Chapter 20
With the end of the prize link, the press conference naturally came to an end.

Whether it was the audience or the reporters behind, all attention was focused on Zhu Jue. The upsurge caused by the latter's successful victory in the blue bird has not dissipated.

Even the people from Zhenjiang Science and Technology Company were a little overwhelmed at the moment.

They are very clear about how precious this blue bird prototype is. It was originally exhibited as a sample, it can be said to be a facade, but it was won by a frail young man in front of everyone.

The manager next to him has already kicked the third cardboard box away.

"This rabbit is for you, haha, without your reminder, I might have missed such a good prize today."

Zhu Jue is in a very good mood now. He doesn't know the price of these mechanical pets, but seeing the distraught expression of the guy who wrestled with him before, he knows that this is not cheap.

There is a thumb-sized metal disc around the neck, which is the control core of Jade Bird. As long as it is worn on the body, the following system can be activated without any manipulation. The distance between Jade Bird and Zhu Jue will be kept within 20 meters. Press The control core can also activate new interfaces and use more functions.

Just like now when Zhu Jue pressed a mechanism on the left side of the control core, the blue bird that was flying above the exhibition stand circled and landed on his shoulder, standing firmly.

"Hey, it all depends on the meeting on the rooftop today. Aren't you exercising with a steel rod? At that time, I thought you must be strong, so I let you on stage. I didn't expect you to be so strong. Even winning two pets, let me tell you, this mechanical rabbit will sell for 5000 in the market."

"It's fine if you like it. I'll leave first, and I'll probably be surrounded by people if I stay."

Zhu Jue looked back and saw the crowd rushing this way, and hurriedly opened the silver box in his hand. This is the storage box of the blue bird. As soon as the box is opened, it will fly in immediately and enter a dormant state.

Carrying the box, hurry up and slip away.

"Ginkgo, your luck is really good. You can choose someone at random and not only won the blue bird back, but also won a rabbit. So cute~ But he is so generous, this rabbit seems to be very valuable, right?"

A girl ran over from behind, hugged Gu Yinxing's neck, and couldn't move her eyes from the mechanical rabbit.

"I didn't find him casually, big head, you are still too young."

Gu Yinxing will hold the rabbit and walk backstage with his teammates, and a few girls come over next to him.

"Hey~ How many times have I told you not to call me big head. Did you know in advance that he is a powerful person, and your eyesight is so good? To be honest, I don't believe it, just you confused?"

"Okay big head, no problem big head."

With a grin, he called back his friend in a vicious manner, and said while looking at the bun on her head.

"Ginkgo, you said it, how did you see it?"

The other girls nearby couldn't help asking.

"Because he is my fan, and I sent him the address just now, and he is a policeman by profession, understand, but I didn't expect him to win all the blue birds."

"Ah? How did you meet such a powerful fan? We were active together, why didn't we know?"

The girl with a side ponytail stroked the mechanical rabbit and looked at Gu Ginkgo.

"I haven't seen him in previous events, oh, I remember that he seemed to be there when we performed at the mall the day before yesterday. Let me tell you the truth, how did you know him?"

More and more girls gathered here. Although they have only debuted for less than 2 months, getting along day and night still makes most of them have a good relationship.

"Ahem, in fact, he also lives in the old city. He rented out the roof of the house next to our residence. He rented out the entire roof. Didn't I go up to practice singing, and he happened to recognize me. In fact, think about it carefully. I think it might be my singing that attracted him."

"Cut~ It's just your singing with three lines and two tunes? Tell the truth!"

As a pair of friends, they naturally know Gu Yinxing's singing level clearly.

"Actually, I smelled the smell of barbecue when I was drying clothes. Then I got to know each other."

He reluctantly told his teammates what he thought was the first encounter with Zhu Jue, which naturally caused a lot of laughter.

She didn't know that what she said at the beginning was right.

On the other side, Zhu Jue, who was carrying a suitcase, trotted away from the press conference. Along the way, several reporters tried to stop him, but he forcibly blocked them by relying on the crowd.

"Where's my stuff?"

When he got to the door, before the people behind him could catch up, he thought about grabbing his things and leaving quickly.

The gun was inserted back into the waist, the long knife was carried on the shoulder, and the blue bird was taken away quickly.

However, just outside the press conference, several people in casual clothes rushed to catch up with him, and one of them was the guardian of the blue bird.

"What do you want to do?"

The long knife was stationed, Zhu Jue looked at the few people who were panting in front of him and asked.

