indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 179 Mutation

Chapter 179 Mutation
"I'm very sorry, due to some special reasons, the Yecheng Station of the Jidao Competition originally scheduled for February 2 has been cancelled."

Li Qinglian's voice woke Zhu Jue from his sleep, he opened his eyes in a daze, his face was covered with fluff, and the head of the wind chime fell on his face at some point.

Glancing sideways at the people beside him, Zhu Jue felt that his mind was a little dizzy, and the awkwardness of his body made him frown.

This is not fatigue after staying up all night, Zhu Jue can confirm this.

With his current strong physique, not to mention sleeping late, even if he doesn't sleep for two consecutive days, he will feel mentally exhausted at most.

But the reality is that something is wrong with him.

"what happened?"

Picking up the wind chime, got up from the floor, and made several stretching movements in a row, the joints of the whole body made a crisp sound, which again attracted the attention of Shao Lan and the group next to him.

"It may be because of the blizzard that the Pokémon Tournament has been cancelled."

Li Qinglian poured a glass of juice from the bar and brought it to Zhu Jue and said.

"The snow is indeed heavier."

After receiving the juice, Zhu Jue wasn't too surprised by the result. It's true that not many people would go out to watch a boxing match in this kind of weather.

While speaking, he looked out of the window subconsciously, and the scene of snowflakes flying all over the sky made Zhu Jue feel inexplicably familiar.

He seemed to have seen this scene somewhere.

With the deepening of thinking, for some reason, the snowfield that had appeared in the dream began to flash in Zhu Jue's mind.

Zhu Jue's mind was filled with noises that would only appear when he sensed the appearance of a monster.

Without giving him any time to react, the world in front of him was suddenly covered with an obscure black veil.

Those snowflakes that slapped on the glass should have dissipated, in fact, in Li Qinglian's eyes, they did dissipate, but in Zhu Jue's field of vision, these snowflakes had a dark luster, stuck outside the window like mud , and is covering all the windows in front of him at the fastest speed.

"It's so cold, is there any air leakage, Zhu Jue. Zhu Jue?"

Li Qinglian stood on the side, her body trembled suddenly, a chill ran down her back, and she was about to find which window in the room was not closed tightly, but she saw Zhu Juedai standing where she was, with a glass of juice in her hand being squeezed Frost covered.

The air-conditioning is pouring out of him!
Li Qinglian has always known that Zhu Jue is not an ordinary person.

But when there is no shooting task, Zhu Jue's state is actually not much different from that of an otaku.

She loves to sleep late, never sits when she can lie down, and usually likes to play games, which makes her always treat Zhu Jue as an ordinary person.

It turns out that men are fickle.

Looking back at the few people who have entered the final stage of the negotiation, Li Qinglian was a little nervous and wanted to pat Zhu Jue's shoulder to wake him up, but the moment her fingertips touched his shoulder, it was like an electric shock pop open.

"It's cold. Zhujue! Are you okay?"

At this moment, Li Qinglian finally realized that there might be something wrong with Zhu Jue, and raised her voice a few times to shout.

Her calling seemed to have an effect, because Zhu Jue did turn her head around.

At the same time, Wu Tong and Shao Lan turned to her.

Dang bang~
When the phone fell to the ground, Li Qinglian opened her mouth with a look of horror.

That resolute face was already covered with silver-gray streaks at this time, and the eyes that originally met black and white were full of dark blue light.

She saw this kind of scene in the video not long ago, but it only appeared when the mutant monster changed,

She dare not continue to think
The cup was crushed abruptly, and the glass shards directly plunged into Zhu Jue's palm under Zhu Jue's strong grip, and blood slid down along the palm lines.

The tingling sensation made Zhu Jue suddenly wake up from the special state.

The silver-gray patterns all over his body dissipated, and his right eye returned to normal.

Just the right eye!


Just as she was about to tell the people who were walking towards this special situation, Li Qinglian heard Zhu Jue's heavy breathing again.

"He Ye, continue your work, I'm going out for a while, don't come looking for me!"

Zhu Jue knew that Li Qinglian had seen the change in him just now, but he really didn't have the heart to explain it now, he held the fragments tighter, relying on the piercing pain to keep himself awake for a short time.

The black veil in front of her eyes hadn't faded away, and Zhu Jue knew in her heart that this matter was not over yet.

I didn't even care about the slippers, so I just walked out barefoot all the way.

"Zhu Jue, this is you."

Except for the three Shao Lan who were silent because of fright, Wu Tong asked immediately.

"It's okay, I hurt my hand, I'll go and bandage it."

He responded casually without any pause, and left the studio straight away, walking into the elevator next to him.

Watching the elevator doors gradually close, Zhu Jue did not go upstairs, but his eyes fell on the dimly lit digital buttons.

