indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 148 Surveillance Conditions

Chapter 148 Surveillance Conditions

"The plane to Rongxia City is about to take off, all passengers please go to the boarding gate."

In the airport hall of Yecheng, Zhu Jue was standing in front of the inspection desk, and the plane had 15 minutes to take off.

Rongxia City is in Qingde Mansion. If you take the high-speed train, it will take nearly 6 hours, plus the time to transfer in the middle. It will pass in the morning, and it will be in the evening when you arrive. However, it only takes two hours to reach the destination by plane.

"Don't make trouble later, I will come to pick you up when you arrive at your destination, understand?"

Zhu Jue looked at the wind chime in the cage. Even though he bought a first-class ticket, the airport still did not allow him to bring the wind chime with him.

There is no way, the teeth and claws of this three-tailed lynx have been checked, and none of the teeth and claws have been ground. If it goes crazy because of some things on the plane, it may cause a big problem.

Feng Ling squatted in the box and whispered, her claws clasped between the metal lattices outside the cage, her dark golden eyes looked at Zhu Jue, her mood was quite stable.

Its level of intelligence has already allowed it to understand some of Zhu Jue's instructions.

Li Qinglian and Wu Tong originally planned to go with Zhu Jue, but they were caught up in various affairs in Yecheng, and there were various business cooperation requests to find them, so they had to stay in Yecheng in the end.

As the studio grows bigger, it naturally no longer has the same degree of freedom as before.

"This time your clothes, shoes, and energy drinks are all sponsored, and the manufacturer of the blue bird also approached us before, hoping to use the blue bird to promote their products. When you bring it back to the shoot, remember to Lu Yi Lu, you don’t need to deliberately make effects, we have agreed that advertising is fine, but that is on the premise that it does not affect the video shooting.”

Li Qinglian looked at the records on the audio-visual stick. Wu Tong was originally in charge of the external affairs of the studio, but this guy found out that Li Qinglian's professional ability in this area is also very good, so he naturally handed over these tasks to her. hands.

The manufacturer of the Jade Bird was the sponsor she approached, which is funny to say, the company that had had a headache for a long time because Zhu Jue "won" their Jade Bird has now become a big hit with the indescribable series of videos. The sales of the pet machine made by Jade Bird as a prototype are on the rise.

Now not only does he not hate Zhu Jue, but he offers to maintain and update the Jade Bird for free, for fear that there will be some problems with the Jade Bird and Zhu Jue will give it up.

"Remind me when the time comes. I can't remember this kind of thing. Tell me about the situation over there. I need to know where I should go after I get off the plane."

Zhu Jue was still thinking about whether Feng Ling would be uncomfortable on the plane later, so he said casually.

"We have already contacted the family of the young man. His elder brother will pick you up at the airport there and take you to the statue in the video."

The video was sent by the photographer to the e-mail of Weird Studio three days ago, which means that the young man in the video died suddenly within these three days, which made the video he sent at that time a special document. Meaningful video data, it stands to reason that the person who provided the clue died, so they naturally wanted to find something else, but because of the audio, Zhu Jue finally decided to take a look.

Li Qinglian negotiated with the brother of the video shooter, who told her that the death of the deceased was extremely tragic, and the cause of death has not been ascertained so far. He is willing to help Zhu Jue and also wants to use him to find out what happened to his brother something and died suddenly.

"Well, you send me the information of the person who picked me up, you go back first, I want to go to the toilet."

Holding Jade Bird's equipment box and weapon box in his hand, Zhu Jue's gaze stayed somewhere nearby for a few seconds. After Wu Tong and Li Qinglian left, he didn't really go to the toilet, but looked around. Go to the boarding gate.

When crossing a load-bearing column with a virtual projection of blue sky and white clouds around it, he stopped and put the weapon case beside him.

"Is it interesting to follow me to this airport from my door?"

Stretching out his hand through the white clouds in the virtual projection, Zhu Jue did not turn his head, but said in a deep voice.

After returning from the Pine Mountain Hot Spring Hotel, he didn’t go out much. He was either researching his new abilities at home or playing games. Who knew that when he arrived at the airport today, he felt that someone was watching him from the moment he entered the door. At first he thought it was just a human. It was an illusion for many times, but the glance just before boarding the plane made Zhu Jue realize that the peeping gaze that appeared in his perception did exist.

Although the other party was extremely hidden, Zhu Jue's perception ability was much higher than that of ordinary people. Once he started to search consciously, he quickly locked on the target.

At this time, beside Zhu Jue was a man wearing a gray woolen coat and a thick scarf around his neck. As if he didn't hear Zhu Jue's words, he looked to the left with a calm expression and walked by an old man with a child , and then walk away.

"Did I let you go?"

Zhu Jue's tone suddenly became cold, and he said,

"Say, who sent you?"

"I'm the Federal Government's Special Operations Group in Anqing Mansion!"

