indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 183 As long as you live

Chapter 183 As long as you live
The wind chime crouched on the side of the sofa and called softly, in front of it was the shadow cast by the window frame and the large crimson sunset light.

A ball of thread the size of a thumb that might have fallen from the silk fringe at the end of the curtain jumped back and forth in front of it, no one was holding it with the thread, it was just being blown by the wind.

With force on his hind legs, he swooped forward, and the ball of thread suddenly floated up, and then swayed on the forehead of the wind chime.

So Feng Ling stood upright again, waving its front paws to grab the ball of thread, but the ball of thread seemed to be alive, floating around in the air, but it didn't even touch it.

Uncontrollable laughter came from Zhu Jue's mouth, and Chu Yun and August who were discussing serious topics next to him turned their heads and looked at him with strange eyes.

"Do you find the topic of nearly a hundred people missing in a snowstorm funny?"

Chu Yun touched the crowbar next to her again, this time for real.

"I'm sorry, I thought of something happy just now. Closer to home, August, why do you want to repair the totem pole again? Who gave you the courage?"

He slapped the table, and the wind chime that had already caught the ball of thread trotted over and jumped onto the table, so he raised his hand and scratched its chin along the way.

There is really no deterrent left.

"Your question is redundant. I was there when the totem pole was being repaired. Nothing happened."

"Oh, you were there? It means that you made this happen. You should have seen that black figure in the ruins of Pinewood Mountain before, but you still watched him repair the totem pole. Tsk tsk tsk, I understand. Create difficulties first, and then solve them, and you will become the one who has done meritorious service. You are young, but you have a deep mind."

Zhu Jue glanced at Chu Yun, and said in a strange way.

"You don't have any other skills, but you are good at mocking others!"

Chu Yun is not one to bear, frowning, she wants to show Zhu Jue her "quality".

"Stop arguing, aren't we discussing the impact of the incident itself? I hope the two of you can help me say something good. After all, this accident is really not what I want to see. That totem pole We have done multiple inspections before the repair, and specially invited police officer Chu to come over for insurance during the repair, and no one wants this kind of consequence to happen.”

Having said that, Zhu Jue also understood what August was thinking, and he was just worried that he would tell Chu Yun that the blizzard was caused by him not listening to the advice and forcibly repairing the totem pole.

Although he really didn't mean it, once the people know the news, they won't care if you did it on purpose or not. Verbal abuse is considered light, and it is not impossible to rush to the Yecheng University Library to ask for an explanation , when the time comes, it will be a huge blow to his reputation as an archaeologist.

"That depends on your performance. What happened to the blizzard this time?"

Zhu Jue's attitude towards August is actually a bit strange now. He repaired the totem pole and brought a blizzard, and this blizzard almost cost him his life. There is no problem with punching, but the final result is that he not only saved the day, but also gained new abilities from it.

Love and hate are intertwined, which is probably talking about the current situation, so after much deliberation, Zhu Jue decided to move the topic to another aspect.

"It's a blizzard called by Itacua, and I actually think most of the people who went missing during the blizzard were related to him."

In fact, August doesn't really want to talk about his sins. In order to make himself suffer less, he is now sparing no effort to show his value in front of Zhu Jue and Chu Yun.

"How to say?"

This was one of the few times Chu Yun heard this name.

I don't know if it's a woman's intuition or some other reason, she feels disgusted by this name.

"Suddenly a mass of snow appeared on the altar, an ever-changing, shapeless mass of snow—not just a whirlwind mixed with flying snow, although countless snowflakes were flying up and down around it at the moment. The mass gradually disappeared, as if dissolving In the falling snow, until at last there was nothing on the altar. But I was terrified: the thing was the snowflakes around me, flying everywhere, everywhere."

August took out his notes and read out a description he had seen before. Compared with audio-visual sticks, he was more keen to write down some content in his notes, and looked at Zhu Jue and Chu Yun in confusion. eyes, and went on to say,

"This passage comes from "The Snow Monster" written by Mr. August Tres, who has the same name as me. This is an ancient book hundreds of years ago. Part of Mr. Reis's "Things That Walk on the Wind" describes, I am sure, the same being that caused the current blizzard of Itakua."

"The monsters that appear in Yecheng today are recorded in books hundreds of years ago?"