"It's like this. We want to take back the blue bird in your hand. Let me tell you the truth. This is our company's sample machine. We just took it out as a prize for a gimmick, and it's not the truth. We gave it away. I am willing to exchange 3 Federal currency plus 5 new mechanical pets of the same type that were just on stage, and I only hope that you can return the blue bird to us."

"Well, all I know is that this is your prize, and if I win the event, I am naturally entitled to take the prize. Goodbye."

Zhu Jue didn't even think about it for a second. He is not short of money now, and Wang Dong still owes him 15 yuan.

This blue bird looks very pleasing, and he plans to go back and use it as a mobile desk lamp, so that he doesn't need to open the door of his house to let the light shine through the door when he barbecues on the roof in the future.

"Brother, you can't do this. We've already given you enough face, money, and mechanical pet compensation. You don't need most of the functions of this blue bird. Taking it back is a waste of resources."

"If you give me enough face, I have to give you face? What is the reason for this? I got the blue bird at the press conference before, and you didn't stop it, and handed over its control core to me. Even the method of how to use it You taught me in front of everyone, and now you want to go back?"

Zhu Jue is very talkative sometimes. If he picked up the blue bird, he would return it without hesitation. Even the first time he won the arm wrestling, these people came out and said that the blue bird was a gift. products, he is still acceptable.

But this is not the case, Zhu Jue won the arm wrestling, and the technology company gave him the blue bird in front of everyone.

The truth is on Zhu Jue's side, and he is justified.

"Brother, you'd better think again, this blue bird is not something you can take, don't toast or eat fine wine! We can't do anything to you now, but you will always go home, the blue bird in your hand, unless You never use it, or if you use it, we can find your location"

The guardian of the blue bird brought the two of them to stand in front of Zhu Jue, and the meaning behind his words could not be more clear.

"Punishment? I'm looking forward to this. I heard that breaking into a private house can be used for self-defense. How about a suggestion? Next time, if you want to break into my house, remember to replace your mechanical prosthesis with a higher-end one." of."

The long knife struck the opponent's left arm horizontally, Zhu Jue paused halfway through speaking, then took a step forward to approach him, and continued,
"Otherwise, if I hacked to death and found out that I haven't spent all my money, it wouldn't be worth it."

"How do you know mine is?"

"Using mechanical prosthetics to deceive consumers at the press conference of new works to the outside world, this news should be very explosive, and I accidentally recorded what you said just now, remember to put other people's mobile phones away when you speak next time, Confiscate communicators, wristwatches, etc., don’t be so reckless, right?”

"I'll only say this once. The blue bird is mine. You don't bother me, and I don't bother you. If you're really full, then I can only let you go around without eating."

Zhu Jue didn't give him any chance to refute, and left straight away after speaking. The manager next to him was also sweating profusely at the moment.

"Manager, this guy is a ruthless character, ordinary methods don't seem to work for him, let's do it this time"

After all, this press conference was prepared by them, and it would be a foolish thing to ask for the prizes given away, but in the end, they met a guy who didn't like oil and salt.

"Let's go, don't think about it, he is not someone we can provoke."

The manager saw the order watch that Zhu Jue showed when he spoke before, and went to trouble a government employee when his side didn't make sense?

He still wants to live a few more years.

Even those low-level employees who are not protected by the government are not something ordinary people like them can provoke!
Take a taxi back to the old city in the east, let the blue bird rest on your shoulders, and hang a video screen in front of you. This is the blue bird operation interface activated by the control core. At this moment, various functions of the blue bird are played on it. .

"Hahaha~ No wonder those guys are eager to take you back, so you have so many uses."

The prototype of this blue bird cannot be called a simple mechanical pet at all. Anyway, Zhu Jue has never seen a pet mechanical pet that can be used for aerial reconnaissance.

Drone Mode!
The blue bird on his right shoulder fluttered its wings and flew up to a height of more than ten meters in a short while. After a wave of fluctuations on the screen in front of Zhu Jue, a bird's-eye view of the street began to appear. He was in the middle of the image, surrounded by 30 meters. You can have a panoramic view of all scenes within a meter range.

"Good thing, it matches me well."

Looking at the clear images on the screen, Zhu Jue was very satisfied, and looking for those monsters in the future might have miraculous results.

 From tomorrow onwards, the fox will be updated every day, so what? Please ask for a favorite and recommendation ticket?
  Also, if there is a big guy with a small amount of money, would you give me a reward? 1 yuan is also friendship, help the fox to fill up the reward ranking~
(End of this chapter)

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