indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 134 Battlefield

Chapter 134 Battlefield
Luohua Pharmaceutical once surrounded the yellow sand with dozens of high-power refrigerators, turned it into an ice lump in a short period of time, and then subdued it. This is recorded in the internal materials of the Public Security Bureau.

There are many detailed steps in manual implementation of this method, such as how to introduce the yellow sand into the refrigerator, and how to prevent it from escaping the ambush site when it senses danger.

It's not a problem here in Zhujue. By igniting the fire in the laboratory to activate the smoke alarm and then turn on the fire extinguishing water valve, the whole room will be filled with water droplets in an instant. At the same time, Zhujue, who is in a complete mutation state, can summon a fire in a short time. There was a blizzard, and the door of this laboratory was completely locked after he drew the card, forming an airtight environment, allowing the blizzard to fully display.

The yellow sand had nowhere to escape, and could only be completely frozen in the snowstorm in the end, turning into an ice sculpture.

"Hey, if you have mastered the method, you are only at this level."

With a random twist, the yellow sand tentacles wrapped around his body were directly shattered. Zhu Jue picked up a piece at random, and it no longer had the previous activity in the frozen state. It was not dead, but it could not move. He wanted to kill the yellow sand. , Just freezing it into ice cubes is definitely not enough.

What's more, Zhu Jue didn't come here to destroy it.

Huangsha has a mature self-awareness on its own, which can be seen from the battle just now. It can change various abilities without being attached to a living body, but Zhu Jue does not need such an existence. All he wants is a The group is just gravel that can be changed according to his own will. Rather than worrying about how to make Huang Sha obey, he would rather think about how to make the scavengers have the power of Huang Sha, after all, the former is under his complete control.

Devouring is undoubtedly the most direct method, but Zhu Jue is very clear that if the scavenger and Huang Sha are allowed to devour each other, the situation will be the same as the duel between himself and Mawala in the TV tower. The scavenger has no chance of winning, so Zhu Jue Choose to freeze the yellow sand first, and then break it into pieces. If you can't swallow it directly, then swallow it piece by piece!
With one kick on the yellow sand ice sculpture, it was immediately shattered into ice cubes the size of human heads all over the ground.

"Scavenger, here comes your reward."

Throwing the ice on the right hand to the left, the scavenger almost rushed out and swallowed the whole ice. Zhu Jue used his own ability to release the frozen state of this part of the gravel. Interestingly, with the scavenger swallowing, Zhu Jue could see that a lot of gravel fell off from the scavenger, and the color of its body gradually deepened during this kind of engulfment, and its volume expanded more and more.

Zhu Jue locked himself in the No. 3 laboratory and waited for the gravel to be swallowed up, but the main laboratory of Luohua Pharmaceutical, which was separated by a floor, was already in a mess.

The five volunteers who suddenly launched an attack in Laboratory No. 1 took control of the situation and hijacked Shinohara Yushi and his female assistant to the main laboratory as quickly as possible. This is their real goal.

The man who lied before that he was going to the toilet is now holding a gun he snatched from an armored soldier and guarding everyone in the laboratory. The four people behind him are performing their duties.

Someone flicked his fingers on the virtual keyboard in front of the main screen of the laboratory, and a series of codes were entered into the system. The complex data flow was reflected in the eyes of the young man who was still arguing with Zhu Jue about the female singer.

Someone collected the completed evolution potion in the laboratory and the part of the evolutionary meat that had not been used up, and stored them in a special storage box in the laboratory.

The other two were guarding the door, guarding against the reinforcements from Luohua Pharmaceutical.

"How is the data download going?"

"Give me another 5 minutes, the virus has entered the laboratory system, and soon it will be able to open the database of Luohua Pharmaceutical."

"Hurry up! We're running out of time!"

The man frequently looked up at the clock on the wall, 15 minutes before the agreed evacuation time.

In order to enter Luohua Pharmaceutical's laboratory smoothly, they did not carry any communicators on their bodies, and everything could only be carried out according to the scheduled time in the plan made outside.

Once this time is exceeded, what they need to face is not only the security forces near the laboratory, but also the police team from the Public Security Bureau and the security team mobilized by Luohua Pharmaceutical Group from other places in Yecheng. At that time, their prepared escape route will probably be completely blocked.

They are not afraid of sacrifice, but that is also on the premise of completing the task.

"Enemy attack, pay attention to concealment, or close combat."

The guards at the door heard the dense footsteps of armored soldiers moving forward in the high corridor, and immediately reminded their companions beside them.

Although they also have the hot weapons they just seized, it is obviously impossible to shoot at these soldiers covered in armor. Their advantage lies in close combat!
"no problem!"

Another leaned against the wall, indicating that he could still fight.

But in fact, his eyes are bloodshot, and there are faint blood stains overflowing from his nostrils. His body is about to reach its limit.
They were able to defeat these armored soldiers flooding in with their bodies, not only by ordinary exercise, their bodies received special modifications before they came, not mechanical prosthetics or ability injections, because both of these things would be destroyed by Luo. Hua Pharmaceutical's testing equipment detected it immediately.

