indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 145 The Evil Ghost on the Slate

Chapter 145 The Evil Ghost on the Slate
Holding a grayish-yellow bone fragment in his hand, he looked around and saw that the ground was full of bones!
The kitchen of that monster spider from before?
This was the first thing that came to Zhu Jue's mind.

There are monsters nearby, and there are a lot of corpses on the ground, anyone would think so.

But this is obviously unreasonable. The spider monster that first appeared once devoured a person in front of everyone. Zhu Jue was watching this scene on the other side of the hill at that time. He remembered that the spider used its fangs to inject blood first. Then melt the person into a bloody state before swallowing it.

The skeletons under their feet did not say that they had complete parts, but at least they all kept their bones, which proved that they were not dissolved by the venom before they died.
Could it be that there are other monsters?

Thinking of this, Zhu Jue frowned subconsciously, narrowed his eyes slightly, and examined the traces on the ground more carefully.

Soon he noticed something unusual.

First of all, quite a few of the skeletons here have very strange external shapes. For example, the one in front of Zhu Jue is lying on the ground, and its appearance is very similar to that of a human being, but both the length and width of the entire skeleton are larger than that of an ordinary human being. Two circles in size, there are still three obvious bony edges on the skull.

Zhu Jue touched the top of his head subconsciously, he probably didn't have such a thing.

monkey?mutant?Biochemical modification?
I took a few photos with my mobile phone, and I was going to go back and give it to Li Qinglian for her to check it out.

Secondly, the external state of all the bones here shows that they seem to have been here for a long time. There is no trace of sticky fleshy fascia on the entire skeleton, and there is no strong smell of blood in this pit. Proof that they have been dead for some time.

Finally, and the strangest point for Zhu Jue, after he looked at the entire bottom of the pit, he found that all the humanoid skeletons were lying on the ground in groups of three or four, while those skeletons that were obviously beasts were Torn apart, a head here, a leg there.
"This is not so much a feeding ground as it is a camping ground."

This is what Zhu Jue guessed based on the situation at the scene. These... can be called the existence of humanoid creatures for the time being. They used to light a fire and barbecue here, and then for some reason, died suddenly or were buried in the ground. , leading to the current state.

Only in this way can it explain why there are such special buildings around, and the fact that they can light a fire for barbecue is enough to prove that these humanoid creatures are intelligent.
"It really hurts in the head, tsk, don't worry, there is nothing valuable anyway, what these guys are is none of my business, I'll talk about it when I go back."

Holding a femur bone from a beast, he fiddled with the ground for a while but found no gems, antiques and the like. Zhu Jue immediately lost interest in exploring here. At the place where you can step on your feet, the scavenger does not need Zhu Jue's order. He consciously climbs along the side of the stone wall all the way, and then finds a tree next to him to tie it tightly. ready to go up.


Zhu Jue, who was about to push hard, turned his head and looked at his feet with some doubts. He felt as if he had stepped on a sharp and hard object.

Using the instep as the fulcrum, the soles of the feet rubbed left and right, and the debris of the soil kept falling, and soon Zhu Jue saw a stone slab embedded in the soil.

At first, Zhu Jue thought it was the same as the three large stone slabs with sharp corners that I saw above, but I didn’t realize that this stone slab was embedded in the soil with a whole plane. Zhu Jue discovered these stone slabs by accident It seems that there are some special traces on the surface.

He grabbed the snow that fell with him just now and rubbed it on the surface of the stone slab, relying on the melted snow water to wash off some of the dust stuck on it.

What finally appeared in front of my eyes was a stone slab about half a meter long and wide. After the special traces on it were connected together, it turned out to be an ancient mural!

He took out his mobile phone and turned on the lighting function. The light was facing the slate. Zhu Jue took two photos first, and then began to study the content on it.

There is not much content in the whole mural. On the right is a group of humanoid creatures holding spears and shields, and on the left is a spider that is much taller than these human creatures.

Obviously, the former was the spider monster he had just killed not long ago, and the latter were the skeletons that appeared in the pit.

"This monster existed a long time ago?"

In Zhu Jue's cognition, the act of recording events with murals dates back to a very long time ago, and it was completely unexpected to him that this kind of spider monster existed for so long.

You must know that Zhu Jue has always believed that monsters like this kind of spiritual pollution source may be alien creatures from the universe like the yellow sand lifeform, so they present this unacceptable shape. No one sees it, and it doesn't matter how long it is.

“I don’t know if there are other slabs”

At this time, Zhu Jue also realized that he might have discovered something of great historical value. Instead, he left in no hurry. He took the scavenger back and changed it into an iron fence, scraping the surrounding stone walls everywhere. He said that he found a few new stone slabs, but these were not placed horizontally like the previous ones, but were inserted obliquely into the soil, and it took a lot of effort to dig them out.

"This mural is supposed to be that they are hunting. Well, they are migrating?"

A pair of murals study the past, most of them are things in daily life, and time passes by unknowingly.

Some of the sunlight that could have been able to reach the bottom of the pothole gradually shrank, and finally only the top of the pothole was left with a faint light.

Without sunlight, the brightness and temperature inside the cave are decreasing at an extremely fast rate, and darkness has returned to this place.
Zhu Jue squatted in front of the last stone slab he found, reaching out to brush off the dust on it, but when his palm passed somewhere above, a strange feeling suddenly rushed into his mind.

hum ~ hum ~
The induction that only occurs when there is a source of mental pollution nearby makes Zhu Jue stand up suddenly and make a posture of guard, but the induction comes and goes, and the ultimate source is the stone slab in front of him!
Suppressing the mental discomfort, he focused his attention on the stone slabs that had been cleaned up on the ground.

Under the light of the mobile phone, Zhu Jue finally saw what was on the slate clearly.

It was a pitch-black face that was stretched and deformed, full of pain and despair, and its hair seemed to be blown by a strong wind.

The positions of the eyes are painted blood red with some kind of unknown material pigment.

This is a color that has never been seen on several slates before!
(End of this chapter)

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