indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 193 Rebirth

Chapter 193 Rebirth
At Rongxia City Police Station, Nie Qingzhu was waiting at the door with his younger brothers and sisters.

There was an unexpected event in the ceremony at the Brahma Mingwang Temple Square. This news was blocked by the Rongxia City officials in a short period of time. After all, tomorrow is the Spring Festival Parade. If something goes wrong at this time, it is them who are ashamed. This year's big event made a moth.

It’s just that there were so many pairs of eyes watching at that time, and all the officials could do was to block the content about the Brahma Mingwang Temple stampede on the Internet, and they couldn’t stop the mouths of those witnesses, so this accident It quickly spread in the form of rumors.

Xiangfeng Restaurant itself is a crowded place, and soon got the news from the customers who passed by. The shopkeeper did not hesitate, and directly handed over the work at hand to some ordinary employees, and took them all the way to the police. Bureau.

"Brother, I heard that there was a ghost in the ceremony at the Brahma Mingwang Temple. Among the mechanical dolls that were supposed to be burned, one of the dolls suddenly jumped out of the fire and died with a praying man. It seems To be more specific, do you think he did something bad and God will punish him?"

Along the way, their master, that is, the shopkeeper of Xiangfeng Restaurant, didn't mention to them why they came to the police station, and now they were asked to wait outside the police station. Xu Xiaocui, who was more curious, couldn't help but started to ask on TALK those friends of my own.

"The Master said: If you can't serve people, how can you serve ghosts?"

Nie Qingzhu looked at the old woman who was bowing to a pillar on the street not far away, and tapped Xu Xiaocui's forehead with her fingers and said.

The latter quickly stuck out his tongue and made a gesture of forgiveness.

In front of his younger brothers and younger sisters, this senior brother Nie Qingzhu still has a lot of aura

"Senior brother is right. I heard people say that it seems to be a mechanical puppet. It must have malfunctioned. I guess that person was unlucky and just bumped into it. The one who threw the mechanical puppet in is the culprit. I heard that there seems to be a follow-up to this matter.”


"Yes, the mechanical puppet that had a problem at that time was already in a state of being scrapped at any time after being burned in the fire, so after coming out for a while, there was no threat immediately, and the next thing happened. The master came out."

Liu Cheng stopped talking halfway, and turned his attention to the police station.

The old shopkeeper of Xiangfeng Restaurant walked out of the police station slowly with a bong in his hand, followed by three people.

One was wearing a police uniform and the other two were a man and a woman.

When they got to the door, the policeman greeted the shopkeeper a few more times, and then sent the three of them out of the door.

"Sir, you can go home. Miss Suzi is the niece of a friend of mine. I will take care of her in the future."

The old man sucked on his pipe and said to the young man next to Suzi.

"Niece? Are you kidding me? Suzi is a mechanical doll, how could it be yours?"

"I'm not a puppet. I have never thanked you for taking care of me for so long. Now I have more important things to do. I will compensate you for the losses you suffered during this period. Uncle Chen, let's go. "

Suzi, who had been silent in the police station, finally spoke. The tilted head should have seemed a little joyful, but with the expressionless delicate face, it looked terrified under the streetlights.
Although the accident in the square of Brahma Mingwang Temple was not a small one, Suzi was not convicted.

The reason is simple, the police department does not consider her capable of committing a crime.

Zhu Jue thought that she would definitely be locked up to accept legal sanctions, but Suzi cleverly pretended to be a mechanical puppet who didn't know anything.

You must know that the accident that happened in Brahma Mingwangsi Square from the beginning to the end can prove that she was directly related to the assault on the police, and the policeman who was kicked away by her was also rough and thick, and he did not die, but was injured. She was injured a little, let alone the other one, and was blocked by Zhu Jue before she could make a move.

Of course, in view of the management laws on intelligent mechanical dolls in the Omnic Law, any robot that actively harms humans must clear all data and send it back to the original manufacturer for system reorganization.

