Chapter 128
dong dong dong~
In the evening, the snow was still falling on a certain street in Wumu District, the gathering place of the gangsters in Yecheng. Unlike the cleaning robots along the streets in the central area of ​​Yecheng, there was no one to clean the snow in this place. The only few The cleaning robot is lying in a certain corner of the street, some have broken arms and some have broken legs, and the chips and other useful things inside have been removed.

Several black garbage bags were piled up next to the trash can, and there were rows of closed iron gates next to them. There were half-closed glass doors in several homes, and vague lights could be seen vaguely. Nice women sit by the door and gossip.

Although it is already the era of intelligence, most of the houses in these places in the Ebony District still use the most primitive door locks instead of smart locks that can automatically open the door with only one button. This is probably because human beings are concerned about their own safety. A need for feeling.

People here believe in themselves more than technology.

This is the second time Zhu Jue has come here, the last time he could only pass by, this time he really went deep into the ebony area.

Different from the obsolete and backwardness of the old eastern city or the prosperity and cleanliness of the central area of ​​Yecheng, the first impression of Wumu District is that it is chaotic. The buildings here always give people a dark and gloomy sense of wanton disorder.

Illegal buildings abound, such as the simple spiral staircases on the side of the houses, some leading to a door on the second floor, and some directly leading to the roof. Privately, Zhu Jue thinks that it may be a convenient way to escape when the police come to search the house.

There is also an iron stand protruding from the window, which seems to be prepared for those "old kings" who have nowhere to hide after the male master of the house returns, but may actually be a container for storing some special items.

Not to mention those crowded houses that seem to be built indiscriminately. The number of floors may not be very high, but they are glued together and interconnected with high-rise corridors. It is easy to remind people of Cobwebs or ant nests.

"Is this the place you said you were going to get the certificate?"

Zhu Jue replied to Wu Tong's message on TALK, asking him to settle dinner with Li Qinglian and eat outside by himself. Then he looked up at the opposite street and asked Chu Yun next to him.

Before, he proposed to sneak into Luohua Pharmaceutical Laboratory as a drug experiment volunteer, and Chu Yun agreed. Compared with trying his best to study the cameras whose positions and distributions are not known at all, it is better to use this method to directly go in.

But this volunteer does not mean that you can become a volunteer, and you also need some things.

The most important thing is the identity certificate. Zhu Jue and Chu Yun must have a certificate that can convince Luohua Pharmaceutical that they are ordinary people.

This kind of work naturally has to be handled by professionals, and the Public Security Department has records of "talents" in this area. As a third-level executive officer, it didn't take much effort for Chu Yun to find the police station in Wumu District. A person's name and his address.

"It should be up there, follow me."

Looking at the positioning system on the order watch, Chu Yun took Zhu Jue directly across the street, and went up the stairs between the two houses. At the end was a bridge corridor connecting the building behind, with a simple steel structure, just look at it One can tell at a glance that it must be one of the illegal buildings.

A few people in messy clothes and rivet gloves were guarding the crossing of the road, an old sofa, a small bonfire built with a few pieces of wood, and a stripped chicken on top, Zhu Jue also It's the first time I've seen someone barbecue in this kind of place.

One of them was holding an audio-visual stick in his hand and was still playing some unsuitable images for children. The volume was turned up very high, and the sound of groans spread half of the corridor.

Seeing the appearance of Zhu Jue and Chu Yun, the eyes of these people wandered between the two.

"Hey, you are here."

The person who was watching the film on the sofa straightened up without turning off his voice, just frowned and asked, but in the middle of speaking, there was a footprint zooming in front of his eyes.

In the next second, he was kicked directly into the gap of the sofa, and when that foot was lifted, there was blood on the sole of the foot.

"Spread pornographic videos in public, you don't need to think about it, you know it's a pervert, damn it!"

He picked up the audio-visual stick and glanced at it, grabbed the two ends with both hands and directly broke off the fire that was thrown to the side, splashing a burst of sparks and wood ash.

The other two looked at the situation, some stretched their hands to their waists, and some bent down to grab the walkie-talkie on the ground, but Zhu Jue would not give them this chance, they jumped forward on the spot, and kicked them flying with a roundabout kick in mid-air The person who was about to draw the gun was grabbed by the wrist when the person holding the walkie-talkie stood up.

The powerful force directly wrinkled his skin and flesh, his palms were congested with blood, and his fingers were completely numb. The walkie-talkie fell into Zhu Jue's other hand and kicked him on his knee, waiting for him to bend over and squat down because of the pain. Another kick knocked him unconscious.

"Let's go."

Holding the walkie-talkie in one hand, he raised the weapon case again in the other, and said without looking back.

Passing through the suspended corridor on the second floor, there is a three-story house in front of you. It is brightly lit inside, and some figures can be vaguely seen from the window. At the end of the corridor is the gate on the second floor.

"Is this the activation key?"

Holding the walkie-talkie, he pressed a green button on the top with his thumb and asked Chu Yun next to him. After getting an affirmative answer, he pressed it directly.

"Is there something going on outside?"

Someone on the other side asked first.

"Anyone want to get two fake citizenship certificates, let them in?"

Zhu Jue replied.

"Let them go. I just found a batch of original women and are exploring. How can I have so much free time?"

"So you can get a fake certificate?"

"fuck you"

He didn't hear the second half of the sentence, because Zhu Jue had crushed the walkie-talkie.

Put the weapon box on the ground, press the button, and draw out the devil's long knife, turned to look at Chu Yun and asked, "Are you waiting here or going in with me?"

"The number of enemies inside exceeds single digits. In this environment, my ability injection is inconvenient to use."

The swan injection is suitable for tracking operations in the wild. Chu Yun is also a sniper and is used to firearms. It’s just that she didn’t carry too much equipment this trip, she just took a short knife. The number of enemies is unknown, so there must be firearms. She is not good at it This kind of fighting.

"Then you just wait outside, okay, I'll call you, watch the wind chime for me, don't let it run around."

As Zhu Jue spoke, he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"You pay attention to safety."

Chu Yun knew that Zhu Jue's combat prowess was good, but it was hard to guarantee that there were masters in this gang stronghold.

"You fucking dare to hang up on my newsletter, I have to teach you a lesson today!"

Someone opened the door cursingly, Zhu Jue raised the knife in his hand without any hesitation, and blood dripped from the evil ghost's long knife.

Step into the door, and then slowly close the door.

The click of the door lock engaging falls.

A scream ensued.
 The number of words is small, there will be another chapter later

(End of this chapter)

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