In the middle of speaking, the man was punched in the abdomen, and the muffled sound was mixed with the creaking sound of metal twisting.

The man's eyes widened, and the damage to the abdominal armor fed back by the electronic brain made him feel chilly all over. He was wearing combat armor, and he was smashed by a punch?

"I didn't hear clearly, please say it again."

Zhu Jue glanced back at the time at the boarding gate, there were still 8 minutes.

"I am the federal government."

Another punch.

The man could no longer stand still, and put his hand on Zhu Jue's shoulder. Several guests thought that something happened to him, and stopped to watch.

"It's okay, he just has an upset stomach and pulled it in his pants. It's because he's really embarrassed, don't you think so?"

Zhu Jue said without changing his face to a few security guards who noticed the situation here.

"Personal matters, don't worry about them!"

The man held his ID in his hand, and several security guards simply scanned it and withdrew immediately.

The fist against the chest is no joke.

"What a talent, he returned to the Federal Special Operations Group, pulled his crotch hahaha~ I saw his name just now."

"You don't understand, the people in the federal special operations team, of course, have to do things that ordinary people can't do, shit in the crotch is nothing, believe it or not, one day he will come to shit on your head, and ask you for paper !"

The thoughtful whispering of the two security guards as they left almost prevented the agent from shooting them.

"Why are you following me?"

Zhu Jue didn't repeat the question just now, which made the agent breathe a sigh of relief.

"The video of the known No. 21 star color that you gave us before turned you into a special person. After analyzing the video, it is obviously missing a section. We speculate that it is the content of your battle with star color. We have already learned about your ability in Ye The City Public Security Bureau and the two newly joined team members have known about it, we have to cough for an existence like you~"

The throat was directly stuck by the hand, and the agent raised his hand and grabbed Zhu Jue's wrist, trying to tear it apart. However, he soon found that his mechanical prosthesis, which could easily bend the thick and thin steel bars of his fingers, could not shake the arm in front of him at all. .

"You should be glad this is an airport, and I'm still a law-abiding citizen, so I won't kill you."

Let go of your hand, the surprise attack just now was just telling the agent in front of you that he wanted to kill him, but it was just a matter of effort, and then he said,
"Stop trying to spy on me again, if there is a next time."

"There will be a next time. As long as you continue to be exposed to various special pollution sources, it is impossible to withdraw from your surveillance. Your personal influence has reached a certain level, and it is impossible for the federal government to pretend that you don't know anything. "

The agent's voice interrupted Zhu Jue's words smoothly, completely ignoring the threat that Zhu Jue was about to say.

Although Zhu Jue has never shown his face in the videos of the indescribable series, the popularity brought by the three videos that occupy the top three monthly traffic charts of Yuntu is not limited to a viewing data that seems to have a lot of digits, but all aspects Influence.

Today, Weird Studio is still just a short video studio, without any extraordinary performance. The federal government is also aware of this, but who can guarantee the future?

This studio has won over a large number of supporters through this special video. One day in the future, it will suddenly announce the existence of this monster or simply use this monster to create panic. It's not that simple.

Not to mention that there is also a strong man in this studio who can easily crush mutant monsters and kill the federal A-level wanted criminal Mawala head-on. Such a character moves around all day long, and what he does is to some extent There are also conflicts with the government, how can they turn a blind eye?
"So you mean to stick to me like a dog skin plaster?"

Pursing his lips, Zhu Jue smiled and pressed the agent's shoulder. He also knew that this kind of role could not be decided. Even if he was cut into pieces, it would only strengthen the federal government's determination to monitor him.

"Mr. Zhu Jue, surveillance is imperative, but since you have had successful cooperation with us, we can give you a choice. One is that like now, we will have someone hiding by your side, as long as you don't Doing things that violate the federal law, we will never show up to disturb your life. Second, the weird studio accepts our special operations team to settle in. We will evacuate all the people who monitor you, and even provide you with the opportunity to operate in the studio. An agent with professional capabilities, you can treat him as your employee in normal times, and he will give us feedback on your situation."

"Oh, so I was waiting here. I said why would I send someone to follow me instead of using the camera when I was full?"

After hearing what the agent said, Zhu Jue laughed instead of anger. Now it seems that the federal government is prepared to come. They seem to give two choices. In fact, as long as they are normal people, they can tell that they want Zhu Jue to agree. Article II.

After all, they care more about Weird Studio's influence than Zhu Jue.

"If I choose the second option, can I put forward conditions for those who come to monitor?"

"of course."

"Okay, I want you to send one. Fair and beautiful, with thin waist and long legs, martial arts can fight mutant monsters, Wen can do video editing, can clean the house at ordinary times, and even warm the bed at night. , Just take your time looking for these requests, otherwise I won’t accept it!”

After Zhu Jue finished speaking, he turned around and left without giving the agent a chance to refute.

(End of this chapter)

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