However, Suzi had already recovered all her memories after awakening the biological mastermind, so when the police were not paying attention, she asked the young man to call the owner of Xiangfeng Restaurant instead.

She was lucky, the latter hadn't changed her contact information in the past few years, so she rushed over without stopping and used the organization's contacts in the police station to help her settle the problem, and finally, as the original manufacturer of the mechanical doll, she she takes away.

The young man stood on the side of the road and watched the group of Xiangfeng Restaurant get in the car and leave. He wanted to follow, but was blocked by the rejection in Suzi's eyes and the bodies of the other two young people.

No matter how unwilling he was, at this time, he more or less understood that the wife he thought had died long ago, and Suzi was her original appearance.

The good memories he thought he had before don't exist in the other party's mind now.

In the end, everything was just his wishful thinking.

But there are some things that are still unreconciled even if you think about it clearly. Watching the taillights of the car disappear into the street ahead, you collapse on the side of the road in a daze.

Until a rough black vehicle appeared in front of him.

"I understand that I will take her back before the police station disposes of her. Yes, I am already at the gate of the police station."

The car door opened, and a burly man stepped down. He was wearing a pair of mechanical glasses that looked like goggles, and his upper body was only wearing a black leather jacket with the cuffs cut off. His arms had a silver-gray metallic luster.

The young man just glanced at his face, immediately lowered his head, got up without saying a word, and was about to leave.

"How did you get out?"

A hoarse voice sounded from behind.

The man who had just reported to the leader had a livid face, and he realized that he might be late.
"Hmph, it's not too late, at least I can get a guy that others don't want."

I just boasted to Haikou before, and this time I promised to bring the person back, but I found that the target had already left as soon as I got out of the car. At this time, the report failed, and I was in trouble with myself.

I had to find a way to make amends, my eyes fell on the young man in front of me, and I squinted my eyes.

"Suzi, you are now."

On the other side of the car, the old man wanted to speak several times but he hesitated. He had been looking for Suzi for the past few years, but she seemed to have evaporated in the world, and there was no news at all. Now she suddenly appeared, and her body was injured again. With such a big injury, he didn't know where to start for a while.

"At that time, in order to prevent others from discovering my abnormality, my father turned off my biological main brain and turned on the electronic sub-brain to control the body, so I have been living as a mechanical puppet for several years, until recently due to some accidents. 'Zero' found my trail, and they sent ghosts to attack me, causing my electronic sub-brain to become conscious for no reason, and finally because it stimulated my main brain, it was fully awakened."

Using simple language to summarize what happened to me recently, but the scene I saw in the illusion appeared in my mind involuntarily.

If that cat hadn't appeared, the current self might have been turned into a piece of scrap metal long ago.

It's just that Suzi didn't mention this matter. After all, it would be too unbelievable to tell the situation at that time. It's better to hide this matter than to make everyone have a headache with her.

"'Zero' has already found you? They found that you are still alive, and they will never let it go. Let’s not talk about the "Xuanjun Seven Chapters Secret Sutra". The most important thing now is to repair your body. When we go back, I will Immediately find a mechanic in the organization to help you rebuild the prosthetic body, your current body is too weak, and you can completely upgrade it. Qingzhu, you should contact the organization immediately and tell them that the secret box has been found."

Because of habitual smoking while thinking, the car quickly became smoggy. Xu Xiaocui, who was sitting on the other side of the Suzi, opened the car window to let the smoke blow out along the wind, and took advantage of the light projected by the street lamp outside to observe her surroundings secretly. people.

"I want to join you, and I need outside help to support me in my mission."

The light inside the car was very dim, and occasionally the colorful lights on both sides of the street swept across to barely see clearly, and the lights of various colors alternately reflected on Suzi's crooked cheeks.

Compared with the sadness and anger in his eyes when he confronted Zhu Jue before.

She who should have been more emotional after awakening the biological mastermind appeared calmer at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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