indescribable cyberpunk.

Chapter 336 Loss of Sanity

Chapter 336 Loss of Sanity
A disgusting hiss sounded amidst the rainstorm in the alleyway.

The tone is not high, but it is exceptionally clear, just like the neighing of a rattlesnake heard by a person walking in the desert.

How loud is it really?

not necessarily.

Why is it inevitable, even impossible to ignore, to hear as long as you get close?
Because any life knows that this is a warning before death comes!

At this time, West was no longer human.

Colorful scales spread all over the body, the hairless body stretched out as much as possible, the raincoat that could have covered the whole body seemed to have shrunk at this moment, the thick arms and five fingers had long lost their human appearance, even more It is leaning toward the state of a lizard. It stands with limbs that have not yet evolved to be inferior to animals. It may be because the changes in skin and flesh during transformation make him a little uncomfortable, so he is always walking back and forth, constantly making a harsh and regular sound. hiss.

"I've seen quite a few monsters that are sources of mental pollution, but I've never seen a guy like you who can undergo mutations and maintain sanity. How do you maintain sanity?"

Zhu Jue always thought that only he could achieve a complete mutation and maintain normal thinking, but the situation in front of him made him realize that his thinking was undoubtedly a bit narrow, and there are still some people in this world who can do this.

Responding to Zhu Jue was a strange scimitar drawn from the waist of this guy who looked a bit like a lizard man or a snake man, and a hiss filled with murderous intent.

"I can't even speak when I change my body, it's a headache"

Reluctantly, he revealed the armguard-like device on his right wrist. The evolution potion on the side of the Yimeng was not made so quickly. He received this thing from the Archaeological Association as a consultant.

"Pharmaceutical injection 50%."

The mechanical notification sound came at the right time, and half of the liquid in the translucent crystal column at the outer middle of the armguard disappeared, but Zhu Jue only felt a momentary tingling pain on the inside of the wrist, and had no other sensations other than that.

This is a normal thing, because what is loaded in his armguard is not an evolution injection, but a jar of glucose. Even if he injects [-]%, he will not have any reaction, at most, his body will produce a kind of Just satiety.

This can also be regarded as Zhu Jue's method of hiding his strength. Using it in front of West is naturally to make him think that his power comes from the evolution injection.

The battle erupted in an instant. The snake man rushed to attack with a scimitar in one hand, and then a strange dark green liquid ball appeared in the empty paw, and the rain dripped down, as if falling into hot molten iron, emitting squeak
There is no doubt that this is the power of magic!
Being able to use both weapons and magic, and on the premise of being able to maintain his own sanity, this is the first time Zhu Jue has encountered this type of spiritual pollution source monster, which made him have to start to doubt West's true identity.

"It might be a good choice for the strange guy to bring you back to the Archaeological Association for research."

Knowing that he might not be able to ask anything now, Zhu Juezai simply gave up this idea, stretched his neck, turned his wrists, and greeted him head-on.

He kicked the scimitar away, turned sideways to avoid the jet of dark green liquid, and hit the bridge of the nose with a punch.

"The level of 1 Yuanyu, I found the wrong opponent."

Looking at West who had been lying on the ground back to his human state, Zhu Jue curled his lips in a lack of interest. A battle of this level was not even considered a confrontation for him.

It's just a one-sided massacre!

"I caught a guy who is suspected of a major crime, a mutant of mental pollution. You help me keep him in custody. I will take him back to the Archaeological Association for further interrogation tomorrow."

Zhu Jue clutched West's back collar, neither went to look for Olivia, nor returned to the speedboat at the pier, but went straight to the police station in Hesai Town, and went straight to the police station in front of the receptionist maid. Throwing West into the lobby of the police station, and regardless of how the people inside reacted, he left in a hurry to find Olivia.

Yes, Zhu Jue sent West, the whistleblower who "nearly escaped from death", back to the hands of the cult he managed to get rid of.

If West, who was in a coma, knew about this, he would probably wake up angrily.

Walking silently on the streets of Hesai Town, Zhu Jue, who had just left the police station, planned to find Olivia, but after he walked for a while in the rain, he realized that he had no idea that Olivia was there. where.

At this time, I should have contacted Olivia to ask, but for some reason, Zhu Jue never raised her hand, but walked down on her own.

There was a misty rain curtain in front of him, and the backlog of lead-gray dark clouds made everything around him look gloomy. Before he knew it, a thin layer of water mist began to appear around the area where Zhu Jue was.

It is a proven theory that the environment can change a person's mood.

Just like Zhu Jue at this moment, his mental state also changed.

His spirit was in a trance for a moment, and then he became confused. Footsteps sounded beside him. Zhu Jue subconsciously turned his head to look over, and a translucent black figure appeared beside him.

what is this?
Zhu Jue was stunned. For the first time, there was a trace of panic in his heart.

