indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 173 Silver Twilight Secret Order

Chapter 173 Silver Twilight Secret Order

Zhu Jue heard the intensification of the storm outside the window, and he vaguely realized that if he had been at night for a second before, there might be a fierce battle waiting for him.

The source of mental pollution that caused Geoffrey Talos' mutation is obviously not an ordinary source. At least Zhu Jue has not seen such a monster so far.

Glancing at the corpse on the ground, he gave up the idea of ​​cutting off the head and taking the flesh without thinking too much.

For monsters, turning their flesh and blood into nutrients for their own evolution, Zhu Jue will not have any psychological pressure, but Jeffrey is still a human being when he dies, and still has the dignity of a human being, at least Zhu Jue appreciates it His tenacity.

What's more, Zhu Jue has not yet had the perverted idea of ​​destroying human corpses. After all, he believes that he is a human being, and he still uses this identity to fight against monsters. Although he has resisted the erosion from the source of spiritual pollution, he has to avoid doing it by himself as much as possible. Things that can damage your mental state.

Thoughts change human actions imperceptibly. If he subconsciously regards himself as a monster and does something that goes against human common sense, then it is very likely that one day in the future he will suddenly discover that he has actually been in contact with those monsters that are the source of mental pollution. No difference.

"Don't edit this part of the video, but Jeffrey's face and what he said have to be dealt with, especially the content about the city in the sea, absolutely don't appear in the video, don't think about it, something will happen of."

It would be false to say that you don't care about the content of Jeffrey's words, even if these contents were said by Jeffrey in a state of insanity, the authenticity should be beyond doubt.

It's just that Zhu Jue has always been a self-aware person. He clearly knows that the city is not the Disney amusement park that has always been a child's dream, or those who say it is 19 years old. Little videos like that.

Rather, it is an existence that will carry out indiscriminate mental aggression against any creature that imagines its existence in the mind.

That is definitely not a place that I can touch now, even if I think about it.

This one is the best example.

"I understand, when the time comes, we will edit and try to save only the part of Olivia when he tells the clue, can you do it?"

Li Qinglian seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly turned her head to look at Olivia and asked.

Wu Tong on the side and Zhu Jue on the other side of the earphones both had a weird look on their faces.

They all heard that Li Qinglian was using the identity of the video editor of the other party to imply that the two of them, Olivia, might disclose the news.

After all, she is the veteran of the studio. Although she has a good relationship with Olivia, when it comes to the secrets of the studio, Li Qinglian puts herself in a good position.

This awareness is really in place.

As for Olivia who is from the federal government, after seeing this message, can she keep it a secret?

In Zhu Jue's view, this is a question that does not require thinking.


Unsurprisingly, in the face of Li Qinglian's inquiry, Olivia was at a loss for words. In fact, she was ready to report the news to the special operations team as soon as she heard the news.

"He Ye, help me find out where the shipyard on the island is. I'll talk about the editing later."

Zhu Jue on the other side didn't let this awkward atmosphere last. He didn't really care whether Olivia reported the matter.

It is their business whether the federal government knows whether to look for it or not, and what will happen after it is found.

If a little monster is really dug out, they have to find a way to summon "Ultraman" to kill it.

Closer to home, since Zhu Jue spoke, Li Qinglian immediately went to work, returned to her desk, and quickly searched for the buildings on the island map.

The area of ​​this island is not very large, and it is not the location of any large port. Most of the residents are sailors and fishermen.

The so-called shipyard is actually a small repair yard near the sea, and at most it only builds some small and medium-sized yachts.

Zhu Jue stood at the street crossing holding an umbrella that had been flipped upside down by the wind, and didn't try to pull it back. Anyway, it couldn't stop the rain. His eyes stayed on the lights in the shipyard ahead.

It's not like a large searchlight in an ordinary residence or a factory, but it's more like a special emergency light if you have to say it.

This is the first time that Zhu Jue has seen such a bright light since he came to this island. There is no warm yearning as imagined. In this violent storm, the sudden appearance of light will only make people feel inexplicably awkward.

Just as he was about to approach, his footsteps stopped suddenly, and then he quickly stuffed the umbrella in his hand into a trash can next to him. He ran a few steps to the right, hid behind a car, and raised his hand to press down on it. Hat, eyes fixed on the gate of the shipyard that is gradually opening ahead.

