Chapter 155

"The stronghold of the Holy Spirit Cult is just ahead."

Outside an alleyway in the religious area of ​​Rongxia City, Nie Qingzhu pointed to the courtyard in front of it. There was an ancient style tower in the center of it. After careful counting, it had nearly 7 floors. The area of ​​the entire courtyard was not small. The statue hall should be at least five times larger.

"Cult stronghold, so grand?"

Looking at the two statues taller than the courtyard wall behind the courtyard wall, Zhu Jue said in amazement.

It is now late at night, and the faces of the two idols cannot be seen clearly, only one with a red face and the other with a blue face can be vaguely seen.

He originally thought that cults should always operate in some hidden places like mice, but who would have thought that the other party's family business is one of the best in the religious area of ​​Rongxia City.

"Because it is a cult, it must be grand, not only extravagant, but also more particular than other sects. Only in this way will those believers follow them wholeheartedly. After all, how can people who really pursue peace of mind believe in cults?"

Xu Xiaocui glanced at Zhu Jue. She didn't like this man, perhaps because he had chased and killed Nie Qingzhu before.

"This is actually a storage place for some god statues and large utensils during the spring festival parade, so it covers such a large area. The Holy Spirit Church is just doves occupying the magpie's nest."

Liu Cheng had a pretty good impression of Zhu Jue. He was the one who took Wu Jing away before, and he also saw the two corpses. He was also carrying out the subsequent interrogation. Their interrogation saved a lot of effort.

Because Wu Jing regards them as saviors
"Where is the monster?"

Zhu Jue heard that Xu Xiaocui was arguing with him, but he didn't want to get angry with a girl, and he thought it was the reward for seeing so many "stuff" before.

"If there is no accident, it is in the tower over there. Our plan is to sneak in secretly, then rush up to eliminate the leader of the cult, and finally call the police and let the Rongxia City Public Security Bureau handle it."

"Oh yes, I wish you success."

I don't bother to ask why I didn't call the police directly. Zhu Jue was already mentally prepared for this after seeing the bullshit of those guys in the Public Security Bureau in Yecheng.

Only when those dirty things are exposed to their eyes, and there is nothing to hide, these people will start to think of solving this matter.

"What are you going to do? Our plan is to go in here."

Seeing that Zhu Jue was leaving in another direction after speaking, Xu Xiaocui frowned and asked.

"I'm really not good at sneaking in. I still like to sneak into the soul when it comes to foreplay."

While walking, he waved his hands to signal Nie Qingzhu and the others not to ask, and then said,

"Go ahead, when you sneak in, remember to send me a message."

"What does he mean?"

Xu Xiaocui really didn't understand the words "foreplay" and "sex into the soul".

"It probably means he doesn't like that kind of thing very much."

"Ahem! I guess his ability is more reflected in frontal battles. When I was chasing him before, this guy ran with a lot of momentum. I guess he is not good at sneaking in."

Nie Qingzhu felt that it was better not to explain this kind of thing in too much detail.

"Tch, I think he's just timid. He wants us to get involved after we're done. Forget it, don't care about him. Anyway, this is the task of the three of us. Let's go."

Pressing the button on the wrist guard, a sharp dagger was swallowed in the palm of her hand, and a cloud of light green energy liquid gradually poured into her body.

"Prepare to act and be safe."

Nie Qingzhu is wearing a spirit protection device. The mission information mentioned that there may be a source of spiritual pollution this time, and protection in this regard must naturally be in place.

"Brother Nie, what exactly does foreplay mean?"

When leaving, Xu Xiaocui was still struggling with the word
On the other side, Zhu Jue was walking by the small river with a wind chime, holding a piece of peanut cake, eating slowly.

"Kara~Kara~ Tell me, what is the origin of those people just now?"

While making a sound, he asked the two people in Yecheng.

These people are obviously not from the Rongxia City Public Security Bureau. They want to eliminate the cult, which means that they should be a decent organization. They also know something about the source of spiritual pollution, which means that they are still well-informed.

Although Zhu Jue didn't care much about their identities, he couldn't help thinking about their motives when he was free.

"When you come back, remember to bring more peanut crisps and mung bean cakes. They must be freshly made and let them store them in a warmer. It is said that they will not taste good when they are cold."

Wu Tong's focus is different from ordinary people.

In fact, they have been in touch with Zhu Jue all the time, sometimes both of them are there, and sometimes they take turns listening, but Zhu Jue didn't reply to them in front of those people before.

"Have you noticed any iconic things? Like the tattoos of the Holy Spirit Church, if it is a certain organization, I think there should be some kind of emblem, or they inadvertently revealed something about the organization they belong to message."