This is an emotion that shouldn't be felt
The translucent black figure was just walking forward, Zhu Jue was subconsciously propelled forward by some thought that came from his mind but could not be understood by himself.

Walking around the corner, Zhu Jue found that his body began to become tired, both in mind and body.

Passing through the bushes, wet branches rubbed against Zhu Jue's skin, and bloodstains began to appear on his skin through the raincoat, which surprised Zhu Jue so much that he gasped.

You must know that with his current physique, let alone a branch, even if it passes through the iron thorn, it will only be distorted by the iron thorn, and he cannot have any damage.

What went wrong?
Zhu Jue raised his hand and looked at the wounds blankly. He wanted to think, but he couldn't think. He didn't stop, and continued to follow the shadow.

Zhu Jue didn't stop until the black shadow stopped by the swamp lake.

He saw the surface of the lake in the distance of the swamp lake once again rippling, but the weird spikes he saw last time did not appear, but the black shadow started to walk into the lake, and did not stop until half of its body was submerged in the water. In the next moment, Zhu Jue saw a sharp dark golden spike protruding from the lake water, poking into the shadow's chest.

A crimson substance, whether it was a liquid or an aerosol, was injected into the black shadow's body along the thorn, and soon spread all over his body.

The black shadow just stood there without any movement. After a while, he started to make various weird prayer gestures as if he had received some kind of great gift. The red network extended to all parts of his body. I understand what this situation means too much, but for some reason, the concepts of "evolution" and "immortality" appeared in my mind.

As long as you accept the gift, you will live forever!
Such an idea appeared in Zhu Jue's mind so abruptly, like a seed. No, it was more like a seed injected with a super-high concentration of auxin, which took root and sprouted in his mind with an unscrupulous attitude .

"Go Forward, Live Forever"

Muttering these two words in his mouth, the light in Zhu Jue's eyes suddenly dimmed, and his body began to walk towards the lake uncontrollably.

Another thorn protrudes from the lake.

It's waiting.

Wait for the most powerful believer who has appeared so far to fall into its arms!
boom! ! !
The piercing pain rushed into Zhu Jue's mind in an instant. It was not a thorn piercing the flesh, but a scorching metal bullet!

Everything is fading, and the ripples in the swamp lake suddenly boil, but they dissipate unwillingly.


Like the first breath of air that a drowning person rushes out of the lake, Zhu Jue opened his mouth wide, ignoring the rain falling into his mouth, kneeling on the ground with a pale face, unconsciously looking at the blood hole on his thigh, blinking Eyes twice.

His eyes turned to Olivia, who was holding a gun with an anxious face, and looked down to see Feng Ling kept pressing his head against his chin.

"What's the matter with you, from just now you walked this way as if you couldn't hear any sound, and then you wanted to walk into the lake"

Realizing that Zhu Jue had returned to normal, Olivia rushed up to lie down on him, and asked nervously.

Olivia met Zhu Jue on the way back from the hospital. She yelled a few times but there was no answer. She thought he was thinking about something, but she went up to him and yelled twice, but there was no response. When she realized that Zhu Jue had When he had a problem, he tried every means to wake him up, but no matter whether he slapped, pushed or shouted, it had no effect.

In the end, he had no choice but to shoot hard and forcefully wake up Zhu Jue in the most brutal way.

"I said I was stupid from reading a book, do you believe it? Your gun is too powerful."

Frowning, he manipulated the scavenger to directly block the fleshy hole. At this moment, Zhu Jue finally understood the meaning of what Elder Atal said in the dreamland on the top of the church.

Knowledge brings power, but it also brings dangerous prying. "The Book of Dejian" brought a spell to Zhu Jue and at the same time made his spirit start to contact those indescribable existences in a more direct way.

This has caused Zhu Jue to be more susceptible to the influence of those monsters recently than before. It would be fine to be another monster of spiritual pollution. With Zhu Jue's current strength, it is impossible for ordinary proto-body monsters to influence him, but the swamp There is a special guy in the lake.

If Olivia hadn't been here today, something might have happened.

Thinking of this, Zhu Jue looked at Olivia a little strangely.

"Sorry, I only have this gun with me. I've tried everything from fists to stones. Why don't we retreat first? You almost fell for it. I don't mind continuing."

Olivia turned off the safety of the gun in embarrassment. It was really embarrassing for Zhu Jue to shoot.

"No, I've already caught the thread. Leaving at this time will give them a chance to come back."

Relying on the help of the scavenger, Zhu Jue straightened up again, and said in a deep voice,
"Dare to invade my will, there is no end to it!"

(End of this chapter)

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