At first, two clusters of faint blue lights suddenly lit up in the darkness, one on the left and one on the right, swaying and appearing from behind the door, like two clusters of will-o'-the-wisps, emitting a chilling misty light.

And behind this light, the same light appeared one after another. Zhu Jue quickly realized that there were not only two people here, but a whole team!

Zhu Jue is currently on the right side of the street outside the shipyard, and these people are walking close to the left side of the shipyard. The distance between the two sides is only about 5 meters, so even in this dark environment, He still sees the state of the team.

There were men in black robes holding lanterns that emitted faint blue light in their hands, walking on both sides of the line. Zhu Jue counted them according to the lights, and there were about 8 people.

And the black-robed man here is different from the black-robed man Zhu Jue saw near the tavern before.

They had special ornaments hanging on their chests, and their faces wore strange pale masks made of the bones of some kind of creature.

In addition to them, there are also "people" who are wearing private clothes and staying in the frame formed by these black-robed men. Later, the tavern owner who managed to escape because of the appearance of the man in black.

It's just that he looked very strange at this time. Although Zhu Jue deliberately avoided the vital point at that time, the penetrating wound of the evil ghost's long knife is not a joke. Even if he has a monster physique, he is still seriously injured. He just moved forward blindly, his hands dangling with the sway of his body and his steps, without any concern for the wound.

Not only this tavern owner is like this, but other "people" around him are also like this. They are surrounded by men in black robes with lanterns, as if they have lost their minds, completely lost the ability to think, and only know to keep moving forward. Not even a hand-waving motion while walking.

Xi Xi Suo So ~ Xi Xi Suo So ~
The wind and rain were blowing, which should have made the surrounding environment extremely noisy, but at this moment, a strange chanting sound sounded in Zhu Jue'er's ears.

In Zhu Jue's eyes at this moment, the faint blue light emanating from the lanterns in the hands of those people was intense, and streamers of light spilled out from it. At first, they just hovered among those people, and then gathered together.

Sometimes it pours into the body of a man in black robe, and some strange energy tentacles grow out of his body out of thin air, and sometimes he turns into a monster with a snake tail and a strangely long arm dragging on the ground. It has octopus tentacles and fins on the back and the outside of the arms.

When Zhu Jue turned on the spirit protection device, the scene that appeared in front of him a second ago disappeared immediately, and disappeared completely. This is another illusion!
"Silver Twilight Secret Order! This is a member of the Silver Twilight Secret Order!"

The three people in the Yecheng office looked at the strange scene with Zhu Jue. Olivia stared at the screen for a while with a dull expression, and suddenly clenched her hands on her lap, and walked forward. He took a step, grabbed the microphone in Li Qinglian's hand and said.

Olivia's voice suddenly came from the earphones, which shocked Zhu Jue who had been concentrating on it. He was about to reprimand him, but he changed the content when he came to his mouth: "Silver Twilight Secret Order? To be more specific, they are Where did it come from?"

"It was a cult organization. I saw descriptions about them when I sorted out various case files in the Special Operations Division. I was not sure before, because in the case statement, these people also had other appearances. , but the pendants on their chests and the masks on their faces are unmistakable, they are things that cannot be imitated!"

"Go on, do you know why they are here?"

Lowering his voice, Zhu Jue stepped back a distance, hid behind the house on his side, and followed the team.

"I only read part of the information. I only know that this cult has a fanatical belief in some kind of horrible existence. Their whereabouts are all over the federation. It is said that the internal core members of this organization have certain special abilities. Their religious activities are often All kinds of sacrifices are used to communicate with certain special existences. This time it must be the same. They have controlled so many monsters, and they must be sacrifices. Zhu Jue, don’t follow it anymore, it’s very dangerous. No, I need to notify the Special Operations Team immediately!"

From Olivia's point of view, this situation is obviously beyond the business scope of Weird Studio. The Silver Twilight Secret Order is different from those swindling and abducting cults. This is a sect with a deep foundation. It is obvious that a sufficient layout has been made, and rushing in means a high degree of danger.

"This is not Anqing Mansion. Besides, you should inform them now. When the special operations team arrives, they will probably have finished the sacrifice long ago."

Looking at the team that was drifting away ahead, Zhu Jue quickly followed up with the weapon case in hand, and then said,

He has come to this point, let him just stop and turn back?

How can it be!

(End of this chapter)

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