indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 139 Dream

Chapter 139 Dream

Pine Mountain Hot Spring Hotel, in the current environment where there are man-made hot springs everywhere or high-end clubs with some special services in the name of hot springs, as a hotel that really focuses on pure natural hot springs, it is the best hotel in Anqing. The mansions are small and well-known places.

It didn't even pave the road to the outside, but built a landing pad for airships nearby.

Some people may ask, why not build roads?
It’s not that there is no time, let alone no money. The reason is very simple. The main thing here is high-end consumption, and the hot spring hotel cannot directly say that the poor are not welcome here, just like some clubs refuse to enter if they are not neatly dressed. You can't even sit on an airship, so what are you doing here?

It will only affect the mood of other guests in hot springs.

"This is the first time for me to ride an airship. I used to think that if I had the opportunity, I would save money and try it once. I didn't expect it to happen so soon."

Li Qinglian leaned against the window, looked at the high-rise buildings passing by on both sides, and occasionally saw high-altitude virtual projections changing shapes in the mist in the winter morning. It looked a little silent.

"The airship we took is a long-distance preferential type, which needs to be booked in advance. For example, ordinary airships do not provide services to go outside Yecheng."

The activities of most airships are limited to urban areas. After all, this type of transportation actually only serves a specific group of people.

"What if we go to a farther place, such as Guan Erye in another city?"

Holding the phone, Zhu Jue flipped through some pictures, but didn't realize that he actually asked a stupid question. His finger rested on one of the pictures, and his eyes focused on it.

The content in the photo is a very high tower building, rather than a building, it is better to say that it is a high platform built on the tower, and a portrait stands on the top of it. Its image is not too familiar to Zhu Jue, do you recognize it? There are not many people who produced the Qinglong Yanyue Knife.

The background of the picture is dusk again, and some dim broken golden sunlight falls from the clouds, covering the statue, exuding a certain charm that makes Zhu Jue, the person in the past, inexplicably moved. For this reason, the hand touching the wind chime is slow It came down and turned into a gentle slap.

"Did you not sleep well last night? The long-distance travel is of course a plane or a high-speed train. What do you see? This is Rongxia City?"

Wu Tong noticed Zhu Jue's absent-mindedness, sat next to him with champagne, and soon saw the content on the phone. After a while, Li Qinglian came over, and the three of them surrounded the phone in amazement.

"This city is one of the few religious and cultural gathering places of the federal government. It is said that at the beginning of spring every year, a very grand religious parade will be held to celebrate the new year. I have seen some video materials before, and heard People who have been there say that Rongxia City seems to be very different from other cities, because many ancient things are preserved, which is normal when you think about it, after all, religion itself is also something that has been passed down from generation to generation."

Li Qinglian sat on the sofa in the airship and chatted, Zhu Jue also began to search for Rong Xiacheng's celebration videos, but quickly closed them, because the photographers of these videos were all tourists, and they did not have professional Equipment, mostly a glimpse of the celebration or a small-scale shooting.

This will only destroy the beautiful illusion of this celebration in Zhu Jue's heart.

"In Rongxia City, it is actually forbidden to use high-tech equipment to shoot during the celebration. Although there are too many tourists to stop it, there are basically no official ones. They think that only sincere people can get blessings. Such pictures can only be kept. There is meaning in the heart, and what is recorded is just a soulless image.”

I found some forums about Rong Xiacheng one after another. As Li Qinglian said, most of the video and text materials are only intermittently described from the perspective of a bystander, which is really interesting.

"I'm going to Rongxia City, Lotus Leaf. After soaking in the hot spring, remember to find information about this city for me. It would be even better if there is information about the monster that is the source of mental pollution."

Zhu Jue saw some ancient things in this city that coincided with his own memory, and he was yearning for it infinitely, but then he said,

"What I'm talking about after soaking in the hot spring is after we return to Yecheng. You don't have to go to work during the break. I'm not someone who squeezes employees."

When you are resting, you have to rest. Zhu Jue put away your mobile phone and kept this thought in your mind first, and then turned your attention to the gradually dense jungle below and the conspicuous man-made buildings in the distant woodland.

"It seems that there are quite a few people who choose to come to soak in the hot springs at this time. Look at the floating boat field."

Before landing, Wu Tong pointed to the group of people below who had just come out of another airship that was significantly larger than the one they were on.

"It's probably a comfort trip from other companies, just like us, but there are only three of us."

They each put on their coats, Wu Tong and Li Qinglian also wore plush hats, and Zhu Jue barely put on a down jacket, put the wind chime in a backpack and hung it on his chest.

