indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 321 It Came From The Stars

Chapter 321 It Came From The Stars
After successfully expelling the monster, Zhu Jue didn't choose to take risks in other places. He was going to the Stone Bridge of the Skye River outside Neil City at dusk this evening. He couldn't go far in a few hours, so he just stayed in the tower .

Elder Atal expressed his opposition to Zhu Jue's decision, but the latter ignored him at all, and directly shut him up willingly with a free and rich lunch.

"Do you know where there are more babies?"

Holding a chicken leg in his hand, Zhu Jue's question was quite straightforward.

"If I know where the treasure is, I'm still sitting here wasting time?"

Atar took a mouthful of the steak angrily, scratched the back of his neck with his little finger that was not stained with oil, and said with a curled lip.

"You always know one or two places where there may be news about treasures. Don't tell me that I'm too old to forget everything."

Zhu Jue raised his foot and tapped a brown cloth bag on the table not far away, and then said,

"Don't think I didn't see it. Just now you asked for a lot of donations from the mayor of Wusha Town in my name. If you drive me into a hurry, take them all away. You will sit on the top of the tower every day and drink Northwest Wind!"

"Hey~ Didn't you also take a gem? Although the quality is a bit poor, it is a gem anyway. As the person who recommends you to help, why don't you charge some money?"

Too lazy to argue with Atar, Zhu Jue got up and walked towards the purse. During these two days of getting along, he understood that it was useless to argue with this old man, and he had to use practical actions to make him understand his thoughts.

"It takes about a week's journey to go south along the River Skye to the ocean. The residents of Ulthar town hardly go there, but those who take a boat or drive a mule to pull a caravan The merchants with their two-wheeled carts come from that direction."

For his own purse, Atar was going all out, and then said,

"There is a huge port city called Dilas. I have been there before. The reputation of this city is not very good. I heard people say that there are black three-decker galleons full of gems coming from the city. Nowhere is the coast sailing to the port city, and the merchants who come out of these sailing ships to trade with the jewelers are all human, or basically human, but no one has ever seen the oars that row these sailing ships It's a distribution center for news from all over the world, but I talked to some of them in the sailor's tavern at the port. Some of them have strange looks, often cover their faces, and don't look very friendly. I don't think it's not for you. problem, so it should meet your requirements."

"A week?"

Compared with the strange sailor, Zhu Jue cares more about the time of the journey. He doesn't think that Atar can make up a temporary place to lie to himself, but he only stays in this world for three days every time he comes to this world, and the journey takes a week. Apart from wandering around Wusha Town on the last trip, where else could Zhu Jue go?

"I mean it will take a week from the town of Ursa to the city of Dilas. Since you are going back, maybe your current residence is closer to Dilas."

"Tsk, I have a question. You know the gentleman, that is, Nelson, how long does he stay in Neil City and Ulthar Town. Let me change the question. When was the last time he came to see you?"

To say that gentlemen only stay in this world for three days like them, Zhu Jue is somewhat unbelievable.

He can only come here for three days a month, why did he get the title in Neil City?
"About two weeks ago."

"What I want to know is the exact time. Two weeks and one day is two weeks ago, and three weeks is also two weeks ago!"

Zhu Jue disliked ambiguous and vague answers.

"Not three weeks, two weeks plus one or two days. Does it matter?"

Atal was a little puzzled as to why Zhu Jue was so sensitive to this time, but he still gave the answer after thinking about it.

"The next time a gentleman looks for you, I may not be in Usha Town. He will definitely avoid me. What are you going to do then, run away?"

Without directly answering Atar's question, Zhu Jue turned the topic to another matter.

"He just wants the "Nakt Manuscript", why should I run away?"

"Didn't it be stolen?"

"You're the only one who knows about this, aren't you?"

Atar was still eating the steak in an even and steady manner, obviously not very worried about the next crisis.

"Are you going to lie to him?"

Zhu Jue looked at Atar in surprise, and then said,

"I have to remind you that the gentleman is not an idiot, and in terms of combat strength, he can easily kill you with his own hands tied."

"How can it be said to be a lie? This is a self-defense behavior based on protecting one's own life. I have never read the "Nakt Codex", but isn't it just an incomprehensible book? The ancient books in my collection are not Well, Sir Nelson may be a polymath among you, but in the Dreamlands, facing me, an old fellow...he is this!"

Stretching out his little finger that was still pinching earwax just now, Atar's expression was one of pride.

