indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 303 Pumpkin Man

Chapter 303 Pumpkin Man

As a "newcomer" who just entered a different space by accident, Zhu Jue naturally didn't have a chance to speak during this team exchange.

However, he was also happy to be a listener, so he retreated from his desk early and leaned against a nearby bookshelf, thinking that he might be able to learn more useful information from the conversations of these people.

However, when the discussion started, Zhu Jue realized that the information exchange meeting he had imagined did not exist. As the gentleman said before, he is an intermediary and guide, and he would not communicate with these people under normal circumstances. idea.

Therefore, the current state cannot be called a team communication at all. It is more like a routine meeting for the gentleman. The main content is not to discuss what he has seen and heard during the trip, but the gentleman keeps talking about the next trip. The problems that need to be paid attention to and explain what time to gather tomorrow and what to prepare.

Is this considered a team?
Zhu Jue looked at the other people without a trace, and unexpectedly found that these people seemed to be used to this state. Rhinoceros and AK nodded in a flattering way after every sentence the gentleman said. They were undoubtedly two "dog licking" ".

On the contrary, Black Swan remained silent, not only did not nod, Zhu Jue even vaguely felt that she was not as interested in this one-sided meeting as herself.

Her rich experience made her not care about the superficial content of what the gentleman said?
Or is there some other reason.
Taking advantage of the time when no one was paying attention, Zhu Jue recalled the gentleman's introduction to the three of them when they first entered the door. The black swan was 5 trips, the rhino was 2 trips, and AK was simply a newcomer with 1 trip.

And he remembered correctly, the gentleman said that the Shuoshu who gave him the key to the Shuojin Bank was also a traveler who only traveled once five years ago.

This is a bit strange, since Shushu already existed in Gentleman's team five years ago, and from the tone of the latter's words when Zhu Jue and Gentleman met for the first time, it can undoubtedly be proved that Gentleman already had a follow-up five years ago Similar status now.

Then the problem is coming.

In five years, the black swan has traveled the most times in this team besides the gentleman?

As a man's wardrobe, Hai Lan's House has to be visited twice a year, even if it is bought once and returned once, is this fantasy world only allowed to go once a year?
This guess is obviously incorrect.

That being the case, where have the rest of the team been for the past five years?
The lack of information made Zhu Jue constantly have various doubts in his mind. He wanted to ask clearly but knew it was not the right time.

On the other hand, the gentleman seemed to have remembered something in the middle of his speech. He turned his head and said to Zhu Jue: "Mr. Fengling, you need to prepare a set of clothes that suit the social environment of the European Middle Ages before tomorrow night. This is very important. I suggest you do it now." You can start looking for custom-made merchants in this area online, and if necessary, I can also introduce my personal tailor to you."


Zhu Jue, who was immersed in thinking, didn't understand the meaning of the gentleman's words for a while.

"If you want to hide your identity, you naturally have to change from the inside out. Are you going to wear the current outfit?"

The social environment in the dreamland is different from the modern society. The shirt and trousers that Zhu Jue wears are obviously inappropriate, just like he is wearing an assassin suit to play assassination.

Handsome is handsome, trying to hide his identity is simply nonsense.

"Well, I see. Actually, after listening for so long, I found that I don't understand the situation of the dreamland at all. Can you ask this friend to explain it to me later?"

If you have a problem, you have to solve it. Zhu Jue is not a gentleman. If you ask him directly, you may get some information that is not true or false. Not only will it not help you, but it may also disturb your thinking. AK's shoulder, choosing to let him talk to himself.

Although he has only traveled once, he has been to that world, so he must know some information, and judging from the first reaction of the three people when they entered the door just now, the black swan probably will refuse, and the rhinoceros and The wild boars seem to have some friendship, maybe because both of them took the animal code names of rough skin and thick flesh?

Only this AK clearly showed goodwill. Under the premise that the situation is not clear, Zhu Jue naturally wanted to choose someone who could be "coaxed".

"Of course, as long as Mr. AK has no objections, I will not interfere with the members' private communication."

The gentleman is very generous about this, but if someone stands at AK's current position, he will find that the gentleman's eyes are actually cast here, which does not mean much pleasure.

Zhu Jue didn't ask the gentleman but asked others, which in itself was a kind of distrust. For the latter, it was naturally unpleasant that the kind actions he had done before had not received a response.


AK who can participate in this kind of team will naturally not be a stunned young man. Realizing that if he nods, it may make the boss of the team unhappy, he immediately puts on a embarrassed look and wants to refuse.

"Hey, friend, you may have misunderstood, this is not without pay."