Wu Tong has already booked rooms here in advance, all of which are single rooms, which is the result of consulting Zhu Jue and Li Qinglian.

In fact, there is no such thing as a large bathing place or mixed bathing with strangers in the Pinewood Hot Spring Hotel itself. Most of the people who come here are either rich or expensive, and naturally they are unwilling to share a hot spring pool with others. Among the three of them, Li Qinglian must Soaking alone, although Zhu Jue and Wu Tong, two big men, have nothing against each other, but in order to have a better rest, they finally chose a room for each of them, and just get together after soaking in the hot spring.

Changing into a bathrobe in a room with floor heating, Zhu Jue looked at the 20-square-meter bathtub through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Although it is a single-room configuration, the bath is not small. It is built with gray stones and surrounded by vibrant bushes and trees. Occasionally, gray rabbits and beautiful thrushes appear beside the bath.

Of course, these environments are projected holographically. There is no such environment outside this season, and it is impossible for hot spring hotels to throw these expensive guests into the jungle. Only the hot springs are pure natural.

"Natural jungle mode. Sunset and dusk mode?"

Turn your eyes to the content displayed on the floor-to-ceiling window. The hot spring control system is on this window. Raise your hand and press the transfer arrow next to the hot spring mode. The sunset scenery, the setting sun is hidden among the mountains, and the orange-red light falls on the forest trees in the mountains ahead, which is extremely real.

Open the floor-to-ceiling windows, step into the hot-air bath, step on the pebble bottom, soak in the hot spring, and the tingling warmth immediately envelops the whole body.

The wind chime yelled from the side and rushed over, and plunged into the water. It was not afraid of water, and it was swimming around in the hot spring pool with its head out. When it got tired, it would return to Zhu Jue's side, squatting on his shoulder or behind him. On the rock, rest for a while and then plunge into the water, splashing water all over Zhu Jue's face.

Zhu Jue was also idle and bored, after a while he began to play dead in the hot spring pool, floating on the water with his tongue sticking out like a corpse, while Feng Ling used his stomach as a springboard to jump back and forth into the water , Occasionally he would turn over to practice his ability to hold his breath, and his two white butts just floated on the water.

"Iced watermelon, how do we deliver the drinks?"

After staying in the water for a while, Zhu Jue squinted his eyes at the food delivery options on a nearby screen, and pressed a few buttons, but after waiting for more than ten seconds, he saw two The tortoise walked in slowly with two trays on its back.

When I walked into Zhujue, I realized that it was not a real tortoise but a mechanical creation.

"This place is kind of interesting."

Stuffing a few pieces of iced watermelon into his mouth, he felt chills in his body, and then buried his whole body in the water. He was still very satisfied with this trip to the hot spring.

It's a pity that although the hot spring is good, you can't stay in it all the time. Not long after, there is a sound from the floor-to-ceiling window, telling Zhu Jue to pay attention to the bathing time for the sake of health.

The other two were in the same situation. When Zhu Jue changed into the loose robes prepared in the hotel, he picked up his phone and saw their message, saying that he was going to have a massage. Zhu Jue thought about it and followed. This time The three of them were not separated, but in the same room, but they were separated by bamboo curtains.

"Guess who I met at the hotel earlier?"

Wu Tong was in the middle, talking enthusiastically.

"Your parents?"

"Your classmate?"

"Not at all, but a star. Let me give you a hint, the one who is currently popular in the federal female idol group!"

Hearing Wu Tong's voice, he knew that he was very excited now. Except for video clips, most of the time he was either playing games or paying attention to various idol groups.

"Cheng Shu? I remember it was reported that her home is in Yecheng."

Li Qinglian is not a groupie, but she usually browses all kinds of news habitually.

"You're still smart. That's right, it's her. I went up to talk to her. They came here to shoot the MV. Zhu Jue, you said. Zhu Jue? Asleep?"

In the middle of the conversation, Wu Tong heard snoring from the side, so he pushed aside the bamboo curtain and asked the masseur next to him. The latter nodded and stopped moving, but covered Zhu Jue with a blanket.

So Wu Tong and Li Qinglian didn't continue chatting, they just massaged quietly, and asked the masseuse to move less and not make too much noise.

However, none of them noticed that after Zhu Jue fell asleep, his brows began to frown.

in sleep.

Zhu Jue stepped on the snow all over the ground, walked through the woods, and finally stopped in front of a mountain depression.

The trees in front of him were all white.

Not snow.
(End of this chapter)

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