indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 17 Blue Bird

Chapter 17 Blue Bird
The final way of repaying is still in the simplest and simple way.

20 federal currency, this is Zhu Jue's quotation, he thinks this price is appropriate.

Wang Dong was nervous because he bought this potion recently, so he first transferred 5 to Zhu Jue, and then said that he would make up the remaining 15 within the next two months.

"You asked me what level of investigator I was before, is there a level for this?"

Zhu Jue looked at the drinks on the wooden shelf behind the counter and asked.

"Of course, don't you know? The personal information page in the order watch should have your current level. You are an informant, and it should be the third level. When you catch enough prisoners or solve some cases, you will Being promoted to investigator, this is the third level."

After Wang Dong finished speaking, he found that Zhu Jue just nodded, and realized that he really didn't understand this aspect of things. After thinking about a few words, he began to really describe the situation in this aspect.

"There are so many government departments in Yecheng, and I, an outsider, don't know what's going on inside, so I won't tell you what I don't know. I'll just tell you about the basic situation of government employees who hold order watches. There are four levels in total, informants, investigators, executive officers, inspectors, and informants are non-staff. The government cannot trust them, so they don’t even have basic information sharing. They cannot contact the Public Security Bureau, but the Public Security Bureau can pass through Alpha .That is to say, the artificial intelligence inside the government controls the informant's watch in reverse. This situation will change when you get to the investigator, but it is only a part of the change. Generally speaking, he is still a marginal figure. It sounds like Isn’t it a bit aggrieved? But for the sake of making money, we don’t care about it, at least we can legally arrest people to receive rewards, as long as we don’t fight against the government, and we have some skills, we can still live a good life.”

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and after Zhu Jue finished digesting, Wang Dong continued,

"Ordinary people are capped when they rise to the first level of investigators. At this time, it is more important. Some people with clean family backgrounds, good personal strength, good luck, and good relationships with some executive officers or inspectors will accept them. To the government's assessment invitation, as long as they pass, they are eligible to enter the government system and become internal personnel of the Public Security Bureau, executive officers and investigators, both of which belong to the third level. It is to accept the location information of some wanted criminals released by the government, and then call the door. It's not that the inspectors can't call, but they pay more attention to their brains. They usually need to lead a team in the Public Security Bureau to handle various cases, so Most people think they might be higher than the executive, but they are equal.”

"Both executive officers and inspectors are promoted by people like us?"

Zhu Jue suddenly asked a somewhat weird question, and when Wang Dong stopped drinking next to him, he smiled.

"You are very smart, this question is interesting. The answer is of course no, do you know what we are called by the underworld forces and wanted criminals? Wild dogs!"

"The government may accept a few dogs as police dogs, but how can it make its public security department feel reckless at the bottom, so the investigators who work hard from the bottom to really enter the government every year don't even have a hand. Can you imagine us In the eyes of some high-achieving students, the invitation to the examination that can only be obtained by working hard for several years is an opportunity that can be obtained only by signing up? In the end, we are still inferior people, and those guys don’t think much of us.”

Wang Dong was still a little upset when he mentioned this matter, but Zhu Jue didn't respond, which made the former a little surprised.

Such a young man, is he really so calm?
He didn't know that Zhu Jue had no interest in joining the government. As for the monster in his body, if he joined the government and used it in a critical moment, he might have to be sliced ​​and studied the next day.

A message came from the mobile phone, Zhu Jue took it out to look at the address sent by Gu Yinxing, put down the wine glass, and grabbed the long knife on the table.

"We'll talk next time we have a chance. Don't forget to transfer the money. I have something else to do, so I'm leaving first."

Before Wang Dong could react, Zhu Jue rushed out at a trot.

The place Gu Yinxing mentioned was in a science and technology park in Yecheng, not too far from the old city in the east.

This is the third time that Zhu Jue has entered the urban area of ​​Yecheng. The architectural style of this era is not much different from the previous life, but a lot of technological structures have been added to the environment.

In the high-rise building just passed by, even during the daytime, the virtual projection is playing some image advertisements in a loop.

The fountain in the small roadside park has also become a projection. Although there is real water in the nearby river, this place is just a virtual image that is false and real.

Looking up, you can see criss-crossing bridges and highways. It is not that Zhujue has never seen this kind of traffic road in the past world, but this world may be denser and the height is higher, because those tall buildings are also rising.

There was a strange jet sound outside the window. Zhu Jue looked up and saw an airship that looked like an iron box at first glance flying overhead.

The degree of diversification of means of transportation in this era is no joke. This kind of small airship, which is less than 6 meters in length, has long been a common means of transportation in metropolises.