The latest biochemical transformation technology researched by the scientists in Yimeng!
Compared with the mechanical transformation and armored soldiers of the major consortiums, they don't have so much money to buy these equipment, so they can only work hard on biochemical transformation.

The so-called poor people rely on mutation, and the rich rely on technology probably means this.

It's just that their technology is immature, and today's raid on Luohua Pharmaceutical's laboratory is because they obtained information that Luohua Pharmaceutical has successfully developed a brand-new biochemical agent. The existing biochemical technology of the League can be greatly complemented, so that it can exert greater power.

The armored soldiers were ordered to support the main laboratory at all costs, so even though they stepped on the corpses of the previous batch of team members along the way, they still rushed to the destination at the fastest speed.

"Unless Mr. Shinohara and Ms. Jian's safety needs to be guaranteed, open fire without restriction!"

At this time, Luohua Pharmaceutical was also furious. As a pharmaceutical company, technology is everything, and the value of those precious scientific research materials is immeasurable!
"Understood, sir!"

The footsteps quicken, the heavy breathing in the helmet can only be heard by the person concerned, the combatants in the armor rush to the door, the safety of the firearm in their hands has already been opened, and their eyes quickly lock on the people in this kind of laboratory, except for the two specific protection targets. , All living creatures that appear in their field of vision must die!
However, in the next second, the two armored soldiers in the front row only felt that the scenery in their field of vision suddenly changed, from the interior of the laboratory to the ceiling, and they fell down with their heads up, feeling the coldness of their throats.

The two figures shuttled among the armored soldiers at an extremely fast speed, and the short knives in their hands greeted some weakly protected positions. Although it was declared to be full-cover armor, how could the equipment worn by these ordinary soldiers be real? To achieve perfection, the Yimeng has already thoroughly studied the weak points of the armor of these models!

"Fire! Bomb!"

The captain of this team didn't even bother to tell where the enemy was at this moment, he pulled the person beside him back a step, and directly pulled the trigger, not caring at all whether the person in front was his own or the enemy.

This decision is correct.

The speed of the opponent is extremely fast. If they rely on the system to lock and then fire, they will never be able to kill each other. Only indiscriminate attacks can be effective!
Adjust the firearm mode, and in the next second, a special warhead shot out from a larger caliber muzzle below the main muzzle, and the flames instantly engulfed all the corners of the corridor ahead.

A black shadow rushed out of the explosion flames wrapped in flames, and directly pushed the captain who fired the gun to the ground. At this time, the skin on this person's body had been burned by the high-temperature flames, and there were not many good skins left, and his whole body was like Coke generally emits white smoke.

"You bastard!"

The red flesh under the skin was still wriggling and swelling in a weird state, and the severe pain all over his body stimulated his brain nerves. The biochemically modified body had reached its limit!
He raised his hand and clenched his fist and was about to smash it down, but the gun stretched out from the side directly pressed against his temple, and the tongue of fire spewed out. The head, which was originally not human-shaped, turned into a puddle of flesh and blood at this time.

"What the hell is this monster?"

The officer who got up from the ground looked at the person who had just been dragged out by him, and felt grateful for his decision.

"Marco! Toms!"

The leader of the Yimeng who had just rushed out of the laboratory looked at the two particularly conspicuous unarmored corpses among the corpses on the ground, his eyes were cracked, and he didn't give the remaining two soldiers even a second to react. He directly stepped forward and smashed the helmet of the armored soldier with a punch, and smashed the head inside by the way.

A murderer must be prepared to be killed.

This is battle, regardless of the good and evil of the two sides and their positions, as long as you go to the battlefield, you are the only one who lives and dies
"Captain! It's too late!"

The young man carrying Yushi Shinohara who had been knocked out on his shoulders shouted to the captain, who took one last look at the two corpses on the ground, ran to the other and took a storage box in his hand, and the three went The other side of the corridor flew away.

For their great cause, bloodshed and sacrifice are their psychological preparations. No matter who dies today, they can only carry their expectations on their shoulders and continue walking.

At least for now, they don't have time to remember.

But when these three people leave, is the matter over?
In the laboratory, Ms. Jian, who was regarded as an assistant and escaped unharmed, stood up from the ground, glanced at the researchers around her, and said in a deep voice: "What are you doing in a daze, the Public Security Bureau is coming soon, immediately take these monster specimens In addition, these two experimental bodies were destroyed, and the technical information has been lost, and these things must not be exposed again!"

"Stop! As the third-level executive officer of the Yecheng Public Security Bureau, I order you to stay where you are!"

Chu Yun, holding a gun, appeared at the door of the laboratory, and she finally caught up.

She didn't notice that on the other side of the corridor, there was another person running towards this side.

(End of this chapter)

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