indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 15 Little milk dog

Chapter 15 Little milk dog

In the parks in the old eastern city, [-]:[-] a.m. is the morning exercise time for some retired seniors and the time for children to relax.

There are old people sitting opposite each other and playing chess at the stone table, three or five people are arguing endlessly around, and some children are running around with ordinary model airplanes in their hands, and the middle-aged aunt who looks after them is chatting leisurely.

Some young people lead their dogs, real or mechanical, to exercise in the park.

A man wearing a black hoodie, holding fried dough sticks in his hand, and ten thousand hot wontons on the table is sitting on the edge of a flower bed surrounded by bushes in a park, sometimes looking at his watch, sometimes looking up and around .

At his feet, there is a box of beverages, and part of the boxed beverages can be seen where the hollows on both sides are covered with transparent plastic molds.

"Why isn't this bastard here yet?"

In order not to make himself look too weird, the man took out a mechanical stick from his arms and stood it up on the table casually. The part where the end was in contact with the table was pressed down and cracked, forming a triangular bracket. , a screen will appear in front of you, tune to your favorite movie.

"Hmph, a group of children are fighting. The real underworld is not such a superficial thing. This is bloody? Childish!"

The people on the screen fought and killed with weapons, blood splashed everywhere, the man's mouth was dismissive, but his eyes were not loose, even if someone nearby saw him and came to him, he still didn't respond.

"Hey! Do you like to eat wontons and watch movies when you are trading?"

A man in sportswear was standing on the side of the stone table wearing sunglasses, also holding a carton of milk in his hand. He saw the trader here before, and almost turned his head and left.

A little sincerity, okay?
"No, what are you afraid of? We are delivering milk to each other. What's wrong with me eating a wonton? Doesn't it make me look ordinary? Knowing that there are either drugs or money in the silver-white box, it makes you look different, and you only need to write a few words on your face in a group of people. I am a bad person!"

Chewing the last wonton, facing the other party's questioning, pointing to the ongoing transaction plot on the screen, he retorted confidently.

"Although I know you're an idiot, but when you think about it carefully, it actually makes some fucking sense. For you, ten thousand and one boxes, 20 are here."

The man in sunglasses sat down on the edge of the stone table and put his drink box on the other side.

"That's right. This is the product you want. We don't need to count the transactions between the two of us face to face. This place is not suitable for taking things out."

Who said that gangster transactions have to be in remote places in the dead of night?
They're going to do it in the park early in the morning!
As it turns out, the idea is good, but they don't seem to have considered one thing, the way this transaction is done seems to have no problem to the uninformed.

However, as long as someone specifically looks for them, how can they run in the early morning?
"Then we will."

The man in sunglasses stopped halfway through his speech.

"Just what? That's the only bad thing about you, half of what you say."

The man who was eating wontons just raised his head, and saw the counterparty raised his hands, his face full of panic, a young man was standing behind the opposite man with a "long stick" wrapped in a cloth bag, The front end was touching the back of his head.

It is estimated that it was used as a muzzle.

"Hello, I received a message. Are you a drug dealer? Just these two boxes of milk?"

After Zhu Jue got the long knife before, a message suddenly came from his watch, which showed that it was from the investigator in the old eastern city. Someone was going to conduct a drug trade in the park, and asked the nearest informant to stop it.

To be honest, Zhu Jue didn't know the working principle of this order watch, but since he received the news, it happened to be located near him, so there was no reason to miss it.

"Wrist watch. Wild dog? Do you know whose product this is, young man, who is too smart to do things, and can be used as a gun with a wooden stick? I heard that the current order of the government is how much is a watch? 25 Surgery fee, 10 order watch, and as long as they pass the political review, anyone can be a wild dog. In the end, even this kind of guy who doesn't have full hair can come out to embarrass himself? Now get out, I can be regarded as Nothing happened!"

The man eating wontons glanced at Zhu Jue's attire. He had no police badge, no government badge, and he was wearing an order watch. He was an employee. He didn't have a decent gun in his hand, no knife bag on his body, and didn't even have a special knife on his waist. Come up not to do it, but to ask.

In their world, the title of this kind of person-wild dog.

The one in front of him is the weakest one in his eyes.

The little milk dog among wild dogs?
Therefore, he was not afraid at all, and slowly touched his waist with the hand hanging by his side, winking at the person in front of him. He also said before that the thing on the back of his head was not a gun at all, and the latter also responded with his eyes. Where you can't see, open your mouth and count 3, 2, 1 silently!

"Fuck your mother!"

The man in sunglasses put his hands down and turned around to pull out the gun on his waist. As long as there is no gun behind him, he has a chance to fight back!

Does it really exist?

