indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 195 Some chapters can't be said

Chapter 195 Some things can't be said
there is a boat~
what a big boat~
Words like these resounded all around.

"These people are only two adjectives away from the repeater. They are all talents."

Zhu Jue leaned against the railing, almost spraying water from his mouth.

The parade for the celebration had already arrived downstairs. The "Prince" had just passed through the street, and the real parade followed.

The first is a huge treasure ship sailing on land. On the ship is a very exquisite small attic, which looks like the ancient palace of Zhujue's previous life. The top is paved with glazed tiles, and there are some carefully carved dragons on the cornices. Objects that symbolize auspiciousness, such as cranes and phoenixes, are carved or carved or hung with large paintings on the windows on each side of the attic.

There are also people wearing blue soap suits, hats and masks walking back and forth between the floors. I don't know if they are performers or simply maintaining the treasure ship to prevent accidents on the treasure ship.

On the rear deck of the ship, there are several people wearing brightly colored costumes and strange facial makeup on their faces, holding various props, and making various actions in conjunction with the drums and bells.

Some people use knives and their movements are not fast. These are common routines in performances, but they are skillful and the beauty is not lost between advances and retreats.

Someone kept swinging their arms, and a brocade cloth hanging down waved over their face again and again, each time changing into a brand new face.

There are also several white teeth in the mouth, which are constantly swinging with the movement of the tongue and cheek muscles in the mouth, which looks very novel.

"I'm going to go up there, it's really not enjoyable to watch here."

Zhu Jue was holding a glass of sour plum juice in a glass bottle, which he bought at a nearby convenience store. It was ridiculous to say that it was one dollar cheaper than the water here.

His location is at the same level as the cornice of the attic on the treasure ship. This is already the highest corridor position. Because of concerns about the safety of tourists and the fact that most of the higher floors are residential buildings, the attic corridor has only three floors, which makes every Every time something passed by, he could only see a part in front of him and a small part of the other ship.

And the parade was not only on one side, there was also a performance on the other boat, which made him a little uncomfortable.

Of course, he was not the only one like this, the people on the two floors below him had to look up, otherwise they could only see the hull of the ship, and he could already see a lot from his position, which was pretty good.

But after all, it was a little bit worse.

"Go up? Where are you going?"

Wu Tong asked without turning his head. His eyes are now on the parade in front of him, and he doesn't want to miss a second.

"Of course it's going higher."

Grabbing plum juice and egg waffles in one hand, he jumped on the railing, and grabbed the beam with one hand, relying on his own strength, he easily rolled over to the top of the corridor.

Wu Tong and Li Qinglian looked at the place where Zhu Jue disappeared with ridiculous faces.

They felt that this behavior was a bit embarrassing, but when they turned their eyes to the same position on the opposite side, they found that there were some people standing there
It didn't take long for Zhu Jue to come back again, with a slightly embarrassed expression on his face.

"There's someone up there, so what's the point?"

Zhu Jue thought that he could enjoy the space to himself after he went up, but he didn't expect to find out that there were people there already.

But these people are different from Zhu Jue. They are originally high-rise residents, and the windows open to the top floor of the corridor, so they moved the small table on the roof early, and prepared the melons and fruits by themselves.

After Zhu Jue went up, it wasn't that he didn't have a place, but he couldn't stand being squeezed in the middle with strange eyes staring at him, so he had to get down again in a desperate manner.

But Wu Tong and Li Qinglian didn't bother to make fun of him at this time. There was a mechanical elephant holding a Buddha statue passing by slowly in front of him. There were some small lanterns mounted on the mechanical elephant, and it had to be shaken every few steps. He moved his nose and let out a low growl.

Zhu Jue took a short video and saved it. He originally wanted to take it out to watch when he was bored, but when he looked down, he happened to see a flashing new message reminder on his phone.

Because the surrounding voices were always loud, he didn't pay attention to the ringing from the phone.

Chu Yun: "Zhu Jue, I have watched the video you shot, have you been to Fangdoushan before?"

This is a message from half an hour ago.

"Fang Dou Shan"

That was the place where the second video was shot, and Zhu Jue naturally remembered it, but he didn't understand why Chu Yun would bring it up at such a time.

The No. [-] mental pollution source Nightmare in the video was beheaded by Zhu Jue at the time, and the follow-up processing was also taken over by the Public Security Bureau. The only accident was the little bobcat that Zhu Jue brought back from the mountain.

Is it possible to ask about the wind chimes?

Although I had already made a deal with the government before and obtained the breeding rights of Fengling, it was hard to guarantee that they would come up with other ideas, after all, Fengling's physique was really special.

