indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 325 The Underwater Sharp Object

Chapter 325 The Underwater Sharp Object
In the quiet and deep swamp forest, large areas of trees were uprooted from the lake, and a few tree roots floated on the water surface, revealing a prison-like hollow below.

A speedboat is passing through it.

Gollum~ Gollum~
The propeller was turning slowly, making a creepy and eerie low sound.

During the turbulence of the water, one after another bubbles emerged from the pitch-black lake water, breaking through the dark green duckweed on the lake surface, and rippled out circle after circle.

"It should be near here, haven't you found it yet?"

The man controlled the course of the speedboat, and anxiously asked the policeman who was sitting in the middle of the boat and searching for something with a computer.

At the bow of the boat is a woman squatting or kneeling, without saying a word, but her eyes are constantly wandering in the swamp forest, her face is filled with clouds of worry and sadness.

"Andre, you have to understand that this is not an easy task. You just told me that your child left the house and took the speedboat. I can't even determine where he is now, so you have to think about where he might go. Because this detector can only detect life within a range of 50 meters. In fact, I don't understand why you have to ask me to come out to find it. I have just arrived here not long ago, and I am not familiar with this type of swamp search and rescue work. , you should agree with me to ask Bob and the others to help, instead of saying that too many people will scare your children."

Obviously, the policeman was a little dissatisfied, but he still watched the signal changes on the screen seriously while speaking.

"You are a policeman. Isn't it your job to find missing persons? We ask you for help because we trust you, and other police officers are looking for them in the town. If you don't want to, you can go back now. If something happens due to delay, I promise you, a foreigner, will regret it!"

Andre, whose child was missing, undoubtedly had an even worse attitude. He pointed his index finger at the police without hesitation, and the woman at the bow also turned around.

The sudden sound of the signal reminded the policeman, who was about to refute with a grim face, to turn his attention back to his detector screen, where a red dot appeared at the bottom of the screen.

"5 meters underwater. 5 meters underwater?"

At first, the police read the information based on the data displayed by the detector, but the police quickly realized what the data meant and were full of doubts.

There is a large-scale life response at 5 meters underwater?

This is not the sea, but a swamp!
The reason why he came here to work here is that it is very safe. Different from the various dangerous areas outside, this small town in the swamp area is not only free from the troubles of monsters that are sources of spiritual pollution, and even ordinary injury accidents rarely occur. Even crocodiles do not exist here, even if there are, they have long been hunted by local hunters and made into leather for sale.

So what does this detector detect?
"Did you find anything?"

Andre asked aloud, but the light from the bow did not shine here, and his face was hidden in the darkness, making it difficult to see clearly.

"I noticed that there may be creatures like pythons or snapping turtles from other places under the water. Let's continue to look for them."

5 meters underwater, it is naturally impossible for a child to appear. The policeman who wanted to say a few more words realized that it was not suitable to talk about other topics at this time, so he prevaricated and did not continue, but focused his attention. Put it back on the screen.

drop~ drop~ drop~
A series of signal prompts sounded.

"what happened?"

Looking at the large number of red dots that suddenly appeared on the screen, the policeman's expression froze, subconsciously thinking that there was a problem with the detector, and hurriedly pressed the switch to prepare to restart.

However, before he could press it down, there was a dim yellow candlelight in the nearby swamp forest, and there was a faint low humming sound and the sound of water flowing from all directions as if the engine had just been shut down.

The policeman stood up abruptly, as if he was choked by something in his throat. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

He sensed something approaching, so he nervously stretched out his right hand to press the firearm on his waist, his eyes faintly lit up with data streams, cracks appeared on the skin of his left forearm, and the inside shone with metallic luster.

He is not an ordinary person without combat effectiveness. He has received professional training in the police academy and has excellent grades. He is very confident in his own strength.

However, when he was about to draw his gun at any time, he saw the disgusting dark green phosphorescent light appearing in the lake water around his speedboat, and those sharp objects that were fast shuttling under the water surface and approaching him .

this moment.

The policeman stopped thinking.

Or rather he couldn't continue thinking.

Because his will does not allow this thing that should be instinct to continue!
The orange flames rushed from the stove, and in the black iron pan, the tentacles of several octopuses were constantly curled up because of frying, rolling in various dark seasonings.

"Table 3, braised pork trotters, salt and pepper potatoes, steamed soft-shelled turtle, eggplant with minced meat, scrambled eggs with tomato"

A waiter ran into the kitchen with the menu that the customer just ordered, and stuck it to the back of the previous menu in order with thumbtacks, shouting non-stop, and began to put the prepared dishes into the next table. The dish is ready to go out.

