indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 318 Knowledge is Power

Chapter 318 Knowledge is Power
This night, Zhu Jue did not go to other places, but chose to live in the tower.

He has a lot of questions, as if he has a copy of "One Hundred Thousand Whys" in his mind.

Fortunately, Atar, who drank two cans of moonshine wine, was also quite talkative, and he no longer shy away from certain topics, which gave Zhu Jue an excellent opportunity.

Because the tower was too stuffy, and the third-floor shrine was destroyed by monsters, the two finally climbed to a circular platform on the top of the tower.

In the middle is the spire, surrounded by a small platform on the outer edge.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the night wind is cool.

One person moved a rattan chair, and lay down on the left and right sides of the spire, without seeing each other's faces, which is another kind of chatting with "people nearby".

"What is the so-called spiritual power or soul ability?"

Holding the newly obtained dark blue pearl in his hand, Zhu Jue could feel his own body, stretched out a finger and fiddled with the creeper vine leaves next to him, watching them freeze.

Zhu Jue knew how to use this ability, but he didn't know why he could use it like this, or to what extent he could use it.

This is like learning to drive. If Zhu Jue's current ability is compared to a car, everyone knows to step on the accelerator and then turn the steering wheel, but for those beginners, it is limited to this, how to turn, how to reverse, He didn't understand how to turn on the indicator light or how to maximize the performance of the car.

Today, five years later, Zhu Jue still draws his sword to slash in the face of battle, not to say that this method is weak, after all, Zhu Jue's physical strength is indeed very strong.

He just recalled the colorful light in the dark night, the terrifying flesh in the valley, and the indescribable existence that appeared in the sky at that time, the shoggoth in the ice field, and even the scavenger that he controlled for himself now.

Power is meaningless to these existences, no matter how fast and powerful Zhu Jue swings his knife, can he cut off the light or those lumps of flesh that do not have a fixed shape at all?
That is not something in one dimension!
To defeat them, one can only rely on special powers, such as the super-strong magnetic device developed by the Monster Investigation Bureau for Star Color, and a dozen refrigerators for Scavenger.

However, what Zhu Jue has used most so far is perception and his own control over ice and snow.

The perception ability is a reconnaissance ability, and there is nothing to change for the time being, but for the control of ice and snow, all Zhu Jue can do now is to summon a blizzard and freeze certain items like a refrigerator, and then they are gone.

Not to mention that there are still some weak wind element controls at present. Regarding this ability, Zhu Jue is often used to slow down the impact of his own fall.

There is no doubt that they all have great potential, but Zhu Jue has no choice but to neglect them, because he doesn't know how to make better use of them.

Going back to the above metaphor, let’s put it bluntly: There is no difference between a supercar worth millions and a car worth tens of thousands on the roadside, to Zhu Jue today, because in his eyes, they are all four-wheeled. an iron shelf
In the real world, Zhu Jue has not found others to answer his questions. Now that he is in the dream world, he feels that he has to find a way to figure out these things.

"knowledge is power."

Just as Zhu Jue fell into the state of self-examination and thinking, Atar's voice seemed to be talking in his sleep from the other side.

"Hey, I'm not discussing philosophical issues or some famous quotes with you now, who doesn't know the saying that knowledge is power?"

Annoyed by Atar's sudden interruption, Zhu Jue said while holding the small face of the wind chime. Zhu Jue found that after drinking the water soaked in amber gemstones, the original dark golden eyes seemed to be blinded. A layer of amber brilliance, then pinched the soft flesh between its neck and asked softly,
"Has there been any changes in the body?"

Feng Ling called out proudly, raised her claws and spread them open. The sharp moon-white nails seemed to be coated with a layer of amber nail polish. Immediately, she slapped them into the stone wall next to her, just like pressing into a piece of soft tofu. Not much.

"You know, but do you really understand that humans rely on their strong bodies to defeat beasts?"

Elder Atar on the other side didn't notice that Fengling was demolishing his house at all, and said to himself,
"No, human beings rely on knowledge. Swords and magic, chariots and castles are just extensions of knowledge. The power you are looking for actually exists in books."

"what book?"

Naturally, Zhu Jue would not naively think that Atal wanted to become a scholar.

"Nature is a book that contains mysterious power. We have to admit that human beings are always the best at learning. How do you think those books come from, and human beings compile them? No, they are just copyists. Knowledge is taught to their believers, and believers choose to record it in the most primitive way in order to hold these mysterious powers for a long time, so there are so many special books, "Nakt Manuscript", "Kana The Will of Margos, "Soul of Chaos". These books all contain powerful power, but... Hululu~"

Halfway through, the snoring sounded, and Zhu Juezheng listened hard. There was no reason for him to fall asleep like this, and he quickly summoned a very small snowstorm to the opposite side.

"Just what?"

"Hiss~ It's just that those knowledges are not so easy to obtain, just like the inevitable sacrifices in the process of human research and exploration, the result of mortals reading those knowledges forcibly will only make them fall into endless madness and confusion , it is more likely to face those terrifying existences in the void at a certain moment. At that time, knowledge will not only bring power, but also bring destruction. Just like the gods at the peak of Kadath, they actually exist , but do not let anyone know of their existence, they are powerful enough to rule the entire world, they are weak enough to need the protection of foreign gods to survive, and who can guarantee whether there is a more powerful god above the foreign gods That blind, stupid, know-it-all, yet forget-it-all chaotic existence fuck, I'm going to climb to the top of Kadath one day and let those gods dance for me. Oh~ I can't think anymore, I need to rest .”

Perhaps it was because he hadn’t been able to talk about those things with anyone for a long time, Atar, who opened up the conversation, undoubtedly fell into some kind of confusion in logic and word order at the end of the conversation, but the information he inadvertently revealed still made Zhu Jue benefit. A lot.

"Knowledge is power."

Thinking back on what he saw in "The Book of Dekian", Zhu Jue realized that he should try to read this book in depth.

Is the power waiting for you in it?
(End of this chapter)

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