indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 162 Old Seal

Chapter 162 Old Seal
Zhu Jue was aware of the vision that appeared in the quiet room at the first time. The solution is very simple, just put the bath towel on the stone slab again.

However, this inexplicable strange wind did not return to calm after the distorted face disappeared. The wind blew across the quiet room, and Zhu Jue seemed to have some kind of induction. His gaze first turned to the bookshelf on one side , a book was blown away there, and it fell to the ground in an instant, and in the next second, a cold wind brushed through Zhu Jue's hair, which made him feel a bit chilly, and then he seemed to realize something, and pressed his body forward , pressing down on the bath towel covering the slate.

The wind only blew up a corner, but failed to completely blow the towel away.

bang~ bang~
The sound came from the window on the side of the quiet room, and August shifted his gaze. What he saw outside the window was a holographic projection on the outer square belonging to the Great Library of Yecheng, a meditator.

And the physical Confederate flag that stands on the plaza, waving, its edge facing the library window.

The wind is beating the windows, and they want to break into the house!
"Quick, go and lock the windows!"

Although he didn't quite understand why this happened, Zhu Jue subconsciously believed that if the window was opened now, something he didn't want to see would happen.

"I know, I'm going to lock it now."

August is also a smart person, he has some understanding of this matter, and his reaction speed is extremely fast, almost trotting all the way to the window. Fortunately, because of the cold weather, in order to keep warm, the windows in the quiet room are already closed. Even so, he chose to pull up the curtains on both sides, and tried to stick the metal object on his chest to the window.

I have to admit that this was effective, and the banging outside the window quickly disappeared.

The wind in the quiet room finally returned to calm at this time.

He let go of his hands and sat back on the sofa, soothing the fur on Feng Ling's back that stood up because he sensed the danger.

The wind chime shrank into Zhu Jue's arms softly, and three long tails rested on his arms.

"What did you just say?"

Zhu Jue clearly remembered that when he first saw this stone slab, although he also had a sense of trance, he never saw such absurd scene. He glanced at the spirit protection device, and the hue value rose to 36, which is clear for him. That being said, this is an incredible statistic.

Why did Auguste just utter a few syllables to produce this phenomenon?
"It turns out it's true, it turns out it's true!"

At this moment, August looked a little agitated, his cheeks were flushed, but he didn't take off the spirit protection device, he just muttered to himself.

"What is true? Don't forget, the premise of my promise to you to see the stone tablet is that there is information sharing about it!"

Looking back at the door of the quiet room, it was still closed, Zhu Jue secretly thanked that no one broke in rashly just now.

"You should have seen the image on the slate. The few syllables I mentioned are actually similar sacrifices I saw in Las Vegas in North America."

August was careful not to let himself say those few syllables again, and then said,

"The sacrifice I'm talking about is not worship, but more like a kind of appeasement. The local people think it is the embodiment of disaster. It is actually a bit imprecise to say that. I heard that it exists in the northwest of Toronto prefecture in North America. I follow a secret sect of the Windwalker, and I seem to worship it too, I have always thought that this is just a legend, but I didn’t expect to witness this special phenomenon today, where did you find it?”

August, who took off the spirit protection device, had an eager light in his eyes, and grabbed the old seal on his chest with both hands. He wanted to know where the slate was excavated.

"The Pine Mountain next to Yecheng, if I remember correctly, there are quite a few strange skeletons where I found the stone slabs, and there seems to be a building, but most of them are buried in the soil, I don't know what the original looks like .”

Zhu Jue recalled the scene he saw at that time, touched Feng Ling's forehead and said.

"And buildings and bones?"

When August heard that there were other existences besides the stone slab, he leaned forward and supported the low table with his hands, his expression became more excited, and his words were broken, and he said,
"Where is the location! Take me there quickly!
"Before I left, I made a reservation there. I planned to find a chance to take someone to dig it. I might find some treasures."

Thinking about it now, at the time I thought it might be a tomb and it was a wise decision to leave a location. Zhu Jue held the initiative in his hands, stretched his clothes, and showed a just right kind smile on his face, and then said ,

"If I tell you about that place, in case there is any treasure inside, who will own it after digging it out?"

"Of course it will be handed over to the federal government as a special cultural relic."

What Zhu Jue said was straightforward, but what Zhu Jue heard was rolling his eyes.

"You don't think I'm posting these slabs online to hand them over to the Coalition Government?"

Zhu Jue got up and was about to take back the slate. He didn't come here to show his family and country feelings.

Besides, today's federation is none of his business?

"Of course, that's what they said. In our case, what matters is adapting to the times. Now that you are the only one who knows the location. Well, tell me the location, and I will apply to the local federal government to intervene in the excavation. .”

Seeing that something was wrong, August quickly grabbed Zhu Jue's wrist, and continued,

"Don't get me wrong, I applied for government intervention just to ask them to do me a favor. Now our Archaeological Association has a lot of power in these aspects due to some special reasons. We have priority in archaeological excavations. When the things are in hand, we will be responsible for them." It is still our Archaeological Association who transport and keep it, you understand?"

"Huh? How do I know about your Archaeological Association?"

The paw holding the wind chime pointed at August, and gently pinched the palm, and five sharp nails popped out of the palm, making a grasping movement, which Zhu Jue taught him recently.

"What I mean is that if we find a place and ask the Yecheng government to help excavate it, the things we get in the end will definitely be collected by our Archaeological Association. We will divide them [-]-[-]. Of course, it is impossible to cut those things, so I will How about converting it into equivalent federal currency and handing it over to you?"

In order to find that place, August also went all out, stretched out his hand, spread his five fingers, and turned it back and forth, looking like a bandit who weighs and divides gold and silver.

In his opinion, as long as he can get the bones that Zhu Jue said and unearth the building buried deep in the ground, everything else is easy to talk about!
"Okay, I have no objection, but you have to show some sincerity first. I brought this precious slate with me, and I don't intend to keep it. A small request, isn't it too much?"

Lifting the other paw of the wind chime, the grasping action is exactly the same.

August, who was on the opposite side, looked at the wind chime strangely, unable to understand the meaning of the two clicks, and in the end he could only pretend that he didn't see anything.

In fact, the meaning is very simple. Originally, when Zhu Jue was lying on the sofa and asked Li Qinglian to help get snacks, the latter asked him which one he wanted to eat, and his response was this.

He wants it all!
These stone slabs are piles of waste stones in Zhu Jue's hands, and he has long wanted to throw them out. Now these people are sleepy and giving pillows.

"Well what do you want?"

August's bottom line was unexpectedly low.

"I've noticed the old seal on your chest for a long time, isn't that a cultural relic?"


Talking about the mark hanging on his chest, August was a little embarrassed.

"If you don't even have this bit of sincerity, then let's not talk about it. I can dig it myself. Then you can go to the black market to find it. Maybe a dozen or twenty times the price can include those things. Buy a few stone slabs back together."

Crossing Erlang's legs, Zhu Jue said unhurriedly, now he is the uncle.

"I can give it to you, but I can only make two for you at most. I don't want to lie to you, because it is not just a symbol emblem, but it needs to be activated with certain spells that only certain people can use. , and this kind of spell often requires the caster to pay some price, so... two is the limit!"

two limits?Liar!

"Three! If you don't agree, pretend I haven't been here."

Zhu Jue was slandering in his heart, and he would not forgive others when he gained power.

"Okay! Three is three!"

After a moment of silence, he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, but August still chose to respond.

"That's right, what are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and notify the government, dig it out early, and make contributions to the federation earlier."

To get what he wanted, Zhu Jue smiled and stretched out his hand, he is a sincere person.

(End of this chapter)

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