In their place, food delivery robots are not allowed, because the eccentric shopkeeper thinks that robots are cold and impersonal, which is not in line with the harmonious and warm atmosphere of the restaurant.

Unfortunately, just as he was leaving the kitchen with the dishes, the shopkeeper happened to walk in from the outside counter.

"Boss, thank you for your hard work!"

There was still the slander just now in my heart, facing this shopkeeper with silver hair but still in good spirits, the waiter only had admiration in his heart.

"Hey~ You've worked hard, get a piece of meat in the back kitchen later, go back and feed yourself, eat more!"

Chen Qing squinted his eyes and patted the waiter on the shoulder, turned sideways to let him go first, and then continued to walk into the kitchen.

"The shopkeeper, you"

Nie Qingzhu, who was carrying the ingredients, noticed the old man walking into the kitchen, and rushed to meet him.

"A friend I haven't seen in five years contacted me. It's inconvenient to go outside. You know, it's too noisy, so I'm going to go upstairs first. Suzi is watching outside. If there is anything, she will come to you."

"Why don't Xiao Cui go out and watch, anyway, she can't help much in the back kitchen, and she was complaining to me about the heavy oily smoke just now."

Nie Qingzhu pointed to the girl who was watching here, and said with a smile.

"Well, you tell her."

Chen Qing nodded, turned around and walked up the stairs inside the back kitchen.

This design is not available in many restaurants, because the second floor is also where the guests dine, so the more places that can be placed, the better.

Xiangfeng Restaurant is undoubtedly an exception.

Although the second floor is still the dining area, it is limited to the front hall, and there is a lounge at the back. For this reason, a special sign was hung outside the door.

Of course, very few people could enter this so-called lounge.

"The person who defeated the Taoist master in Rongxia City appeared again."

Facing the audio-visual stick in his hand, the old man took a sip of tea, straightened his cigarette pouch, and said at the door.

"Didn't it disappear for five years? No matter how we contacted him back then, we didn't respond. Be careful when it pops up again so suddenly. In five years, the voice and situation at that time have long been blurred!"

During the years when the accident happened in Yecheng and the entire Federation was in turmoil, whether it was cooperation or simply wanting to maintain this one-sided relationship, Yimeng had contacted Zhu Jue several times, but there was no reply at all.

Because of this, the sudden call this time made them a little confused and alert.

"It's not like it's fake. I asked him clearly about his situation at that time. The things between Suzi and him are not so easy to fake."

Taking a puff on his cigarette, Chen Qing frowned. It was also his deliberate decision to come up to contact the headquarters.

The video of Zhu Jue riding Bayaki and forcibly killing the leader of the Holy Spirit Cult has long been stored in the federal government, and Zhu Jue's identity was confirmed at the first time, but what happened in the square where the puppets were burned in Rongxia City Not many people know that Suzi, as a witness, is a very good witness in itself.

"What does he want?"

At this time, another old-fashioned voice suddenly came from the listening stick.

"How do you know he wants our help?"

Chen Qing asked with a smile.

"Haha, did you know him earlier than me? He is a guy who has no profit and can't afford it early. If there is nothing for you to help, expect him to contact you?"

"He knows that we have the manufacturing technology of the evolution potion, so he wants us to help him make one, saying that it doesn't need strength, and focuses on ability as much as possible."

Retelling Zhu Jue's request on the phone, Chen Qing walked to the window and looked at the large old pipeline outside. In five years, Rongxia City is becoming another super city!
"Oh, it's his style, after confirming it, bring the things."

"Are you crazy? This person disappeared for five years. He used to be a first-level inspector of the Yecheng Monster Countermeasures Bureau. If you help him, you are not afraid to help us all in?"

Obviously, not everyone agrees with the previous man's idea.

"After he sends the materials, you will know why I agreed. Chen Qing, you tell him, it's okay to let us help, we have to take half of the meat of evolution, otherwise we won't talk about it, just say so much for now, don't go searching In his current situation, as long as he keeps in touch, it may be of great use in the future."

That person didn't care about persuasion at all, and his words were undoubtedly more effective than the other person's in Chen Qing's case.

Chen Qing, who put down the listening stick, contacted Zhu Jue again to express their attitude.

"No problem, as long as it's free. Hey, can you get me a few tattoos that no one else can see?"

Zhu Jue on the other end of the phone seemed to be in the tattoo parlor, asking about the tattoo.

"Are you fucking here to find fault?"

The voice of the tattoo shop owner sounded a little angry.

(End of this chapter)

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