Thinking of this, Zhu Jue frowned and looked down at the wind chime that was protruding its head from the gap between the railings, and wanted to turn off the phone and pretend that he didn't see anything.

It just so happened that Chu Yun sent another new message at this time.

Chu Yun: "Fang Doushan has recently appeared traces of mental pollution sources, and there are some special circumstances. Did you notice any abnormalities at the time?"

Seeing this message, Zhu Jue knew that he must have lost his mind, and tapped his fingers on the railing unconsciously.

Zhu Jue: "I didn't find anything, I'm on vacation, don't bother me."

Immediately afterwards, he sent the video he had just shot.

Chu Yun: "Think about it carefully, and tell me immediately if you find anything."

It's rare that Chu Yun didn't quarrel with Zhu Jue this time, not because her temper has improved, but because she really isn't in the mood now.

Putting away her mobile phone, Chu Yun, who was fully armed, held the helmet between her arms, picked up the equipment box beside her, and followed the other executive officers of the Yecheng Public Security Department through a special passage into the waiting hall of the high-speed train.

Here, she saw a large number of medical staff and smart medical devices.

The entire waiting hall was filled with the wailing of the people.

"Everyone from the Public Security Bureau of Yecheng, before leaving, I would like to tell you something. The current situation of Fang Doushan is unknown. Through high-altitude reconnaissance, the local environment and climate have not changed. This is the only good news right now. At least we don’t have to face the harsh environment in Guangyuan.”

A familiar voice came from the earphones, and Chu Yun could hear it every day when she came home. It was her father,

"But at the same time, we have also captured some bad things. The large-scale attack on Doosan below, we can already preliminarily judge that it was done by monsters that are the source of spiritual pollution, but the number of monsters is unknown, and the type of monsters is unknown."

Chu Yun was sitting on a bench, listening to the constant messages from the intelligence department of Yecheng Public Security Bureau, waiting for the high-speed train to pick them up, and some battle reports from the Guangyuan area came to mind.

"Chu Yun, don't you want to explain something to the family?"

The team leaders of the three groups were sitting next to Chu Yun, holding their mobile phones and taking advantage of the last spare time to send messages with their family members.

"There's nothing to explain. My dad knows better than me about Fang Doushan's danger. As for my mom, forget it."

"I forgot about it. I hope this mission can end smoothly. My son will be in elementary school in a few days, and I have to take him there."

Turn the phone around, and there is a cute little boy on the desktop.

Chu Yun opened her mouth. She wanted to say that it was not good to say such things at this time, but she chose to keep her mouth shut in the end.

They are also the armed forces of the federal government, so they have naturally heard about the incidents of some troops in the Guangyuan area.

Heavy casualties, these four words are always the core content of various rumors.

Although Fang Doushan's current situation is not that bad, who can guarantee that there will be no change?
It would be a lie to say I wasn't nervous.

On the other side, Zhu Jue was not affected by Chu Yun's sudden connection, and quickly put it behind him.

In his opinion, the appearance of monsters on Fangdoushan is really not a big deal.

He never told anyone about his life-and-death fight with the Yeti in the blizzard.

"After all, it is an annual spring festival. The scale is really not a joke. There are no such conditions and venues in other places, let alone such a unique cultural atmosphere."

The three people next to them were all watching the celebration intently, and did not notice Zhu Jue's movements, and Li Qinglian had said similar emotional words for countless times.

"I didn't expect that the government here in Rongxia City is quite considerate. There are some introductions of things during the parade on the screen over there, Wuya, Face Changing, and then there seems to be statues of the twelve zodiac signs and an octagonal treasure building. Hey, Zhujue!"

Wu Tong's gaze stayed on the large video screen in the middle of the high-rise building opposite for a while. After reading some introductions to the content of the parade, he was about to look away when he found a "snowflake" suddenly appeared on the screen. When it recovered, it became a person again. avatar.

Zhu Jue knows this person.

It was the young man I had seen in Brahma Myoji Square before.

"Missing person notice. This person suffers from mental illness, severe paranoia, puff~ high paraplegia below the neck? Isn't this a joke."

Just glanced at the content of the missing person notice, Wu Tong couldn't help laughing.

Soon he stopped laughing.

Because he realized that the young man who was still intact last night could not have so many problems overnight, that is to say, this missing person notice is fake.


This is the city's public screen, not the private computer in the office. It's time to get the missing person notice here.

There are many things to pay behind the scenes.

No one would do such a thing when they were full.

There is only one possibility, the other party has some kind of purpose.

"He's in trouble, right? It should be said that people related to him are in trouble."

Zhu Jue swallowed a piece of orange, and what came to mind was that strange robot.

If he remembered correctly, this robot should have been imprisoned together with the young man, why did it appear at this time?
(End of this chapter)

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