Zhu Jue didn't have much to say about Atal's self-confidence that he didn't know where it came from. After all, his life and death had nothing to do with him, and he set off again to return to Neil City at noon.

A three-day journey ending at the Confluence on the River Skye.

No accident happened to anyone, except for the ugly expressions of AK and Rhino, the other three people did not change much.

The gentleman's gaze stayed on Zhu Jue for a while, because he had noticed that the latter kept winking at him from the beginning, as if he had something to say.

"Mr. Rhino, if I remember well, this is already your third trip. I hope you can succeed before the next trip, otherwise you will need to pay some liquidated damages."

Instead of directly talking to Zhu Jue, the gentleman turned to the rhinoceros and said in a deep voice, the latter nodded with a wry smile, bowed in a flattering way to show that he knew, and delivered the things immediately after returning.

According to the contract they signed, the three trips must have a breakthrough in the awakening of spiritual power, otherwise they have to pay something as liquidated damages to continue their journey.

This is undoubtedly exploitation in disguise.

However, Rhino, who has already realized the particularity of the dream world, has no idea of ​​giving up. In his opinion, as long as the soul can be awakened, let alone paying liquidated damages, it is okay to let him pay for it himself to participate.

Perhaps he will understand that this is not a good thing until the day when his mental power really breaks through.

Zhu Jue, who knew part of the truth, lingered between the gentleman and the black swan, estimating the fighting power that these two people could exert.

Kill the two of them directly?
This is undoubtedly the stupidest decision, maybe it doesn't take too much time for Zhu Jue to do this, but it's refreshing, but the follow-up troubles are enough to give him a headache for a long time.

This is not a game, after killing the opponent, the props and treasure chest keys will not explode, and no one can guarantee whether the gentleman will have a backhand besides the black swan.

In case this guy still has a real team hiding in the dark, Zhu Jue jumping out like a stunned young man at this time is equivalent to giving up his advantage in the dark.

Not to mention that he hasn't even figured out where the space door is and how to enter the underground space where it is located.

There are too many uncertain factors, Zhu Jue has to find a way to figure out the most critical points before he starts to consider getting rid of these two people.

Fortunately, he still has plenty of time now, the gentleman is in the clear and he is in the dark, and the pros and cons are clear at a glance.

"You follow the black swan back first, I still have something to discuss with Mr. Fengling."

After pushing the other three people away, only two people remained on the stone bridge, and the gentleman continued,

"What's your business?"

Compared with the attitude when he first came in three days ago, the tone of the gentleman and Zhu Jue are now alienated.

But precisely because of this attitude, Zhu Jue knew that the gentleman did not decide to attack him because of the previous conflict in Wusha Town, otherwise he should be smiling now, and there would be no difference from before.

"I got a treasure that I don't need. I know you have a lot of resources, so I want to exchange it with you."

Originally, Zhu Jue's intention was to make amends as an excuse, but after thinking about it on the way back, he decided to continue to maintain his previous attitude. Deliberately pleasing will only arouse suspicion.

"Oh? Is it convenient to take it out and have a look?"

Not surprisingly, the gentleman has a lot of interest in the treasures in the dreamland.

So Zhu Jue looked around mysteriously, and then carefully took out the gemstone he got from the captain of the defense.

Of course, this is an "improved" gem.

There was nothing inside the translucent outer gemstone, but at this moment, there is a mass of gravel rolling and flowing in it!

The crimson sunset light at dusk reflects on it, which is really mysterious and strange.

The gentleman's gaze locked onto the gemstone almost immediately, and the hand that was casually hanging by his side was subconsciously clenched.

This scene was seen by Zhu Jue next to him, and the corner of his mouth turned up inadvertently. Obviously, the gentleman was very interested in this gemstone that contained a mass of living gravel.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank you. Last time you stopped me from killing that old man. Later, I deliberately came to the door with a bunch of things to make amends. Hey, that old man is a greedy guy. Then he asked me to help the people in Wusha Town. The garrison team solved the monsters that appeared in the town. After it was done, I got this gem from the garrison team's warehouse. They didn't know the goods, thought it was broken and worthless, so they sent me away, but they didn't know that it was a treasure. !"

The matter in Usa Town cannot be kept secret, so Zhu Jue discussed this matter with Atar before coming here, and agreed.

"What do you want to change?"

At this time, the gentleman didn't even bother to pretend to Zhu Jue. He has been in this world for more than five years. He thinks he has handled many treasures, but he has never seen such a magical gem.

Of course he hadn't.

This thing is from an alien!
(End of this chapter)

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