high-speed train station and boarded with the crowd. Hide here after getting on the train.

"Even a mouse can mutate to such a degree. One can imagine the harshness of the local environment. No wonder so many people leave the tree to die, and people move to live."

The scavenger devoured the mouse, Zhu Jue leaned back in his chair, and said with some emotion.

"Zhu Jue, I have already found the place where the strange brilliance fell before, this time your exploration can go there as much as possible."

"Send me the address, and when I get there, I'll go straight there."

A video must have a theme after all, this time the video cannot be called a one-day tour of a variable environment area or a name like Survival of Desperate Street.

Now that he has gone to Guangcheng, Zhu Jue naturally wants to make this action have a certain purpose and meaning. He wants to make the video
Investigating that strange brilliance, this is the best goal, and He Ye happens to have video data on this in his hand, which can be edited into future videos.
As the train moved forward, it was getting closer and closer to Guangcheng.

The train drove into the final tunnel, and Zhu Jue, who was under the lights in the car, stared at the darkness outside the car window. On the top floor of the tunnel that he could not see, some light spots drifted forward with the wind brought by the passing train.

The train exits the tunnel.

Zhu Jue could only hear Wu Tong and Li Qinglian gasping from the earphones.

(End of this chapter)

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