indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 120 It is not afraid of it!

Chapter 120 It is not afraid of it!

"Help~ help me. help me."

Hoarse shouts echoed in the forest.

Zhu Jue came following the sound, and the scavenger was cutting the blades of grass beside him, looking at the big tree with a trunk diameter of more than three meters in front of him, to be precise, the grass under the tree.

A man wearing individual combat armor was leaning against a tree trunk, unable to see his face clearly. His lower body was submerged in the grass, and the voice for help came from his mouth.

"Are you OK?"

As Zhu Jue walked forward, he asked about the man's situation, but he held the evil ghost's long knife and the blue-winged pistol tightly in both hands.

He didn't think that a person who looked so cold could shout for help so calmly.

"Wang Wen!"

However, Zhu Jue was not the only one who heard the cry for help. He hadn't stepped forward yet, but someone beside him responded to the call for help from the person in front of him.

A group of about 5 armored soldiers rushed out from the nearby woods. The leader of the group should have shouted the name of the person under the tree. Seeing his companions under the tree, he rushed forward without saying a word.

"Hey! Don't go there easily, that tree seems to have something"

Zhu Jue kindly wanted to remind them, but those people completely ignored him. Before he finished speaking, those people had already rushed to the side of the tree.

"If you don't listen to advice, don't blame me if something goes wrong."

This kind of spirit of not abandoning and not giving up is worthy of respect, but this kind of reckless behavior seems a bit stupid to Zhu Jue.

The armored soldier running at the front just rushed to the soldier leaning under the tree, supported the back of his head with one hand, and pressed a button on the right arm with his free left hand, and a mechanical barrier was removed, revealing In a recessed square space, the treatment injections they carried with them were stored in it, which was specially provided by the pharmaceutical group to the army.

When he pierced Wang Wen's neck with the needle, and was about to inject his important medicinal liquid, his eyes subconsciously swept across his companion's body, wanting to check the wound on his body.

There was no injury to the upper body, but when the eyes moved to the lower body, what they saw was not the legs, but a mass of intertwined grass blades.


For the first time, he only thought that the grass blades were covering his legs, and stretched out his hand to tear them apart, but when he raised his hand to press it down, he pressed it all the way. His fingertips touched the dry and hard ground.

"Where are your legs? Wang Wen, your legs. Well!"

I touched it left and right, but I still couldn't touch the legs of the companion in my arms. I turned my head to ask Wang Wen, but another vine with blood in front of me quickly enlarged and pierced into his mouth in the next second.

The vine rushed out of Wang Wen's chest, directly piercing the throat of the man who rescued him, without any struggle, and died on the spot!
The surroundings were guarding with guns, and several soldiers locked on Zhujue who were not far away hurriedly turned their heads to check the situation, but the bushes beside them were rustling at this moment, and before these people had time to react, they were entangled by vines He stretched his neck and lifted it into the air.

During the struggle, some people pulled the trigger, but these bullets that could easily kill humans or ordinary animals could cause very little damage to this tree.

Standing by the side, Zhu Jue couldn't just watch these people die by the side of the tree, put down his backpack and weapon box, and ran straight to the tree. After entering a certain distance around it, he immediately noticed the surrounding people. There was something strange in the sea of ​​grass, but the footsteps did not stop at all.

As expected, several vines struck from the grass beside him.

It's just that Zhu Jue is not those soldiers. He avoids sideways several times in a row without looking at him. This level of attack is really nothing to Zhu Jue, and he doesn't care about the struggling soldiers. His goal is only one.

that tree!
When the distance was about five meters, Zhu Jue jumped up. The scavenger formed a gravel barrier beside him, blocking all the vines, and pierced the trunk with a long knife in his hand. For trees, this kind of wound is natural. It doesn't matter.

"Help~ help me. help me!!!"

The half-body Wang Wen was still crying out for help
Is he dead?

There is only half of it left, how can he not die, but he can still speak clearly.

This is enough to prove that the tree is still alive!

"Scavenger, open it!"

With an order, sand and gravel poured in crazily along the blade of the evil ghost, and then began to expand to both sides. In just a few seconds, a large opening was forcibly opened on the tree trunk. Pulling the handle of the knife, he ran directly around the trees, and the long knife abruptly cut a circular gap.

Pulling out the knife, the scavenger turned into a maraca, which was swung by Zhu Jue and smashed about one meter above the gap.

The tree trunk made a teeth-piercing sound and began to fall to the other side at the same time. Zhu Jue didn't want to bother to find the weakness of the tree. In his opinion, cutting down the tree would naturally kill it, or Contain the real culprit inside it!
Zhu Jue knows that plants mutate and grow wildly, but he doesn't think that trees can mutate to the point where they can produce their own thoughts to attack humans, which has surpassed the limit that the species itself can achieve, that is to say, there must be some kind of Beings took control of it and gave it the power to manipulate vines.

Jue is right.

The moment the tree collapsed, some amorphous colored light escaped from it.

It was a kind of indescribable Zhu Jue, like the kind of mixed colors that appeared after a dozen kinds of pigments were scattered together and soaked in water, which could not be found in the color spectrum known to human beings.

It was not a dead mass, this was the only fact that Zhu Jue could be sure of now, because he clearly saw the brilliance fading, converging, or condensing into some kind of weird image.

Zhu Jue never expected that his target would appear directly in front of him in this form before he came to the door.

There is no slightest preparation!

Without any hesitation, Zhu Jue directly raised the gun and pulled the trigger, making the first move!
How could it be possible for bullets to defeat the light?
All the bullets fired from Qingyi's muzzle just passed through the colored light and flew to an unknown distance.

The moment the attack failed, Zhu Jue covered his head with the hand holding the gun, and the scene in front of him immediately became a little blurred, and even overlapping images began to appear. It was the first time he felt this kind of discomfort when facing these monsters directly. A controlled trance, as if the whole world is turned upside down.
That colorful light was flying towards him.

"Death to me!"

Slashing with the knife, the power that erupted from the fright and anger drove the long knife into the colorful light.

The result didn't change anything.

Cut by the blade, the color light remains
The moment the colorful light touched Zhu Jue's arm, Zhu Jue's perception reflected that he had come into contact with sticky, hot water vapor, which made him very uncomfortable.

However, this was far from the end, because while the burning sensation spread throughout the body, a very weird feeling of sucking came to mind again.

Zhu Jue's body began to wither and wither. It was absorbing everything about him!
"Colorful light. Zhu Jue!"

Wu Tong, who was monitoring the camera, saw the colorful light, and the first thing he noticed was the soaring data on his mental protection device. The next second, the camera shook violently, and he immediately realized that Zhu Jue might not be able to hold on any longer. , stood up from the chair abruptly, put his hands on the table and yelled.

"Turn off your camera!"

There was great pain in Zhu Jue's voice, but he still didn't forget that there were two other people in Yecheng who saw the same scene as him.


Li Qinglian directly turned off all the cameras, leaving only the voice still transmitted.

"I turned off the screen, are you okay, Zhu Jue? Zhu"


A violent roar came from the screen, and Wu Tong and Li Qinglian were stunned on their seats. Even though they were separated by a screen, they were still terrified by the roar.

The dark golden spiral pointed straight into the night sky, the silver-gray fur moves without wind, and the six huge bear paws propped up the ground. This strange beast roared wildly towards the light that suddenly stopped moving, declaring its existence .

This is a showdown at the top.

It is not afraid of it!

(End of this chapter)

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