"I didn't have much contact with them, and the words I said were just a few words. The old man should be wary of me. Forget it, anyway, I just hope that they can help me find the monster. After all, this time The video shooting should be over. Save the previous video content and keep it as a backup. I will do it again when I find a chance. In my opinion, Rongxia City is an excellent place to shoot videos. I will stop here for the time being. There are still some things to deal with, help me book a ticket back to Yecheng tomorrow morning, goodbye."

As Zhu Jue said, he turned across a road and arrived in front of a building hundreds of meters high. He looked up at the scattered electronic lamps and those somewhat worn-out colorful light signs outside the floor. The higher he went, the dimmer the light became. .

According to what the old man said before, the 10th floor and up are residential buildings, so naturally there are not so many lights.

Hang up the communication, turn your head to look at the tower on the left, calculate the distance, it seems to be about the same.

"Fengling, you are waiting for me here, help me keep an eye on my backpack and the blue bird."

Patting Fengling on the forehead, let him wait here, with only a weapon case in his hand, he strode into the elevator of the building with big strides, and directly pressed the button on the top floor under the surprised eyes of several passengers beside him.

"Sir, did you press the wrong button? The top five floors here are unoccupied."

The residents living in this building looked at Zhu Jue strangely.

"I'm an equipment overhauler, and I'm going to the rooftop to overhaul the electric box."

Lifting the weapon case up, the few people next to him said nothing more.

On the rooftop, someone was sitting on the edge, holding a can of drink in his hand, surrounded by unfinished top floors, and a small mechanical crane was extending out from his side.

"Liars, all liars! You don't love me at all! You only like your broken dolls!"

The crying girl stared at the chat records on her mobile phone, the black marks from her eye shadow that were soaked with tears extended to the corners of her mouth, ruining her delicate makeup.

"I'm going to jump from here today, and I'm going to let you live in self-blame and guilt"

"Hi, how much is this can of soda? Forget it, I'll give you 50, so you don't need to look for it."

A hand suddenly reached out from the side and took a can from the dozen soda beside her, leaving behind a 50 bill.

When she turned her head, she saw a man sitting on the edge of the roof like her, holding a silver-gray metal box, just above the mechanical arm,

"What are you doing here?"

"It's better if you don't know. Did I bother you? Sorry, I'll move over there."

Zhu Jue didn't even look carefully at the woman next to her, thinking that he was spoiling her interest, and running so high at night, she should be a person with flair?

"Hmph, I know you're here to persuade me, you're a good person, but you don't need to take my heart away, don't bother me."

The girl thought that Zhu Jue was the resident below who saw her legs and ran up to try to persuade her, but it turned out that he was really going to move to the other side and subconsciously stopped him.

Her state of mind at this time is actually very strange, she is clearly disheartened, but she can't control her desire to find someone to confide in her troubles.

"That's good."

Since there was no need to move, Zhu Jue quickly put on the bluetooth headset, looked at the phone screen, and waited for the message from Nie Qingzhu, who had added TALK before.

"Actually, I don't want to take this step. He is my senior. I have given everything for him, but he doesn't love me at all. He only thinks about his bionic girlfriend!"

"My heart is all about you~Sweet U KNOW WHIT I MEAN~"

The girl's confession was interrupted by Zhu Jue's humming of the lyrics "merciless".

"what are you doing?"

For a girl who is about to jump off a building, doesn't this man have the slightest pity?
"If you also feel that you are in love~ please give me a positive response~"

She was answered by Zhu Jue's swaying legs and continuing to hum while completely ignoring her.

"You bastard!"

The girl blushed, and threw the drink can in her hand directly, then closed her eyes, and pushed her hands forward.

The moment her body became weightless, she truly felt the call of death.

Close your eyes, everything in the past is like a slide show in front of your eyes.

So there is only one emotion left in my mind.

The fear of the fact that life is about to end!
"I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry dad, I'm sorry for you, I shouldn't. Huh?"

The body suddenly paused, and the next second, the field of vision was elevated, and then it turned into a starry sky in the sky, and a solid ground appeared behind it.

"Hey, do you still want to die?"

Zhu Jue, who was squatting on the edge of the roof, looked at the girl helplessly and said,
"I only save you once, if you want to die again, it's none of my business."

He naturally heard the girl complain before, but he just didn't want to reason with her.

Jumping off a building, experience it once, is more effective than any amount of "chicken soup".

"Thank you, I will never seek death again!"

The joy of regaining a new life made the girl burst into tears.

"Go back quickly, I don't have time to waste time with you here."

After glancing at the new message on TALK, a backflip landed directly on the mechanical boom outside.

"What are you doing?"

The girl was frightened by Zhu Jue's action and got up from the ground.

"Jump off the building."

He replied flatly, and ran a few steps out along the mechanical boom.

Jump out!

(End of this chapter)

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