indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 312 The Blocking Cat

Chapter 312 The Blocking Cat

The blade cut through the vines, and the pumpkin body, which was still baring its teeth and claws a second ago, quickly withered away, leaving only the "head" falling out of thin air.

Zhu Jue saw the location and opened the handbag in advance, and the pumpkin was completely taken in before it landed.

Turning around and looking at several other places, AK and Rhino worked together to finish off a pumpkin man, cutting it into three pieces with a knife, one half will be handed over to the gentleman, and the rest will be divided into two pieces.

Black Swan, like Zhu Jue, easily killed a pumpkin man in a one-on-one situation, and his eyes stopped for a while on the two bright silver scimitars with obvious arcs in her hands.

Different from the ability injections used by rhinos and the special firearms used by AK, the two of them changed their vests, which is a bit of a disguise, and once they enter the battle, they still have a strong "modern style".

On the other hand, Black Swan's fighting style is pure cold weapon fighting, which is undoubtedly closer to this world. If you don't know her true origin, even telling Zhu Jue that she is a native of this world will not arouse any suspicion.

Thinking about it carefully, after all, staying in this world for more than three years is really different.

As for the gentleman, he waited by the side and didn't participate in the battle. In the end, he harvested almost a whole pumpkin, and there were only three pumpkin men in the abandoned manor.

He is like a landlord in the feudal era, and Zhu Jue and others are his tenants
Withdrawing his gaze, Zhu Jue changed hands and put the long sword back into its sheath. This time he did not use the Mikayue Taidao in this battle. In this world, Taidao weapons are rare, let alone a special treasured sword like Mikayue. You don't need it if you can.

Secondly, Zhu Jue also intends to try the weapon he snatched from the dream eater. If he uses it smoothly, he may use it as a weapon in the dreamland in the future.

Facts have proved that the long sword that can be carried by the dream eater as a combat weapon is indeed not an ordinary item, and it is very delicate in terms of style alone.

The texture is tough, not only sharp enough, Zhu Jue also found a few hidden special symbols on the sword, and maybe some other special functions, but Zhu Jue really didn't study this kind of thing, so I asked the gentleman, and then But the reporter said he didn't know, and he didn't know whether he really didn't understand or he didn't want to say it.

Zhu Jue didn't say much about it. He just put the long sword back on his waist and returned it to the original position with a blank expression. For him, whether the long sword has other functions will not cause much impact. It's just icing on the cake, his strength is enough to handle most situations.

"Then move freely, and we will meet at the stone bridge at dusk the day after tomorrow and return to the real world."

After the pumpkin man has been wiped out, everything that needs to be taken has been taken, so there is no need for the team to get together again. The gentleman obviously has his own affairs to be busy, so he motioned to the others to put the pumpkin away first, and he said the last sentence neatly Turn around and leave.

His horse was tied nearby, Zhu Jue didn't see it at the stone bridge, and later found out that everyone except himself rented or bought horses at a horse farm outside Neil City.

Naturally, Zhu Jue didn't miss it, and found himself a tool to transport and share the goods.

Now this situation is what Zhu Jue expected to see. After the gentleman left, he picked up his backpack and led the horse to the west. The information he had inquired in Neal City before showed that Usa Town is to the west of Neal City. , you can go straight along the main road.

It's just that he was stopped by the person behind him just a few steps away.

"Fengling, where are you going next? How about we act together. This is your first time in the Dreamland. You may not understand some things. Rhino and I can help you."

AK trotted up to Zhu Jue. They had seen the deal between the gentleman and Zhu Jue before, plus the one-on-one fight to kill the pumpkin man in the manor just now, they naturally knew that this "newcomer" was beyond their expectations. It's so simple, so I thought of coming up to help each other.

To put it bluntly, I want to enjoy Zhu Jue's luck and use his ability to find some benefits for myself.

"No, please be busy. This is my first time here. I want to walk around alone. Goodbye."

Zhu Jue has his own goals, so it is naturally impossible to cooperate with the two of them, to prevaricate casually, and to bypass AK and continue his journey regardless of AK's reaction.