"Cough cough~gu~"

The discomfort in the throat made Zhu Jue bend down and cough violently, but when he looked up again, he lost his mind for a moment. There was a twisted black shadow around the buttons, and frost seeped into the crack of the elevator door.

"Illusions are all illusions"

Pressing the button leading to the first floor, Zhu Jue closed his eyes. It is not that he has encountered this kind of situation before. After the first complete mutation, his mental state once fell into a similar trance. Here, everything turns to those nasty Bala goo.

He didn't choose to go home, because he was worried that Wu Tong and Li Qinglian would come up to him, and he had a vague premonition that this outbreak was different from the past, and he had to find a wider place to vent this state.

Shaking his head constantly, silver-gray lines loomed on Zhu Jue's body.

Lowering his head, thick hair sprouted from the back of his hands, human hands turned into thick bear paws, and returned to normal under the restraint of Zhu Jue's strong will in the next second.

The spirit was in a trance again for a moment, and on the smooth inner wall of the elevator in front of him, a huge bear head was opening its bloody mouth, roaring silently!

"No, let me go back!!!"

Taking back the mutant state again, Zhu Jue didn't understand why he would lose control of the power in his body. Recently, he deliberately avoided using the power of the monster because he didn't want this state to reappear.

I didn't expect such a change in my body after just sleeping like this and looking at the wind and snow outside the window.

35 floors, 30 floors, 20 floors, 5 floors, 1 floor!
The elevator opened, and the lobby outside the elevator was in front of me. Zhu Jue's body didn't change in any way, but he didn't step out for a long time.

He turned sideways and his eyes fell on the corner of the elevator beside him.

There, there was a half-body phantom of a giant black bear protruding from the wall, longing its teeth and clawing at him.

"Yo, long time no see, miss me? But I miss you."

The shards of glass in Zhu Jue's hand fell to the ground, clanging.

Without waiting for the giant bear's response, Zhu Jue turned around and walked out with big strides, the silver-gray lines on his face deepened continuously, and his brows furrowed tighter and tighter.

When I arrived at the door, I was surprised to see the naive penguin swaying through the wind and snow, holding the corner of his clothes in his sharp beak, and dragging him forward. Zhu Jue could not help but smile more on his face, and said softly: "I I really miss you, you mean let me go inside?"

The penguin, who was bigger than the last time we met, nodded humanly, patted his belly, turned around, and disappeared into the wind and snow again, Zhu Jue's spirit was inexplicably sober.

Just walked out of the building with bare feet and walked into the snowstorm.

Roar! ! !
A manic roar came out of the snow in the next second, and the dark golden spiral pointed directly flew a black car parked on the side of the road. With both claws on the ground, several cracks immediately appeared on the street.

The silver-gray giant bear stood upright with its four paws waving in the air, stirring up the wind and snow. Strange to say, the wind and snow that had been constantly attacking Zhu Jue now actively surrounded him.

The phantom of the giant black bear reappeared in front of him, constantly approaching this side, Zhu Jue's barely remaining consciousness gradually dissipated as it approached
The penguin reappeared in front of Zhu Jue, facing the fur monster. His body seemed to be floating in mid-air, and Feng Xue showed no hostility towards it.

Zhu Jue thought it wanted to fight the fur monster just like last time.

Who knew that the penguin suddenly turned around and took off, slapping Zhu Jue's forehead in a completely mutated state.

Then he lay down on the ground and slid out on the snow-covered street in the direction of the phantom bear on his belly.

Zhu Jue knew that it wanted to follow the penguin, so without any hesitation, he turned his head and turned to land on six limbs, galloping to keep up with the penguin's pace.

At this time, a few blocks away from Zhu Jue's location, someone was wandering in the street.

It was a middle-aged bald man, his face was distorted, as if he had suffered great pain, and his arms were at a strange angle, as if he had been forcibly pulled down after falling from a height. In the folded state, the suit on his body was drooping, unable to conceal the bony bones under the clothes.

He just walked forward with his body bowed like this, with a scarlet light flickering in his eyes
In the Yecheng University Library, August looked at the low temperature warning on the phone screen, turned his eyes to the notes next to him with a pale face.

It begins with two sentences excerpted from ancient books:
"The starry sky above the head is covered by dark clouds. This giant cloud has the outline of a human figure. Although the clouds are densely covered, on its top layer, on the head of the human figure, there are two bright stars shining like two giant eyes."

- "Things That Walk on the Wind"

"Suddenly a mass of snow appeared on the altar, an ever-changing, shapeless mass of snow—not just a whirlwind mixed with flying snow, although countless snowflakes were flying up and down around it at the moment. The mass gradually disappeared, as if dissolving In the falling snow, until at last there was nothing on the altar. But I was terrified: the thing was the snowflakes around me, flying everywhere, everywhere."

——"Snow Monster"

"Itakua, he is here!"

He got up in a hurry and went straight to the warehouse where the totem poles were stored.
There lies the source of the blizzard!
(End of this chapter)

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