It's just that Zhu Jue has always just looked around. He has never ridden himself, and he doesn't know where to sit.

Outside the science and technology park, Zhu Jue got out of the car and looked up and saw the crowd walking towards the building in the square not far away. The product launch seemed to have started to allow admission.

Unlike those big companies, this company is just a small company in this science and technology park. Zhu Jue searched for the situation of this company as he walked in.

"Smart pets."

The main products of Zhenjiang Technology Company are all kinds of robot pets. For example, the robot dogs that Zhu Jue saw in the park this morning are mostly toys.

There is also some news about this product launch event on the Internet, saying that the latest special pet will be announced, but they didn't say what it is, and it is probably to pretend to be mysterious.

Zhu Jue glanced at his mouth, that is, cats, dogs and rabbits, can he get a tiger out?
Because it is only a small company, there is no such thing as an invitation letter, as long as they are willing to take a look, they are welcome, purely as a supporter.

In fact, if it wasn't for a small company, Gu Yinxing's team would not be able to perform. After all, they only debuted for less than two months, and they were born in the old eastern city.

The social status is not high, and the reputation is not obvious.

Zhu Jue entered the door with a long knife in his hand, and followed a group of people in front to an outside that resembled a lecture hall. Through the door, he could see rows of chairs and an exhibition stand that was playing videos.

"Sir, stop, we have to test."

For such a flow of people, security work is still required, although it is the most basic metal object scanning.

The machine sounded an alarm as soon as it approached the long knife, and the two security personnel guarding the door looked at Zhu Jue with a little more vigilance.

"This is my weapon, you can keep it for me temporarily."

Roll up the sleeve of the left hand to reveal the order watch inside, which can be used as a passport in many places.

"The weapons are temporarily stored with us, and we will keep them safe."

Since he was a government employee, there was no need to verify his identity. The security guard made a gesture of invitation, and Zhu Jue threw him the long knife in a cloth bag and the gun at his waist.

"It's so heavy. Can a human swing this knife?"

"You are a bit nonsense, how can you be so heavy?"

It is no joke that the knife weighs more than ten kilograms with its scabbard. It is not impossible for an adult man to lift it up, but it is still unbelievable to imagine the scene of wielding this long knife in battle.

Zhu Jue didn't care how the two people behind him studied their weapons, anyway, it was just an ordinary long knife, not a precious thing.

Passing through the crowd in the aisle, Zhu Jue sat down in the third row from front to back near the aisle.

waited for about ten minutes
Zhu Jue heard the sound of the door closing behind him, and then the lights in the entire lecture hall went out, leaving only the screen on the front stage still on.

The background music played, it was a cheerful song, and several girls ran onto the stage on both sides of the exhibition stand, each of them was accompanied by a mechanical pet, basically a cat or dog, and Zhu Jue's gaze was from From the very beginning, it was fixed on Gu Yinxing's body.

Today, she was wearing a light yellow top and a white short skirt. She was standing at the edge of the team, dancing with the team, and beside her was a silver-gray mechanical dog, circling around her from time to time.

Picking up the mobile phone and taking a lot of photos like the people next to me, the lights in the auditorium were not turned on until the dance performance was over.

The girls didn't leave, but another host came up and started asking the girls one by one about the functions and benefits of the mechanical pets around them.

Zhu Jue was really not interested in these activities, and only raised his head and waved his hands when Gu Yinxing was talking.

In fact, Gu Yinxing was also looking for Zhu Jue. When she saw the hand in the crowd and the person waving it, she couldn't help smiling.

"Everyone, I believe everyone has been waiting impatiently. What kind of mysterious mechanical pet has our Zhenjiang Technology Company created to hold a special press conference? It is it, a new type of mechanical pet built with a smart chip as the core—— Blue Bird!"

When the host raised his hand to the side, a mechanical bird with a blue body and a body about the same size as an ordinary parrot slowly flew up to the exhibition stand from the side.

Rao Zhu Jue, who was originally not interested in the press conference, was a little surprised when he saw this scene, and his attention was also attracted.

Not only is it lifelike in appearance, but the blue light on the wings on both sides and the blue light spots sprinkled along with its actions are really beautiful.

The combination of the precision beauty of machinery and the natural beauty of living things made the venue burst into exclamations.

The girls on the stage even had stars in their eyes.

At the side of the exhibition stand at the moment, the person in charge of the marketing department of Zhenjiang Technology Company also had a red face.

"We have arranged all the people, and we can start the prize link!"

After contacting the host on stage through headphones, the next step is the highlight.

The first is to become a blockbuster, and the next step is to completely become famous.

(End of this chapter)

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