Zhu Jue took his hand out of his pocket, and deliberately held AK's hand with the back of his hand facing the gentleman's side. What was inside was not coins, let alone the prayer roll of the Uzzah Church, but the gemstone he had obtained before. Turning his head to the side to see what was inside, he was surprised and continued,

"I got a collection of wild boars before, and I didn't have anything in it. This is a deposit. As long as you explain it in detail, I will give you more."

"Uh, I don't think it's very good. Let's forget it. Since these things are Mr. Wild Boar's inheritance, I have no reason to take them. You can take them back first."

AK refused again, but the palm holding the jewel was tightened, and then let go.

"That's a pity. It seems that those coins can't impress you. Unfortunately, I thought they were some good things."

Zhu Jue was not persistent, so he took back the gem and went back to stand.

"Mr. Fengling, if you have any doubts, you can ask me, I am still very interested in the coins in the dreamland."

At this point the gentleman interrupted.

"Haha, forget it, I don't want to use something that AK doesn't want to take advantage of you."

This time it was Zhu Jue's turn to refuse, because he didn't bring any coins with him at all, only the gems he carried with him.

The gentleman didn't say anything more about this, and he didn't mention until the end of the meeting that he planned to take everyone to complete a common task in the next trip.

"This is something I bought from other traveler teams with money, you can take a look."

Opening the zipper, what the gentleman took out from the backpack was a yellow thing, Zhu Jue took a step forward to fully see it.

Under the thumb-sized dark green end is an oblate orange-yellow pumpkin, but this is not a simple vegetable or fruit, but a human-head-sized pumpkin whose interior looks like a hollowed-out Halloween ghost.

"what is this?"

Not only Zhu Jue was puzzled, but AK next to him asked.

The gentleman did not answer, but turned his hand to get a pen on the desk, took off the cap, looked around at the people around him, then pointed the pen down, and stabbed it at the dark green end of the Halloween pumpkin head without hesitation .

However, at the moment when the pen tip was about to penetrate, more than a dozen dark green silk threads that looked like plant stems emerged from the end, blocking the pen in mid-air, and the gentleman had already let go of his hand.

The pumpkin heads, which were not moving at first, suddenly started to tremble. Accompanied by the sound of "gurgling", the pens were unscrewed directly, and immediately rose wildly as if stimulated by something, covering the entire table in just a few seconds.

The gentleman and the black swan took two steps back, the rhinoceros and AK put on a posture as if they were facing an enemy, and Zhu Jue walked around behind a bookshelf and observed secretly through the gap between the compartments.

But when the number of stem filaments exceeded a certain limit, Zhu Jue found that they were showing signs of entanglement and closure.

The pumpkin head was still on the table, but the stalks that should have been laid out were frantically swinging in mid-air like "angry crowns", and finally began to gradually entangle and change into a two-meter-high, similar shape composed of stalks. human torso!

There are no hands and feet, only the twitching stem filaments that are still active and extend in all directions like the tentacles of an octopus.

I saw the two "slender" stem silk long legs falling directly to the floor of the room at the moment of formation, the stem silk spread out along the way, stabilizing the figure, and then, like a person who just woke up, a "Carp straighten up" and brought up the pumpkin head. The pumpkin head, which had no expression before, seemed to be given life at this moment, whether it was the pair of hollow eyes that were dug out or the wide mouth. Distortion appeared at this moment Variety!

"Pumpkin man?"

Zhu Jue behind the bookshelf looked at the monster transformed from a pumpkin in front of him, and whispered to himself in surprise.

"This is a monster we found in a deserted farm near the city of Neil. It has been defeated now, but I let it bask in the sun for a while so it can be revived. After the energy is exhausted, it will be back to normal."

The gentleman was only halfway through his words, and the majestic pumpkin man just now had completely withered. After the energy in his body was exhausted, the stem retracted again, turning back into the pumpkin and falling back to the table. The gentleman put it back in the backpack before continuing. ,

"This kind of pumpkin can help you perceive your spiritual power and strengthen your vitality to a certain extent. I bought the news from others at a high price. Now I choose to share it with several people and I will bring it on my trip tomorrow. Everyone in the past, correspondingly, if there is any harvest at that time, then I will take half of each pumpkin as a reward!"

This is the provision of information and remuneration that the gentleman mentioned before. He can use his network to obtain some information that newcomers like them don't know, and the latter needs to pay back accordingly.

This rate of return is undoubtedly a bit high in Zhu Jue's view.

It's just that the Rhinoceros and AK next to it don't seem to have any objection to this, and it can even be said that they readily accept the price.

(End of this chapter)

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