This is the first time Chu Yun has heard of this statement. She considers herself a book lover, but she has never read the two books that Auguste mentioned. After thinking about it, she said,
"You mean that this kind of monster actually existed a long time ago, rather than the product of some special experiment in today's era?"

Zhu Jue stayed silent, picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip, waiting for August to explain to him.

"Experimental product. That's just a public statement. Have you ever thought about it? If it's just a pure experimental product, how could there be so many? And like the mysterious force that appeared in Yecheng today, if humans created monsters And if it is realized, wouldn't it be easy for a person with this power to become someone who is above the entire Federation?"

Having said that, August stopped talking, went to the door of the quiet room and closed the door.

"Then where did these monsters come from?"

Chu Yun is still struggling with this issue, and Zhu Jue is also very interested in it.

"I'll tell you the secret about them, can I be frank and lenient?"

Looking back and forth between Zhu Jue and Chu Yun, August expected to get a promise first.

"I'm not a policeman, and I'm not familiar with the people in the Public Security Bureau, and you still owe me three old seals. I'm full to report you?"

Zhu Jue didn't have the time to find August to fight against.

"You said, I'll think about it based on what you said."

The ambiguous answer, Chu Yun didn't want to play tricks, in fact, she was more worried that if she agreed so quickly like the guy next to her, August might make up some specious content to prevaricate them.

"Officer Chu, as a third-level executive, should have been in contact with those monsters, right?"

"of course."

"Then do you know the origin of the known list?"

"Compiled by the Public Security Bureau based on past experience"

"Wrong, the Public Security Bureau had no experience at all when it first encountered those monsters. They were all the list and information provided by our Archaeological Association!"

August directly interrupted Chu Yun's words, and then casually reported the names and code names of some monsters known as sources of spiritual pollution that should only be known to the insiders of the Public Security Bureau, and there were many of them that Zhu Jue had hunted.

"Why did the government give us so many privileges for the Archaeological Association? It is because only we can find the descriptions of those monsters hidden in ancient books hundreds of years ago, so as to learn part of their abilities, and then find out their weaknesses through analysis !"

"Among these monsters, the lowest-level ones are the common deep divers, human-faced mice, and the like. However, even for such low-level monsters, their original body can still cause headaches for the Public Security Bureau, let alone those higher-level monsters. The best example is Itakuya who recently appeared in Yecheng!"

"It's not a monster, do you understand?"

Speaking of this, August became a little emotional, and then said,

"It's a god! A god that exists in the true sense, can't be understood, can't be figured out and analyzed! It even has its own believers in some parts of the Federation!"

"Hey, calm down and speak slowly. Chu Yun, go and get a mental protector."

Zhu Jue is someone who has experienced it, and immediately noticed the strangeness of August. This guy should have a problem with his mental state because of his constant research on this aspect.

This reminded Zhu Jue subconsciously of the two pages that recorded the methods of communicating with monsters that were still stored in his bedside cabinet.

Knowledge in this area is not something that can be studied just by thinking about it.

The conversation was suspended, and Chu Yun ran out to bring her spirit protection device for August to put on before continuing.

This time the question was more straightforward.

Where did those monsters come from?

They have not existed for hundreds of years, and their history of existence must be earlier. Since they have existed for so long, why did they suddenly appear in recent years?

"I can't answer these two questions. In fact, this is the question that our Archaeological Association is now unremittingly looking for answers to. I can only tell you that the origin of these monsters is a mystery, but they wake up in this era. There must be an inevitable reason for it, at least one point is recognized by the Archaeological Association. As time goes by, more and more monsters will wake up!"

Having said that, both Chu Yun and Zhu Jue looked a lot more serious, and they also understood why the government did not announce this kind of news.

If the public knows that there will be all kinds of monsters around them in the future, maybe someone will make a fuss about this kind of thing to achieve their own ulterior motives.

In fact, similar omens have appeared in many places.

"Can we defeat these monsters?"

After listening to August's words, Chu Yun lowered her head and muttered to herself.

Turning to look at Zhu Jue, not knowing why, Chu Yun wanted to know his reaction.

He also frowned and remained silent for a while, then suddenly looked up at August and asked, "Those gods do exist, right, that means they are alive?"

"Of course I'm alive, I just don't know where it is, what do you mean?"

August didn't understand the meaning of Zhu Jue's question.

"It's just a question, as long as it's alive."

Zhu Jue grinned, two rows of teeth gleaming in the sunset light.

(End of this chapter)

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