The long knife that was originally on the back of the head turned into a horizontal swing the moment it was withdrawn. The length of 1.6 meters, with a metal scabbard, is equivalent to a metal rod weighing more than ten kilograms. What does it feel like to hit the side of the face directly?
The face on the left side was distorted in an instant, broken teeth mixed with blood splashed out of the mouth, and the man in the sunglasses immediately fell to the ground without making a sound.

But at this moment, there was a cruel smile on the face of the thug on the opposite side. He didn't care about the situation of the guy on the other side. As long as he had two seconds to get his gun out, he could easily shoot at the distance in front of him. Burst the opponent's head!
However, when he raised the gun, his eyes suddenly went dark, and he felt a huge shock on his side, and then his whole body was spinning, and the next second his face was pressed against the tiles under the stone table.

His eyes were full of bewilderment.

what is this?
Zhu Jue, who was squatting on the stone table, curled his lips. For such an enemy, he doesn't even use a knife. He is really too weak. Before he used a long knife as a stick to kill a person, he immediately took a step forward. Supporting the table with his right hand, his right leg hit the other person's shoulder directly like an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

His power is simply not something this kind of trash can stop!
"Am I pushing too hard?"

With the long knife on his shoulder, Zhu Jue looked back at the man in sunglasses whose entire head seemed to have been deformed, then jumped forward from the stone table and landed on the arm of the other man holding the gun.

There was no sound of bone cracking, but a sound of mechanical shattering. He lowered his head and looked at the mechanical components under the skin. The shoulder that was kicked by him before was also in the same situation.

This guy seems to have replaced both arms with mechanical prosthetics.

Because of this, the man on the ground had that expression of panic mixed with doubt at this moment.

Since his arm was replaced with a prosthetic limb, both his strength and defense have been greatly improved. This is an armed transformation, which cost 10 yuan!

That was all the expenses he saved in a year, and was kicked to waste?

"What's your expression? It's so ugly."

Kicked the man on the ground in the face, bent down to pick up the firearm on the ground, Zhu Jue didn’t know how to use it, and after studying for a while, he found out where the insurance was. After pressing the button on the top, he inserted it into his waist. He was not a government employee before. , You can't take a gun casually, now that your identity is different, naturally there is no such rule.

Open the order watch, click on the communication page, the options on it are still very user-friendly.

"Support", "Receipt", "Report".
"Should be in prison?"

Zhu Jue scratched his head. What Lao Fu called him before was only the operation on the basic hardware. There are too many functions in it. Although he has studied it himself, it is only a part.

Just click on it and try it.

Press the finger to close the prison, and a scanning request immediately appeared on the screen. Zhu Jue took a step back, and followed the example of the two people he had seen before, pointing his watch at the scene. The light green light first swept across the nearest person. There is an image and data of him displayed.

"A member of the Zhihu faction for discovering the E-level prisoner Iron Fang. Reward amount: 10000 federal currency."

"Find the E-class prisoner's sunglasses, a member of the Fire Fang Sect. Reward amount: 10000 federal currency."

"The distribution of rewards has been completed!"

"The police station in the old eastern city is sending people there."

The sound of gold coins colliding was particularly pleasant.

The mobile phone in the pocket also trembled, probably the sound of the bounty arriving.

"Not bad, such a guy has [-] yuan, and after breakfast, he can get [-] yuan, tsk tsk tsk."

Zhu Jue is more and more satisfied with this order watch. I heard this guy lying on the ground say that normal people want to wear a mechanical watch, 25 for surgery, 10 for a watch
All he did was take an iron chisel and make two gestures on Lao Fu's head, which is equivalent to earning 35?
Glancing at the people who were gradually crowding up, and confirming that the two guys on the ground could no longer move, Zhu Jue put the long knife on his shoulder and was about to leave.


As a result, the order watch sounded a rapid red alarm at this time.

A piece of audio displayed as ripples appeared on the watch screen, and Zhu Jue clicked on it.

"Urgent help, Feihong Road residential area, 5th floor rooftop of building 6, anyone nearby is welcome, come to help, thank you very much afterwards!"

A man's deep panting and intermittent speech came from the earphones, obviously he had just experienced strenuous exercise.

This voice is slightly familiar.

"Master, do you know where the residential area on Feihong Road is?"

Zhu Jue was quite motivated when he heard that there was a big thank you. He turned his head and asked the crowd who came up next to him.

"Here. Here it is."

The old man froze for a moment, then stretched out his finger to the building next to him.

"Where are the five buildings?"

The uncle's finger didn't change, it was still in the same direction.

Is it such a coincidence?
Zhu Jue turned his head abruptly and looked directly at the rooftop. He happened to see two flower pots bursting in the air!

  Recommended Ticket~Recommended Ticket~Recommended Ticket~
  The Sanskrit sound of Suo Ming is coming~

(End of this chapter)

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