The heat of the sun continued to decrease over time, and when it crossed a certain boundary, even the color began to change towards orange-red.

At dusk, due to the long journey, some strenuous horses snorted, and Zhu Jue on the horse was also a little uncomfortable. He was a new rider anyway. Although he was physically strong, the inside of his legs were still bumped by constant bumps. Feeling uncomfortable, after thinking about it, he dismounted and walked, Feng Ling took his place and continued to lie in the middle of the saddle.

After walking for a while, Zhu Jueben's depressed mood suddenly improved because of the long journey, because the outline of an ancient town appeared in his vision. ,

The outskirts of Usa Town are undoubtedly a place where people like Zhujue who have lived in the city for a long time can feel comfortable and happy. There are brown farmhouses made of grass and trees, and fields surrounded by primitive and neat fences.

In the distance, there are a few cows wandering among the dense pastures, making a long mooing sound from time to time, and the ridges between their necks are also clanging. Fly around under the outflank.

Immersed in the surrounding environment, Zhu Jue was attracted by the sound of the wind chime, and found that its posture had changed from lying prone to squatting, and glanced at the field on the other side.

Zhu Jue's figure was tall enough, and just standing on tiptoe, he saw some figures shuttling back and forth in the field grass on the left side of the horse.

After a while, Zhu Jue saw two triangular white ears standing up in the grass, followed by a round, round face with fur.


Zhu Jue naturally recognizes this common creature, which is not surprising, but the first time he saw this cat, Zhu Jue immediately thought of the cat statue he got in Pasifica, and hurriedly opened the backpack the zipper, and take out the black statue.

As soon as the statue appeared, a lot of cats appeared one after another in the surrounding grass, with different fur colors and sizes.

Their eyes were focused on the statue in Zhu Jue's hands, but they didn't get close to it, they just watched from a distance. Zhu Jue deliberately led the horse for a while, and they also ran forward in the grass for a while. There was still no sign of approaching, as if he was watching or waiting for something.

Do you want to seduce me with a small fish?
Zhu Jue wanted to think that maybe these cats were afraid of him so they didn't dare to approach them, so he wanted to take some dried fish and feed them.

However, the paw stretched out from the side to hold down the wooden can clearly told Zhu Jue: No, you don't want to.

"Okay, it's all yours, let's move on."

Stuffing the can back into the backpack, Zhu Jue decided to go to Wusa Town to see if there was any food that cats liked in the local area after seeing Feng Ling put away his paws in satisfaction.

At this moment, the surrounding cats suddenly began to gather towards this side, and the soft meowing sounded together.

A cat with shiny black fur and a size larger than other cats of the same kind around it appeared at some point in the middle of the road. Its eyes were rare heterochromatic pupils, one was blue-gold, the other One is rose red.

Zhu Jue looked at the black cat squatting in front of him, and then looked down at the statue in his hand.

Except for the different-colored pupils that could not be drawn, it is exactly the same as the posture of the statue in the hand. This is the statue made based on it!
The long voice made people involuntarily attracted, and Zhu Jue was no exception. He locked his eyes on the black cat that appeared suddenly, thinking about its purpose.

Before Zhu Jue could express his opinion, Feng Ling next to him was not happy. He jumped directly onto Zhu Jue's shoulder from the saddle, and then climbed to squat on top of his head, basically declaring his sovereignty to the "coquettish bastard" on the opposite side.

To Zhu Jue's surprise, the movement of the wind chime did not arouse any hostile reaction from the other party. The black cat stared at the wind chime and barked several times, then looked at Zhu Jue below, and nodded in a humane manner. Immediately turned around and ran away towards the distance, and the surrounding cats gradually disappeared into the grass, and after a while, only the empty field and the few cats were still running away in a hurry in the "chasing" of the dogs hen.

"what's going on."

Zhu Jue, who hadn't figured out what happened, subconsciously rubbed the statue in his hand, but this time when he put his thumb on it, the uneven texture that he could touch before became particularly smooth.

When he looked down, there was no statue left. He didn't know when the thing he held in his hand had turned into an amber gemstone!

(End of this chapter)

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